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i flmed a teleporting black  hawk helicopter also im pretty sure the lizzie beings are real cause i talked shit about them on richard bruces utube then had a helicopter follow my on the highway 2 months ago the day after i said that i tried again calling them cocksuckers and pussies the other week on his channel and 2 helicopters appeared at the end of my street within literally less then 5 minutes as if they teleported there out of thin air and i was the only 1 that seemed to notice because i even asked a woman walking her dog and she never even noticed the to helicopters im like really wtf.... im afraid to even use my video camera to film anything like this anymore love u guys! 

suppoesdly scientology is actually ran and started by human/lizze goof hybrids and repitlians... but there's positive in every group! cause there's been ppl whove channeled positive lizard beings . but eh im sure its just a earth is a frequency match for what frequency we have and as we ascend more positive et's will begin to visit us more they already are actually from my perspecitive but all perspectives are true cus u know other parallel universes and realms.


heli stalking me on highway..

he stayed far away the 2nd time because i sent him dark energy when he tried to follow us so he had to stay very far away because i was judging him alot and it actually kinda hurt....

but i was scared...


on a more fun note here's a video of orbs playing with me when i felt like channeling my higher self and talking with them to

