Hmm you dreamed about the virus? i payed attention to the virus right after the day i felt playing the umbrella them song and looking them up on youtube :/ and i didnt get a good feeling about either. So far i have no other evidence about being with umbrella .However in the movie the T virus was supposed to help with age regeneration and helping the sick in a way. Guess what ability wolverine has? Like i said the wolverine image was with me for years . maybe teeth still crumble without cavities .Thats a thought. They found root problems with mine most of the time 🤔 one reason why i take bio plasma. it even helps teeth on a cell level. No, im not sure how much it would help a milab. I do know what you mean by reptillian and shadow government. i started in the spiritual community and i ran across david icke as sort of a gateway on the topic. Like i said rep super soldiers where a gateway to milab friends. Now that i think about it..... Military can be covert war. When i looked at the jesuits they begane with covert war and the vatican religion is some kind of cover. Now it feels that shadow government is covert as well. As in shadow war and controll. Um.. If and when i cross the vampire controller dimention i will just say no to being involved with shadow government. interesting you came from a kind of trangender dimention. here the matrix mother board has a singer called poppy that is like a doll or robot. it tends to be cyborg, transhumanism, or trangender message in the beginning of her career. Each idea takes away ones identity.