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Vampires Defined

Breezy For some reason this system doesn't let me reply to posts so had to make this one to reply LOL Vampires in real definition is a human being possessed by Insects. The Nature of the insect or where it comes from perhaps is a matter of conjecture most popular view says it was an infection from another dimension but I believe deeply this originates from a dangerous shamanism of physio-psychic ritual hybrid merger between a shaman sorcerer and an insect. Often its the ritual of getting the very essence of that animal before they die or after death their spirit into oneself. The Praying Mantis is the classic choice in this operation. The Vampire Shaman leaned to the consumption of The Female menstrual blood of other vampire priestesses. You can read more non-fiction of this from Sir Laurence Gardner and Nicolas De Vere, There is also the idea that the original Vampire of this method was the original first breed of super soldiers as are werewolves etc. Dozens of tribes around the world uses the super soldier method to protect their villages, tribes and nations. All kinds of animal spirits when combined with the human can create a supernatural human with the characteristics and power of animals. This is very common in Africa. In China the idea of the Dragon Master is really that. There are masters that can in fact turn into so-called Dragons, no joke. Is a dragon the largest of the breed of reptilians? Alex Collier of You tube seems to think so. This begs to ask then are dragons real/ Depends how you define them. You can see them as subtle bodies of energy FARK MATTER subject to Torsion Field manipulation that behaves in a circulating current and can be used to attack others from the human source. Then is a Dragon a dinosaur spirit still left amongst us? Could be. One should also look into the concept of the Morphogenetic fields by Rupert Sheldrake. This theory is presented as the field of any species of all animals or beings get imprinted and left behind as a permanent record in the AETHER and can accessed and reactivated into animation and this is possible perhaps to reprogram into ones own Morphogenetic field. So after these ideas are present we must take into account that there has been breed of vampires that really do drink blood but not n a friendly way. There were real Knights Templar Vampires who really did like drinking human blood during disturbing psycho-sexual ritual sacrifices. Some commonly lay claim that the Vampire is really a Draco extension of the Lizards being very open and blunt as a cover story. However today I am not going to reveal key ingredients of the Vampire, That would bring unnecessary attacks and negative activity on this forum by various groups and could be aimed at individuals off line. Now there a 2 new kinds Vampires on the global scene. One is the Vampire much more powerful thans anything previous and feeds even off vampires of the normal orders as well as humans a all life on earth. They are the Ani-insect vamps and they chomp off insects in all living organic forms. These insects from this angle appear to be subtle multi-dimensional on their own and have their own timeline. Imagine a timeline where Insect always ruled on Earth and no other form had the chance to rise and as Archons they can use their subtle astral bodies to reach into our adjacent universe and feed off our subtle bodies. This is the dynamic at stake here when we opened up connection between distant hostile parallel timelines when in ritual we try to merge with other animals to gain their power. This is the side effect The 2nd new vampire is cyborg based also Anti-insectoid so they claim but are Pro-Lizard supposedly and vampires of the old orders flocked to them in recent years to protect against the new anti-insectoid kind. They believe the cyborg way is the safer way to guarantee their own kind wont go instinct. In this logic it appears the insect and cyborgs who were once enemies fighting time space parallel wars are teaming up against the new threat of the Anti-Insect group of Vampires. This showdown is practically beyond comprehension of some. I must add no matter which groups win, mankind loses either way because because mankind is the hunted the consumed and the prey fed from all sides Erol

I don't have a clearance or a website but in fiction Marvel fictional data was gathered about me under the alias THE MOLECULE MAN (Google him). The part untrue or unfulfilled in the fiction stories and origin is there was never a quantum lab accident but I did manage to open a portal to another world twice which is when things started to change for me. The Hyperspace and wormhole references are true, Also for only a few months did I reside in the North East of America, it was never my permanent residence. Many mornings when I wake up, I do have similar scar lines on the face and forehead for up to 30 minutes.  I have never been MK-ULTRA'D or Mind Controlled Marvel gave me mixed results which I do not find flattering but the coincidences on there are strong between the fiction character and me. Various groups out there have a file on me.

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