... the company in 1994 starting doing protypes. The following Year met My Husband , got Married , Pregnant. In 1996 Pregnant registered the Company name with the Los Angeles County Registar the name Mood & Light Company . We werent Not monetarily comfortable , it was allways a struggle , having to move , getting evicted type of things occuring ... I don't know how He managed that on His own , Me Not really adept in Accounting and juggling $.
In 2010 I look up the database on the Registar and Mood & Light Company . was still on the database with My name. A couple Days after It was removed off.
Then about 3 years later a customer service call with a major Bank regarding moneys missing out of My account ( several times = $$$ ) and asked that I answer customer service ?s later , they asked Me odd and Personal ?s like if I knew this Person ... and if I had affiliation with The Mood & Light Company ( the logo a Woodcut' Victorian Moon&Sun ) Which I wasnt able to do business as , Not even as a small scale cottage supplemental income.
So if off the database and not any records of business transactions , how and why asking about ?