Well thankyou for that tip. I've found out the story of Amanda Sefton/Magik fits my dreams and abilities.
So can we talk about it now? Have we worked together?
I didn't think there could be any more characters that they could have written my story under, so I stopped looking.
The character Magik has lost certain abilities but I am regaining them in 3D world.
I can do telekinesis again. I have a video of 5 minutes of me 'moving' a psi wheel. I am trying levitation but it is not as easy as a psi wheel.
I still react in defense only and not start the fight and I give people too many chances. But once you have 'overcome' in the astral, ie beat them, people and interdimensionals should back down. I am too nice/naive but once the line has been crossed, I act and someone gets beheaded. In my dreams of course.
I would like to know someone, who has seen the other me at work. I still feel I can be in denial of all this astral stuff and say it is just me dreaming.
We had three or four TR3-Bs flyover us and irradiated us 2 days ago. They made my 17yr old ill. PIGS. But I have healing ability and The Most High God is helping us.
She currently plays Wondergirl and Stargirl and the female Green lantern. My other girl plays Black Orchid and many of the characters I play but her main one is Spider woman. She has seen Angels, as I have. She has made a Golem in 3D world. Both have intense focus and imagination.
To be quite honest I am just holding us all together. We are getting attacked by both humans, gangstalking humans, agents of Mossad, BSS and interdimensionals, like poltergeists. And even though we have had to move to Iceland, we are still being persecuted. Just today my dog's lead broke for the 4th time and he run. Last time he run 5km and was brought back by a lovely Icelandic couple. Basically a miracle. I have even seen the lead clip undo by itself. My eldest said it had done that, outside, twice.
I know that my characters suggest I have it already worked out especially the magic side of things but if anyone can give me some tips on how to cope with the constant battle I'd appreciate it.
We've just found out we have to move again before the Landlord comes back as he lost his job. I have 3 months to find another house. So we will moving a four bed house in less than 9 months. And we will probably be going bankrupt if something doesn't happen in the next month.