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tracking my alters: dark matter manipulation. an update.

hello. today im posting about a possible alter. i noticed them in a dream. not sure how real they are but i have a good grasp on how the power might be used in reality. this is one alter i do not want to have forward even though they can ride shot gun. their powers are welcome in my life if i can control it. at least it will keep me safe. in a nutshell i have automatic telekinesis in dreams. then i noticed this alter with a form of telekinesis. they seem to have a dark substance coming out of their hands. in one dream they escaped from a facility. the oddest thing is they made a tornado with the power to rip the building apart. they where only concerned for the lives of children when in combat. can i manifest these powers? in only one possible way. that is perhaps if i can get a hold of any hybrid nature i have. no results yet. not sure what the limits are. the imagination seems to be the limits. as if it where magic. if a being has this power they may be able to teleport as a side effect. had to post this because its a interesting possible atler/dream character. also its a interesting possible power i might have if i had the x gene active. thanks for reading. - chris p.s. this might be a duplicate or repost. at least i tracked down the links which was the basic idea of the post. plus i wanted to talk about my fave possible alter. thanks.

here is some links i found when trying to track it down.

- overall definition Dark Energy Manipulation | Superpower Wiki | Fandom - marvel definition Dark Force Manipulation | Superpower Wiki | Fandom - marvel glossery: darkforce Dark Force Manipulation | Superpower Wiki | Fandom

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Last edited by Eclipse
Original Post