I found this forum after I had contacted James Rink about a dream I had had, where I had drunk a green drink given to me and my sister and my two cousins when I was 15yrs. We are physically linked. I wasn't ready emotionally to admit to anyone what I could be. Our family was being persecuted remorselessly.
From the research I have been doing over the last few years I have found out that TPTB must have known I was coming, as they attached Generational demons to the bloodlines. I have two Thor bloodline parents. A Thor bloodline is where a Davidic bloodline and a Benjaminite bloodline marry, as in the Bible they both have the Spirit of the Lord. If I am wrong then someone correct me.
One grandparent is from the SInclair line and Rex Deus. One is from King Olaf the Black. One from Romany Gypsies who are actually Jewish. And one from an unknown priestly Levi line. My Dad was in the military and one grandfather was a FreeMason. The Nazis found me at 2yrs old.
My talents lie in more in the realms of magic then supersoldier but I am in the comics. My teenage girl found the character they use, to write about my exploits in the Astral world. It took 6 months for me to agree with her.
I have always been interested in mysteries and endtime stuff but the first time I realised I was a Superslave/soldier was in the UK election when David Cameron was first voted in. I heard a telepathic voice say "I think I will vote for Nick Clegg". I know my own mind and that was an external thought. So I put another thought in the Ether, "I think I will NOT vote for Nick Clegg". And the rest is history. Later I watched a video of James Casbolt/Michael Prince where he had been put on the tripp chair and someone had amplified that thought. He said he must not have been trying hard enough as it didn't work. I know a lot of people don't believe in James Casbolt but I do.
Plus if my teenager is right I was trained by Granny goodness (code for Grandson bad=Canaanite Naamah oath takers) and so was Wolverine. So I think i am either one of the 42 Ibis project (Enochian Phoenix types) or something more occult.
One of my characters is Raven. Another is Angela of Spawn/Asgard. Another is Pandora. She reckons I can play 14 or 15 from both DC and Marvel, just using my dreams as proof.
I am an 'eigi einhamr'. This is Old Norse and means 'has more than one shape'. I can appear as a flesh and blood person/animal, whilst this body is sleeping or as just a spirit like everyone else. I can go into my children's dreams and help them in battles and they remember what I did.
I have lifted in real life a three ton Landrover in the Italian Alps to save us four from a 220 foot fall to our death.
I have managed to escape death on many occasions and have had to relocate to another country as the British shadow government were trying to kill us, using that huge drone of theirs. But the Archons are still attacking here. We are targeted too. When us four were on holiday camping whilst attending a Bases conference with Miles we kept getting buzzed by military helicopters only 20 feet high and prop planes going over and I could hear them 'Target acquired'. SO I made us four and our tent invisible. Put a perception filter up. But then we were 'found' again by an obvious agent at Avebury, we were eating ice cream. He looked relieved but we knew he was monitoring us. This event was written about in Angela, where she is teleporting with Sera with the baby. That baby was mine and it had been conceived astrally combined with black goo. It would have had my skills and the black goo. He would have been unbeatable. He was snatched away last July 2015.
Tons more stuff to tell and I have only ever told one person and she is called Sue. They destroy all my friends, so I don't make any for their sake.
Astrally I have fought and befriended Gamora, beat Wolverine and Tony Stark. Worked with Thor and Hulk. Partyed with Wasp. Got trapped by Invisible woman and then beat her. But the best work I have done is close the Portals of Hades in 2014 and 2015. I can tell you the dates and time and where the 9 gates were opened. On one of them, 22nd March 2015 I met Captain Marvel and War machine. In Bali. Tony Stark was being naughty so he wasn't invited but he organised the party that I couldn't get to.
I have kept a photo diary of the weird marks we get. At times I thought this is bloody crazy but now I have come to realise we are here to keep the balance, astral or 3D.
If this is too long for this thread, then move it to its own thread. If it is alright I would like to tell you more about what has been happening to us as it feels cathartic. I know no one can help us but the Most High God, (raised as Born again Christian but now a Follower of the Way) but sharing it now feels lighter.