I think They were trying to still enforce Cannabilism at the hospitalization | Incarceration again. I of course still wannabee Veganism OnLy
( Vegetarian since 1985 about 40 Years ago * + ) there , They didnt like It when I was requiring As a Normal Natural Person in and from Los Angeles A Progressive in that regard π©·π€ to modern Day , a Vegan or Vegetarian meal planned Requirer , Requirement.
[ I know there was other', based not only from My own past and present experiences ' then ( and connecting the dots with pizzagate and other recent too occurrences mention here prior too . ]
... consistently throughout the Process ( ? ) there , And during , I asked after Noticing alot of the Patients had off meat ( with off facial expressions ... ) And after started requesting Salads , Vegetarian and Vegan " plates. Even a bpht mentality who obviously didnt like Me was going there also . The meal Portions were noticably less than I had seen prior too ...
[ About to 5 Years ago , was My last hospitalization | Incarceration ( about 40 times and several Years in Total ' If You add them' up ] This Incarnation.
... usually Patients are able to order 2 ... plates If requiring more , due to Body requirement , and or medication imbalance. Very specific Diets are supposed to be supplied and accommodated by a Nutritionist. Also , Providing Caregiving , Theraputic Recovery Whollistically from aliments. NOT falsified ones too .
As before , a Normal Person of Naturalcy , Poetics , Poetically Of Course! Veganism. The Duh at Least. Humanity Platform baseline , SecuLar. Sustained and maintained, Appropriate , Appreciative , expected , Acceptable. Heavens Humanity , Gods Kingdom , FamiLy , ALLLL , Humanityπ€πππ©·
They were trying to hyjack any Normacly , with Adamacy with many things ' of opz' ?? ( can keep anyone , according to criteria , " was one of the last answers ' I was told by a Hospital Manager ', as They ' basically dumped' Me outside the hospital Crime of Anti Humanity , AntiPathy , AntiCares , making E furthermore. Without apology ??? NO !
What about The PeopLe There And Everywhere Too ???
Rapture , Rapture , Rapteur , PermanentLy ! Out of The Abyss ( Kjv ) The Loopy Loop , Black Hole , Synthetic False Universe!
Please HeLp , 911!
Be The Solution And SaLve. NO To The , IT " That ". Regurgitation of The Ehp Sra mfh H sadist pain Crime MachinE !Ever , EvereD , Never , NevereD! ππππ€π©·
ALLLLPeaceLoveJoy ALLLLWays ~ Be ALLLL Good Is , Spectrum OnLy !
Respect Is The RuLe Of Law , Love Is !
Foul , Neutralized And Completely Eradicated! NO GMO dichotomy of H MachinE. InStantInKarmaeD! +
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