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Reply to "The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder"

Djnn are Cosmic Universal Beings Naturally Expressed ( Natural Procreation  ) very early before Earth was Created by God the Creator ( there is only One God ) .  A jezebel (s) ( initially by Proxy of baphomet , lucifer n lyra ' | o ..... ) gmo of An Avatar ( due to Proxy ) of The Mother  n Universal Cosmic node dark mind killerbee wannabee put them in Imprisonment  , thats how hell making started.             ( Illustrated as the Djnn | Genie imprisoned in a Lamp or Vessel waiting tobe released n Be in Purpose , Humanity )  . As a Matriachal ' maneuver n attempt to control The Kingdom of ALL Macro Universe  . Before Original Heavens Humanity - Providence was Established formally   . There is Only One Kingdom in The Universe  . Every Kingdom | Colony Under God - Providence -  Humanity  ( ALL Creation Sovereign  ) . Which hast ToBe Rescued n Restored Immediately  ! +

Last edited by CosmicDancer