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Unfortunate occurrences I have to post about. Not thinking that It had been necessarily a Good or Not Good deposit , Outlet for Benevolence Assistance to do here on SSF or not. ??

Still Not Okay with My FamiLy . It Worsened.

And So Evil Apparent on a popular mainstream TV Show , I wanted to post about It here this Month of November.  And feeling It was Not totally Safe for The Children on that TV Show or Anywhere to here. ??     Did Fb post though prior.

The Key to My Door was finally switched from a keypad ( not working for about 6 months straight ) . To regular Metal Keys to get in. They gave Me a set when they installed the new Door lock.

... That however Did Not stop the constant , taking , maring  , damage ... to My personal belongings  , And Existence Already .

At about the last Week of October I was poisioned with what I think is Rat Poisioning . Vomited and bedridden for about 5 Days.

My Daughter and Sons BirthDays [ ... I havent seen , talk or texted with over 5 Years ago  ]  are in November .

Went to the Precinct in Los Angeles     [ where I last saw Them at a AirbnB , accosted without Goodbyes ... ] the Precinct front desk would Not allow Me to fill out Missing Persons Reports.

We ALLLL are from Los Angeles.  Went to 5 Precincts and the FBI 2 times. FBI in the Month of November  , Child Abuction Awareness Month. They supposedly did Not know That as FBI. That and what SRA s is when went there for help .   They were are all evil and rude.

And the 2 Officers this time

[ on My Daughters 21st BirthDay , ALLLLSouLs Day [ 11.2.]

... sent to talk to Me outside instead were evil and rude. They sent Me to Hospitaliation | Incarceration Instead! ..... For 3 Nights. So much Evil occured Then and There   too !  🩷🀍

Now past My Sons and Daughters BirthDays ... again. They changed ThanksGivings Day to the 2nd Thursday of ThanksGivings  ??          My Son is born on ThanksGivings   Day ( The Day before ) however some Years is on ThanksGivings Day

Memorials Day usually was on MonDay { MoonsDays } this Year was changed to Saturday { SaturnsDay } βšͺ️βšͺ️βšͺ️βšͺ️βšͺ️βšͺ️βšͺ️βšͺ️βšͺ️βšͺ️

Definitely Not Good.   InDeedz InKarmaeD " !  🀍🩷


Last edited by CosmicDancer
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This had occured about week ago . On Wednesday  , prior to faux ThanksGivings Day                         

πŸ€πŸ’›πŸ™πŸ©· EveryDay is Day ~ Day Is Day , Gods FamiLy😊🀍

A Vehichle drove ...

[ when It was dark allready , I was just there at 6p . Front desk and Guards there mentioned that It occured around then.  However , said basically It was an instant combustion. ' Didnt say about the intentional of It , like I heard from another there cleaning up the little debris of It left. ]  ...

... into the former hotel parking lot , 2 fled the Car that was apparently intentionally arbitarliy driven to and left , as It was exploding ( twice I heard from another )  . The same Night I noticed and heard 2 explosions on the other side of the building at Night by My Window . Another large  lot next door . And a small strip of driveway on My side of the fence there in the foreground.

The Car totalled  ,  incinerated  , burning the asphalt below ,  the parking lot pilons melted near the incident too.

The next Day after the Morning of seeing the aftermath , there was a BMW SUV lightly bumping the horn , there at the foreground driveway.  Alltogether throughout the 24 hours Parked there like 200 hundred times. Surveying ?? I tried to see ...  Idk.

I Should Be With My FamiLy ,                   ALLLL In Gods Perfect WorLd !

WorLd Is WorLd , Jesus s

Christmas Is Christmas!

Evergreen , Evergone or given!

No Imposters , Posers and or Imposerz!

MFUsOwneD , InKarmaed!

βšͺοΈπŸ€πŸ’–πŸŒ πŸŒ²πŸ€




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Last edited by CosmicDancer


I think They were trying to still enforce Cannabilism at the hospitalization | Incarceration again. I of course still wannabee Veganism OnLy

( Vegetarian since 1985 about 40 Years ago * +  ) there , They didnt like It when I was requiring As a Normal Natural Person in and from Los Angeles A Progressive in that regard 🩷🀍 to modern Day , a Vegan or Vegetarian meal planned Requirer , Requirement.

[ I know there was other', based not only from My own past and present experiences ' then ( and connecting the dots with pizzagate and other recent too occurrences mention here prior too . ]

... consistently throughout the Process ( ? )  there ,  And during , I asked after Noticing alot of the Patients had off meat ( with off facial expressions ... ) And after started requesting Salads , Vegetarian and Vegan " plates. Even a bpht mentality who obviously didnt like Me was going there also . The meal Portions were noticably less than I had seen prior too ...

[ About to 5 Years ago , was My last  hospitalization | Incarceration  ( about 40 times and several Years in Total ' If You add them' up ] This Incarnation.

... usually Patients are able to order 2 ... plates If  requiring more , due to Body requirement , and or medication imbalance. Very specific Diets are supposed to be supplied and accommodated by a Nutritionist. Also , Providing Caregiving  , Theraputic Recovery Whollistically from aliments. NOT falsified ones too .

As before , a Normal Person of Naturalcy  , Poetics , Poetically Of Course! Veganism. The Duh at Least. Humanity Platform baseline , SecuLar. Sustained and maintained,  Appropriate , Appreciative , expected , Acceptable. Heavens Humanity  , Gods Kingdom  , FamiLy  , ALLLL , HumanityπŸ€πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ©·

They were trying to hyjack any Normacly , with Adamacy with many things ' of opz' ??  ( can keep anyone , according to criteria , " was one of the last answers '  I was told by a Hospital Manager ', as  They ' basically dumped' Me outside the hospital Crime of Anti Humanity , AntiPathy , AntiCares , making E furthermore. Without apology  ??? NO !

What about The PeopLe There And Everywhere Too ???

Rapture , Rapture , Rapteur  , PermanentLy !  Out of The Abyss  ( Kjv ) The Loopy Loop , Black Hole , Synthetic False Universe!

Please HeLp , 911!

Be The Solution And SaLve. NO To The , IT " That ". Regurgitation of The Ehp Sra mfh H sadist pain Crime MachinE !Ever , EvereD  , Never , NevereD!  πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ’›πŸ€πŸ©·

ALLLLPeaceLoveJoy ALLLLWays ~ Be ALLLL Good Is , Spectrum OnLy !

Respect Is The RuLe Of Law  , Love Is !

Foul , Neutralized And Completely Eradicated!  NO GMO dichotomy of H MachinE. InStantInKarmaeD!   +

βšͺοΈπŸ€πŸ’›πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸŒ πŸŒ²πŸ©·βšͺ️🀍

Last edited by CosmicDancer

So many more important things to mention regarding the Hospital ... Incident (s) too .

I think basically I have to write It down organized. Having difficulty with My SouL Memory and Mind Space affected * lately  ...

[ used to be done from Astral to 3 d  level density , with technology *  , with intent and arbitrary , by triggers and or compounded caustic reactive Accord or Discord duel , dichotomy of enforced Duality .  Even from within My own Physical Body . In Astral grid ?? Or Something  ]

... seems more a constant buzz of the blocking of My own agility to do My own Cognitive Critical Thinking technology 

Be Safe

As a Cognizant Responsible Adult Being too   :  )))))))))))))   πŸ€πŸ™πŸ©·πŸ€



Last edited by CosmicDancer

πŸ€πŸ’›β›…οΈπŸ’–πŸŒ πŸŒ²πŸ’šβšͺ️🀍

Merry  Christmas Evergreen

[ Evergone given ,  taken , dupped , dubbed , hyjacked or tainted ! ]




ALLLL PeaceLoveJoy


Pardon for not updating lately . So spent with everything Not worth mentioning Tonight especially .

Still Praying HopenWishing for Resonance. Principle of Respect affording Harmony and Accord , Appreciation And Gratitude. Continuity and Continuum Of ALLLL Affinity , Peace as an Absolution that must Be too , To Be.    To , Under And ForπŸ€πŸ’›πŸŒ²πŸ™ 🀍

Planning to finish writing at least a few more things on this post thread I wanted to elaborate more on and mention.  Still recuperating.  So Missing My FamiLy

Be Safe


Last edited by CosmicDancer

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