I think I need to expound on this further as there is a connective tissue disorder that can produce a similiar picture to the jeans photo, it is called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and they are so not Mefeen. In fact from my research they are (if autosomal dominant) from Benjamin, son of Jacob/Israel.
I know about this because I and my family have EDS. So I don't want anyone to shoot any of my bloodline/family.

But saying that, if their knees do this they are most certainly going to be using a pair of crutches, braces or be in a wheelchair, human anatomy can not cope with this anomaly without support, if they need to walk without pain.
Having seen a Mefeen in real life, I can assure you the sight is odd and I saw no crutches, therefore I deduced it was a real Mefeen. I got no feeling from her, just the shock of seeing a Mefeen shapeshifter. She wasn't following me though, so I was alright. The angle looked like a broken leg though.
This is where I learnt about the Mefeen;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYLt5vZ5D-E (What worried me about this video is that the Mefeen are being watched using a camera with the frequencies of exactly visible light spectrum?????? But they are suppposed to be invisible! So are they not invisible to digital cameras?)
This channel did have another video that showed a Mefeen shapeshifted into a woman and her legs were clearly bent backwards, almost 90 degrees. Now she was clearly not human but she was a beautiful slim woman in a red dress at a bar and she had been following Dante. I think that the key here is there are only 400 Mefeen, are you doing anything that would warrant an alien following you?
What worries me is that the photo of the man in the jeans could easily be a person with Hypermobile knees symptom of EDS, they have a had life as it is without being accused of being an alien or hybrid and if they are going to attack as the video says they will be invisible.
So don't just assume a person with bent backwards knees is a Mefeen shapeshifter. It may just be a person with EDS. Also is the person actually following you, if you can see the bent knee person?
Keep safe everyone.