My daughters and I have physically seen orbs in our house with our own eyes. She saw a big white one, and I saw a black one behind me whilst I was looking in a mirror.
My sister caught a ton of them with her SSLR camera (35mm) at night whilst trying to catch the Aurora borealis. But she hasn't 'woken up' yet as she told me in a dream not to wake her up.
I caught only one orb at night outside on my smartphone. I caught a UFO too.
I'd upload but I am not a techno nerd. My talents lie elsewhere.
(I am new to this forum but I have been in the 'Archon program' since I was born (48 yrs ago) then found by the nazis/USA/GB when I was two years in Germany GB military base in Essen. I am not MKultra but a Moon child, spiritually fractured in the womb.)