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Reply to "The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY"

Angela, very interesting idea, found some info;

looks like this red and white tie in to the aspect of the Duality of the system, the one is red and Merovingian and the other is white as far as I know represents all spectrum together, you know like all light coming together in one place as one white point of light.

I'm thinking that the Tribes as bloodlines as you mentioned has to do with types of DNA factors in our blood that make us super soldiers in the first place, don't want to say super soldiers lightly, but in reference to my explanation.

 Your Theory: So when a white buffalo has been born, it means that someone has been born with the white buffalo ability. Then when one dies the human has died or the ability has been lost and that is why they mourn?

I feel that abilities have come with us irrespective of dying, sounds also similar to the white lion myth theory. where one dies, a part of the stars fall...something like that...

The white buffalo representation of also the old earth shamanism and also represents Great Spirit the uncreated Creator, as an aspect to the medicine wheel, which incorporates the white tribe or the white- I believe this is as you said a bloodline thing, It does not represent race, more like a frequency.

Now as all these elements are weaving together I can see that there was reason these elements were mentioned, I feel that it could be to do with simply coming together as a whole where we have very specific gifts and or powers, after all this also represents , the four elements, as I believe this was round about the last things that was discussed.

Something Else

Project Pegasus has to do with Andy Basiago, Time travel

So Timelines? and Project Hydra As was mentioned are many heads perhaps coming together?

Project Hydra

also software open source as Linux is open source which is basically the mechanics for Cern.

Shit, things somewhat muddy, but getting to a point...

Do we change this timeline to another one?

Or do we clear out the malevolent entities?

Trying to lay it out so it makes sense somehow...

