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Tagged With "memory"


Superman memory crystal: 5D nano-glass to preserve data for million years

SKAY78 ·
Curiously interesting ... ~SKay "The creators of 5D memory has dubbed their invention ‘Superman memory crystal’, following the ‘memory crystals’ used in a number of movies featuring the superhero." Full article:

my story: years of false memories/ time loops. is my soul under age 10?

Eclipse ·
hello friends of the community. my subject is awkward for me but i thought i would record it before i forget. well i have mentioned that i shifted timelines naturally . which is confusing for people by itself. right now i seem to be mostly in the super soldier timeline. however i discovered years of lost time and false memories. well in a way. the major change in the story was when i committed suicide cuz i was pissed off at life. notice how i didnt say attempted. fyi the story is used to...

Doodleing for memories

Eclipse ·
hello. This week i decided to do my first doodles even though they are going to be sloppy. Had to record possible memories anyway. this is a combination of milab, secret space program, umbrella , and dreams. Sometimes it seems like my imagenation. if you have a question about a doodle such as what it is then please ask. perhaps you can doodle to remember in your case. This post is for everyone but mostly for guests. Note: there was a girl stressing in the cafe but this one guy said this...

memory study: do your skills/ability depend on your memory?

Eclipse ·
Hello. I'm just going over what I remember. also what is considered this life for me after i passed but woke up. It's almost like two different lives in one. I have said I understand how they can erase memory. Yet how does my memory effect me? I can function like an adult when my memory is less then 10 years. I was thinking about school and extra classes like taekwondo. I didn't learn much in public school and need to learn the basic subjects on my own. In martial arts I remember the...

did i replace someone who passed? my multi dimensional life.

Eclipse ·
so this post comes from looking up a actor I grew up with for some reason. maybe to see his recent work or if he passed. yeah he has his own Wikipedia. then I was like .... doesn't matter because I'm dead. omg. well I mentioned this topic but I don't think I made a full post. what happened was I had my suicide programming activate. to my mind I woke up with physical damage that healed. yet who woke up? the person I grew up as could have literally passed in that timeline. im not kidding you...

case study: odd dream, donor/lab baby's, faulty memories?

Eclipse ·
Hello. here to log something. it pretty much all happened in 24 hours. Your welcome to read. 1) lab/donor baby's. well I guess there is the opertunity of being a sperm donor in my state. there is a private genetic/birth company in the same town as Ohio state university and Ohio state is logged as a mk ultra partner. I wonder how I can figure out if I'm from a lab and put with a mom. The state would misuse genetics in research if they get the chance. my brother has even questioned If there is...

are there beings who can copy cat memories, training, and abilities?

Eclipse ·
hello. im going to bake most peoples noodle but im gonna write down my most recent thoughts. i have been interested in characters that mimic powers for a long time. i even dream that i mimic powers during dreams. the only powers i have apart from that (in dreams) seems to be flying and weaponizing shadows like the black lantern. now that i think about it... it would be freaky if i visually weaponize darkness in real life. anyway... what if one can develop the power desired and also develop...

memory is actually fluid: a study in memory

Eclipse ·
hello. i have to write something down. at the moment i was having info about memory. people feel its a camera and what they remember is what really happened. are you sure about that? it seems like memory is fluid. i will share some notes in a nutshell. perhaps this is going to be a continued post. 1) Mandela effect. is this a clash of timelines? this is where timelines messes with your mind. like famous movie quotes being different. do you remember darth vader saying luke i am your father or...

another memory?: vaccine fails

Eclipse ·
hi. perhaps in a reality a vaccine will fail and everyone will panic. that would happen in a really with a virus that is a real aggressive weapon. bounus: why listen to what I say? well in this case I might be involved with the umberlla corporation. I have at least two versions that I know of that are involved with dreams. one of those versions fought in Washington DC against a hord of zombies. the crew was also low on people. I remember setting up heavy machine guns and manning a rocket...

another memory?: memory implants that are sold

Eclipse ·
hello. while I'm at it I want to say what if memories are bought and sold? what if a memory can be Implanted after they are sold? what if there is a architect of memories? a sort of memory creator. definitely a idea from a different reality. maybe super soldiers exist in that kind of world. in this reality it can very cyber punk. until next time.

another memory?: shape shifting armor

Eclipse ·
hello. so I sort of grasp the full body armor. found in art and tron legacy. I feel you can find it in the secret space program. in a different context of existence at least. then the other day I was thinking about how a armor or suit can be like your skin. then the armor shape shifts. at least into anyone and with any clothing. think about it until. bonus. I have actually thought of plasma guns and armor suits win nano tech. like in some realities you might wear a nano tech peace on your...