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Tagged With "hybrid"


Super Soldier Talk – Milab Phenomenon - Peter The Insider

Nate YPX Grey ·
An interesting video about alternate time lines, the X men and trip chairs with james rink and peter the insider Peter the Insider shares more about trip seat Brain Cleaners, Department of Naval Intelligence and Bob Lazar, PPAI Femtoite Black Goo, Uptime Trauma, How to detect Milab Invaders in your home, Karmic implications of milabs, More about the Emerthers, Who are the Maujra and Azez Race, Nazi Nordic Agarthian Hybrid Super Soldier...

Mefeen hybrids

Nate YPX Grey ·
I am told that people with this condition are hybrids with an alien race called Mefeen. "mefeen look like the scowling faced what we wrongly call greys. Seems to be a common look away from earth. Their knees are backwards to ours. Anyone with backwards knees is a mefeen hybrid/crossbreed. They are shapeshifters as well but forget about the knees bending and get caught. Hard to know who is a hybrid and who is full blood because of this."

Re: Identifying as possible milab, mutant, or hybrid

Eclipse ·
Interesting how i posted this and mentioned dr strange . then a day later i heard that dr strange 2 is coming out. That is called syncrinicity. In my spiritual training syncrinicity can be another tool.

Re: Identifying as possible milab, mutant, or hybrid

stal ·
you are a low level pawn who has been frontloaded with dubious intel to feed your (prone to delusion) personality type. seen plenty of guys like you over the years. question is, are you being tricked or are you allowing yourself to be tricked?

Re: Identifying as possible milab, mutant, or hybrid

Eclipse ·
@stal thanks for your reply. I take everything into consideration. I just attempted to write a reasercher account with respect of all beings. Yes perhaps im a low level milab or company employee but things are still odd with me. How do you explain that i startle people after i dont eat meat if im a average joe citizen? Also invisability doesnt need to be a super power. Its also a native american mind trick and im sure a druid decendant can do it with practice. Im not i have this but i sneak...

Re: Identifying as possible milab, mutant, or hybrid

stal ·
your fishing for intel to use in a scam, likely involving catfishing and roleplay. my background is that, to borrow a movie quote, i'm the highest ranking cleric of the tetragrammaton. been in since birth. the character ender in the movie ender's game is loosely based on me. you ever visit 4chan or 8chan? you sound like someone who would lap up the bullshit on 8chan. or perhaps contribute to it...

Re: Identifying as possible milab, mutant, or hybrid

Eclipse ·
@stal when someone on here calls me a catfish its actually a compliment. I try to be honest with myself as a researcher yet open. Honestly I have simple flegling skills when alot of members are a badass.

Re: Identifying as possible milab, mutant, or hybrid

Nate YPX Grey ·
Do you have an connection to Orson Scott Card? Enders Game is one of my favorite books. I have more in common with Bean in that I am genetically modified, they placed me in a wealthy home though, I didn't escape and live on the street like he did. Did you go to something similar to battle school? if there is such a place? Bean is not based off of me as far as I know, just something I could relate to about the character. Orson Scott Card denies that there is any truth to his book, but there...

Re: Identifying as possible milab, mutant, or hybrid

stal ·
then you don't know what the word catfish means. it is never a compliment.

Re: Identifying as possible milab, mutant, or hybrid

stal ·
i was told not to reply to this post with any relevant information as someone, possibly you, would simply steal said information and repost it elsewhere as your/their own.

Re: Identifying as possible milab, mutant, or hybrid

Eclipse ·
@stal your welcome to your opinion. Just like i think you should have the clearence to look up entaties and hybrids if your the real ender. If your a high level secret society member you would run into entitys if your not one yourself. Tell me who told you to watch out for me? they can inbox me No matter what kind of being they are. No this is not a challenge at all .

Re: Identifying as possible milab, mutant, or hybrid

Nate YPX Grey ·
umm so your scared people will take your information and impersonate you? I already have my own identity. Nate Grey was based off of me. Enders Game was written in 1985, before I was born, so unless its a prophecy I could not be one of the characters in the book.

Re: Mefeen hybrids

eevie ·
I"ve been really busy but i have more on the Mefeen. Do you want me to add it to this or make a separate post?

Re: Mefeen hybrids

Nate YPX Grey ·
you can do either, but i think this simplifies it if you do it on this post

Re: Mefeen hybrids

Angela ·
I think I need to expound on this further as there is a connective tissue disorder that can produce a similiar picture to the jeans photo, it is called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and they are so not Mefeen. In fact from my research they are (if autosomal dominant) from Benjamin, son of Jacob/Israel. I know about this because I and my family have EDS. So I don't want anyone to shoot any of my bloodline/family. But saying that, if their knees do this they are most certainly going to be using a...

Re: Mefeen hybrids

eevie ·
lol no one is gunning for hybrids or crossbreeds, but i have it from the horses mouth....there is mefeen some where in your family. They call it a defect but it isn't. Doesn't make you anything....just born into a family with Mefeen DNA. All of us in the mind control govt programs are hybrids and crossbreeds of various aliens/ets.

Re: Mefeen hybrids

eevie ·
Do you follow Dante's videos/teachings?

Re: Mefeen hybrids

eevie ·
there is nothing wrong with being a hybrid, Angela. Not an accusation....explaining to people who all is what so there is innerstanding and no bad mistakes made one way or the other. If you weren't a hybrid this would be the only life you ever have. Being hybrid means you have psi abilities, etc. It's all good.

Re: Mefeen hybrids

Nate YPX Grey ·
do y'all have any pictures of this alien? or of any hybrids

Re: Mefeen hybrids

Angela ·
I must be a hybrid. 3 types apparently. I wasn't too happy when I found out I was part of the Beast bloodline. The other two are alright they have me saved on tons of occasions. Just don't growl at me, lol. I try to be good and follow the Way of Love, keep the 10 commandments, etc. Help out when I can and with what I can. (With my health issues it's getting less and less lately. I am becoming more specialised though.) But all I am saying us, I know these Mefeen are viscious gits and you need...

Re: Mefeen hybrids

Angela ·
To Eevie I watch Dante's videos but I use discernment and my own experiences to deduce their truthfulness. They are fascinating and informative. I had only watched the video on Mefeens that week and then I saw one (alledgedly.) That is sort of my MO in this life, I learn something and then I have to use that info asap. I haven't met that many aliens (seen many UFOs though) and if I do meet any in astral dreams I chop their heads off, cos that is probably why I'm there. The one dream I didn't...

Re: Mefeen hybrids

eevie ·
Every time Nate asks me to make a post my info disappears from my computer. I have so much info that has been stolen and not returned.

Re: Mefeen hybrids

Nate YPX Grey ·
i guess you have to post it before it dissapears or something. strange

Re: Mefeen hybrids

Angela ·
Yeah, computer problems here all the time. We have lost so many laptops and my latest one has been 'Black bagged'. How do I know? The cover on the hinges had been broken-about a month after I got it. It means that whenever I am on, if there is a satellite/TR3 over head it will be sending microwave down at me. And now apparently I sent an email to my oldest DD about 4 days ago and all my contacts. Last time I sent an email was 5 September 2016. Maybe we should open a thread about Targetting...

Re: Mefeen hybrids

Angela ·
I have to copy to my PC before I post anything. It's as if they are reading whats on my screen in realtime and just as I press send, I lose Internet connection, so I lose the post. But because I copy first, I have saved myself lots of time. Once in UK we lost total internet connection. We were told a fox had chewed the wires in the local hub box, I remote viewed and it was not a Fox but an ugly alien. Keep safe everyone.

Identifying as possible milab, mutant, or hybrid

Eclipse ·
Greeting to you. Its possible my profile will be around for a while so i will attempt to identify but in a simple way. Im not even sure if i should do it but i guess i will. The following section is an account of being hybrid/mutant : My unusual condition starts with pondering if im even all human. With philosiphy and belief a side it seems like im a entity compaired to alot of people. I guess im a hybrid then. I seem to have potential and im diferent so this is where the definition mutant...

Re: Facing immortality in real life and the eternal now

Nate YPX Grey ·
are you suggesting your immortal or can reverse aging?

Re: Facing immortality in real life and the eternal now

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey yes.... 😬 i looks like I have a chance and also choosing my expiration date so I'm not stuck. it's not a natural power though. It takes work! Interesting how I was just cleaning up my post at the moment so it's Easier to read. I guess energy vampirism can do odd things like vitality. I would invoke molecule man but he doesn't seem to log on. maybe I should take a before and after pics incase I go public as a super soldier/ other world being. I'm just a hybrid friend. not sure...

Facing immortality in real life and the eternal now

Eclipse ·
greetings. I have mentioned I switch timelines, vibrations, dimensions as a sort of ability. that's what brought me here. I have mentioned coming back after suicide programming. perhaps I switched timelines to do it. there is one thing I never really mentioned accept in a private inbox. loose lips tend to sink ships but it seems like I face an immortal life and learning to cope with the now. am I doomed to living forever? thankfully not! in the end, I guess I can walk out when I'm truly done...

how to descover your fae family heritage.

Eclipse ·
hello. it looks like many here are a hybrid. i discover you can have non humans in your family line. this is how to discover fae in your family. fae as in the general term.

eclipse blog: people increasingly labeling me as a.i. or something other then themselves.

Eclipse ·
today's log is about people increasingly labeling me as a robot, artificial intelligence, a souless being, or a being other then themselves. first i will say yeah my soul seeks to reach neutrality. im also slightly autistic but that never stopped me. i tend to do things like avoid eye contact unless i do it consciously. or i dont react to others the way they expect. i dont even like to show feelings naturally anymore. yet i understand the role in feelings when one is trying to co create...

Re: eclipse blog: people increasingly labeling me as a.i. or something other then themselves.

DataPoint ·
No wonder, you re posting all over the place at very high speed rates, kinda like spamming

Re: eclipse blog: people increasingly labeling me as a.i. or something other then themselves.

Nate YPX Grey ·
mabye it would be more organized if you put all your blog posts in the same strain post. instead of posting your blog messages in different strands or topics. perhaps you should keep your blog posts all in the same topic. Like this topic for example, just post your blog here instead of opening a new topic each time you blog. It would be more organized and condensed that way and more people would probably see your posts

Re: eclipse blog: people increasingly labeling me as a.i. or something other then themselves.

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey not a bad idea as far as my handful of personal writing. perhaps i can make it in one giant topic but odd stuff rarely happens.

hybrid study: i have much more clones then you think

Eclipse ·
looks like im somewhat ready to talk about this subject. currently i will claim that im a real multidimensional being. to me this is real life. not just something like a starseed theory. by the way shout out to starseeds. that community helped me get where i am. anyway i will tell you about the kinds of clones i have on earth and how i switch dimensions when my soul is ready. 1. how did this story begin? well im a entity that has plugged into earth. so im a soul having a human experience. it...

remembering abilities: possible time distortions and anomalies

Eclipse ·
hi. so i did say i will keep the forum posted on things like abilities. well i started keeping track of one and i will try to keep this post digestible. im starting to keep track of time distortions which might be a invite to train for cronokinesis if i can figure it out. a big factor is believing in your ability. whatever it is. it can happen because one time i was waking up and i believed that i could fly until i fully woke up. one thing about time is that you need to be aware of the...

dua lipa physical music video

Eclipse ·
this is actually for my personal research. so please excuse me. i will just say i might be a being trying to remember who i really am. not because of projects. simply because of being a hybrid being for a lack of a better term. here is the link. the video is actually kinda cool.

I might be a parent of a alien human hybrid

Eclipse ·
So I might be a parent of a hybrid. The mom showed up in a dream. She wanted to be my girlfriend. I did not commit so she accepted my DNA instead. she did not take it by the usual means. So I don't have the usual story. The girl was humanoid with dark blond hair and light color eyes. I did look up the zodiac for 9 months later. There was synchronicity after that. As in a meaningful coincidence. Plus a couple of odd things happened. like I tried to contact someone about it and the text was...