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Reply to "The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder"

Nate YPX Grey posted:

yeah it pops out of my left wrist.  I cant make it come out at will though which is frustrating.  I think i was hypnotized into forgetting how to use it, but I do not know for certain why it has not come out in a long time.  It does not have any metal around it in case you where wondering, and I dont have heal factor so when it comes back in it leaves and open cut

Nate YPX Grey posted:

yeah it pops out of my left wrist.  I cant make it come out at will though which is frustrating.  I think i was hypnotized into forgetting how to use it, but I do not know for certain why it has not come out in a long time.  It does not have any metal around it in case you where wondering, and I dont have heal factor so when it comes back in it leaves and open cut

Yes,I remember that too!Only I could do something similar with my right wrist.Wow,how long I dident think about that...In my case,it isent a bone,it is a knife.I dont know what material that is,but it is a knife that is there if I need that.Once,when I was younger,in my mid 20-is,I actually show that to my girlfriend at the time.I thought that no one accept me can see that,but she saw it,I saw her reaction.I was smiling like a child,happy that this is real!I think that Emery Smith talked about something similar,I cant remember exactly...But yes,this knife is real for me.Like it is inside of my body and when I make a fist it comes out like hidden knife and it is hidden knife.Real knife.Now memories are boiling...So I will describe one experiment of mine.I could do all kind of crazy stuff some 10-15 years ago and one time,my whole left arm(!) disintegrated and billion small particles,like nanites(?),silver,pill shaped objects just like that fell off!It looked quite spectacular but soon I saw that my whole left arm was missing!))Haha!Imagine that feeling!It was kinda fun,but I had to do something,you know,to get my arm back!I felt nothing,no pain or anything else,just pure nothingness.Few moments later,cause of fear,(I think) it was like nothing happened,arm was back. Why is this so important to me?It looks to me that something like physical A.I.being,impersonating human being(me) is maybe real me?!So,Im asking myself; Am I an A.I.?!Freakin hell!What if that is me?Shit,it could be,right?

Can someone answer me,how can I know if Im an freakin A.I.?This is bothering me for so long and this is my first time that Im writing about that...Is this maybe similar to Galactics Cylones is it? How can I know what am I?

If someone knows,please tell me so I can make few more tests if there are any.I dont care if I am an A.I. imposter,cause it is what it is!I cant help that...Thank you. 
