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hi. i thought i would mess around with a post about super powers. it looks like we can put powers into categories. like marvel's infinity stones or elemental kingdoms like the last air bender. well looks like air kingdom has some basic powers. so what are examples of air kingdom?

if you want to look at developing powers i suggest you look at meditation and chi.  also the mechanics of things like emotions, thought, and state of mind like trance. which seem to be some of the most magical tools humans have. perhaps humans simply have dormant powers in most cases. anyone with powers just seem to be a human with activated dna or something. not a bad thing if you have powers. in fact many people would be jealous. anyway here are some thoughts on basic air kingdom. perhaps think of air zodiac signs as a hint of air traits.

some basic powers that can relate to air: telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, and flight.

advanced air: wind/air kenesis (obviously in this case), electric kenesis, explosions ( a chemical reaction of particles), controlling computers, and teleportation or making portals. I'm sure there are a hand full of honorable mentions like time manipulation.

strength of air kingdom: basic abilities... isn't flight and telepathy sort of natural but dormant?  also some abilities seem to be a gateway to other abilities. like telekinesis. on top of all that air kingdom seems to be the largest as far as abilities to choose from. perhaps because we are mind and soul as well.

anyway have a good one. your welcome to tell us what kingdom your drawn to and perhaps what powers go with it. i personally think water kingdom seems interesting. thanks.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Last edited by Eclipse
Original Post

to be honest... all of the lights at the cafe flickered today. it actually happened twice. it was not storming either. in fact the sun is out. sometimes lights have done odd stuff when I'm around. i wonder if lights will flicker more frequent if i take my personal practices more seriously. perhaps a sign of a potential kinetic person. interesting.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Last edited by Eclipse

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