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Tagged With "Fight"


Re: What are your dream powers/weapons of choice?

CosmicDancer ·
What are You fighting for Anyway ? I Know How to Fight "| But I dont believe in War Ever ! As First Blood Cosmic Yin when I awoke with a Light Saber Sword In My Hand before a Planet was even Created . Supposedly first Warrior that way . Now stylistically speaking Im mostly Aikido with Spiritual Purpose Only ( As ALways n Usual ) ! - And it BetterBe worth it in an Entertaining way too ! - IF Impositioned . So I put comedy n pun intended into it too , to make it Worth it . I never liked Boxing...

Re: What are your dream powers/weapons of choice?

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer thanks for awesome reply. When i fought in dreams it seems to be for no good reason. as a kid i would fight phantoms and black wolves. Now it does just happen. Its like a multidimentional group such as umbrella has etheric inplants in me. When i fight with humanoids im just gone. Or i sense danger. I can run if my mind is with me. Actually in some dreams i have a watch to call friends with . with that story i dreamed that i was wealthy and now when the watch turns up its like...

Re: What are your dream powers/weapons of choice?

CosmicDancer ·
Esclispe there is no reason to fight unless there are consenting People there n its for recreation with Purposes - And is with Good sportmanship too . Women And Children .. n This Planet ( many Planets n ALL Universe ) - The Mother Planet of Love should have of Never been in the mix , EVER ! I was able to fight ' ( lucifer , baphomet n even Yahweh allowed Me to Mess with Him . SomeOne Apparently Appropriated It ) with My Minds Eye , Pineally . I think they were psyoping who I am that way now...

Re: What are your dream powers/weapons of choice?

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer interesting reply. You dont need to answer but im curious about your version of beings like satan. Just wondering if they are a figure of faith or simply another species involved with the matrix in your opinion. Almost no one will argue with no reason to fight. However on behalf of the community im just gonna say some souls are dragged into fighting. Im a simple citizen and possible astral milab. However some are dragged into actual physical violence or even both ..its not...

Re: What are your dream powers/weapons of choice?

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer well if a odd thing happens i might think its the matrix breaking down. which seems to be happening lately. Just recently i seen darting shadows .then tonight i seen a mouse run across the floor. I would need to set traps but then i couldnt find it! When you can see a mouse if it stays still. Ontop of that one ran the same direction about twice! Hmm🤔 i dont know how it got in unless its through the floor which i doubt . So im open to stuff. Like a drink container teleporting...

Re: What are your dream powers/weapons of choice?

CosmicDancer ·
Eclipse , they are probably messing with You olde skool n new tech ' . Mouse would mean something in symbology . Maybe also Nature Spiritually playing around with n psyopsing You too ) Satan is close to the beginning of e " issue . I refer to Satan as a Word - Name of a Being (s) compromised by circumstancial ( its not really a. personal ' issue ) , it turned into about vengeance of hate , anti: Nature , Love , Humanity .. by gmoed infliction agenda . Satan is an actual Person who also got...

Re: What are your dream powers/weapons of choice?

Eclipse ·
Interesting. Yeah the matrix seems to mess with me as far as non pets in or around apartment. Recently its a fast super soldier mouse! I seriosly only see it in passing last night but thats it. Didnt catch anything when i investigated. Not sure if tech can get me to see animals but yeah i can get that tech might throw me into astral mission for others. Yeah it sucks. Thanks for your thoughts on the satan situation. Super soldiers in general seem spiritual and i am to.

Re: What are your dream powers/weapons of choice?

CosmicDancer ·
It could be multi layered compounded realities too . Wish I can say no worries

Re: What are your dream powers/weapons of choice?

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer Yeah it is a multi reality for me. Even tough i might be a tracked person you can say no worries. carona virus sucks though as far as timelines. People are a bit more on edge then usual. Like... here they placed spots on the floor to stand in some places. Fair enough. i didnt know i was like a foot past so the cashier brother said to step back when i was already at the end. Being rebellious i pretty much said its atleast 3 feet in europe implying that foot made no difference.

What are your dream powers/weapons of choice?

Eclipse ·
Hello. In this topic i will explore combative abilities in dreams. What are your chosen abilities or weapons in combat as far as dreams and astral? I guess i wont stop random ability talk but i was curious about things like fighting styles. yes there is even stuff like invading dreams which im not here to judge. So feel free to share anything as far as combative accidents and abilities if you feel its safe to share. It would be interesting if you have similar accidents or fighting stiles...

how to fight in prison/ prison vs jail fighting

Eclipse ·
i have watched prison youtube channels for entertainment and information in case of a unfortunate event. I'm fortunet not to be a felon but i watched mostly because I'm short on those social skills. then i found these guys can be pretty funny. anyway i found a guy who did the video on how to fight in prison/ prison vs jail fight. so here are three videos of his. I'm sorry but he doesn't have his shirt on in the later 2. how to fight in prison - fighting in jail...