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Reply to "The Moon looking deformed in the Day Sky Yesterday ..."

... however  , The packaging says , at the top " This kit has everything you need to instantly print discounted postage from your favorite carriers including USPS , UPS and more. Print from home , work , and even your phone. "

Without the scale , thats supposed to come with ( free ) ?? There were other digital scales , more than 5lb ( the free scale ) limit.  Which I  tried to purchase the to 70 lbs ( they had higher too ) limit , for an extra 50$.

My purchase was blocked. However , got an email It did go through the next day , but not with the 70 lbs upgrade. On Bank account ledger , It showed a 1$ charge from the company  . And It was removed from the Bank account ledger the next day .

[  Thinking I can make supplemental income , with what I kept getting blocked from doing since 1994 Home and Bathe Essentials products  ,Crafted Candles , Herbal products ...  with Social Media ( store with a Ticker display , like the Stock Exchange , of Conscience... part of the Company motto , one liners ) of  Social Consciousness , with also different Charity cards' to add to the gift basket(s) . The Charitys to make alliance with Organization(s) that see and record If they are Legit.  A very Special Cafe Gift Shop I really wanted to make.

Another Company  Years after that I wanted to make Natalias Tea Party " , also blocked. ]   

* Same with Stargate FamiLy PermanentLy Rescued! Since @ 2010|2012 TooπŸ€β˜ΊοΈπŸ’—πŸ™πŸ©·

... so I was also thinking the easy Shipping can help with the Community around here with easy postage and shipping . As this Address would be a , " Standized Address " according to the Company  .

I did get another packet kit sent Yesterday  , again no scale. And they did email a couple of days ago stating 10 business days . And they are in the same City


Whats going on around here where I reside now ?

Now , this building was just purchased by new owners Yesterday we got the notices. They laid off some workers. HUD , Gov ,  and Volunteers of America are out , I dont know .

Really Rude the whole experience'  here.

HUD | OPC ( FamiLiars' ) liasion gave Me a several page official letter package out of here for 80k $ . I Planned My leave ... And they reniged  last minute. Stating I was not eligible ... No follow up since , about a year and half ago . Now mentioned better do the work to find another place type of verbiage from workers around here.

I dont believe to chase the Carrot' furthermore with , It That. Probably going to wait to see what happens.


Finally finished the 2 Care Kits for Gaza ready to Go , that was blocked Yesterday too . And Today We are supposed to ?? It almost 12pm , and havent heard from the Person helping Me to deliver to a Mosque nearby giving It ~ To FamiLy ( Humanity ) in Gaza . He was talking to another Person regarding and getting an Okay to come by and drop It off.


Last edited by CosmicDancer