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Tagged With "cops"


Entertainment by umbrella: nemesis vs cops

Eclipse ·
Hello unfortunately we have a whole country rioting. i personally understand order and having ones voice heard. however i remember when people simply watched movies instead of fighting police. So here is project nemesis vs a special police squad and also project alice vs project nemesis. Vs cops. Vs alice.

Milab study: i chewed out the cops. Part 2) Possible sneak ability.

Eclipse ·
Hello friends of the community. u might have saw the post where i yelled at a cop after a possible trigger. also had my hyper focus triggered. This was while walking home after i put the car at the shop. thankfully the only ability that manifested is sprinting after i walked 2 hours. Cuz i caught myself chasing the unit when i fully came to. well when i got home that night i saw a black car which was just pulling out from my parking lot late at night. Interesting the cops tracked me even...

Documentary of the famous North Hollywood shootout with cops. caution: triggering

Eclipse ·
this is the famous shootout involving bank robbers with ak 47 and body armor. i simply always found it interesting history. you only heard of the 20's tommy gun shootouts till this happened. a big reason why we have swat today. i stay away from politics involving cops but this is a must post. possibly triggering.

defunding the police: a plan for federal police?

Eclipse ·
i had a feeling policing could get worse since my mind is geared toward scifi and cyber punk as far as the super soldier community. in this video a ex cop (who happens to be a black friend) explains how the police might be going federal.

how to deal with the cops like a boss. by grimm hustle.

Eclipse ·
i guess a person from the russian mafia is making youtube videos about life advise. the videos are actually decent. here is a video on how to deal with the police.