Tagged With "Mk ultra"
Re: humans with et alien origins
This is Not Prison Planet Or TroLL Planet . This is Planet Earth - Gods n The Mothers Planet with The FatherHeaven - Providence of ALL Universe . Love Planet ! Love Element goes Hand n Hand with Respect Element . Love doesnt exist without Respect in Natural Law . Love Elements = Nature , Comfort , Beauty , FREEDOM , Creativity , Truth , Beautiful Life ... The Highest Apex of Love RuLes is PEACE ! Humans do Not have the capacity to make Lay Lines , which are Natural Guidelines . The Matrix is...
Re: Wilderness therapy programs
This video is about Mind Control in MK Ultra and in Wilderness Therapy ProgramsMind Control, WIlderness Therapy, Wilderness Programs, MK Ultra, Super Soldier, Super Soldiers, Behavior Modification, Programs for teens, Brainwashing, Heal, Bluebird, Artichoke, MKUtra, MKsearch, https://www.youtube.com/watch?...7s&frags=pl%2Cwn
Re: Some GIFs from some of my video clips
Now... much in the same way as many folks won't see the significance of seeing a master break through several surrounding bricks and boards, held by others. They'll snicker, and say something clever, like: "That's very nice to know if you ever get attacked by a gang of boards and bricks in a dark alley some night." What they miss is: That those bricks and boards are harder and thicker than fragile, even THICK skulls, and that skulls carry a VERY fragile payload. Had those been several thick...
Re: Q&A with the Coach: disabilities, UFO’s, Ameridote
These pics I took when we traveled through Texas, US, while driving (me as a passenger) back to California this April. I thought it looked like an intentional 'cloud mask' for disguising spacecraft. I've seen similar pics of before online. I was feeling maybe for a cigar shape one for some reason?? Even though it could cover/mask a disc or triangle shaped one easily There were about three. The clouds were defined more than usual, looking other than Natures' own making. I dunno, I thought it...
Re: Regarding Corey Feldman
........I think you are refering to Corey Feldman. Very complicated to say in one statement. I believe C.F. is part of a Pre-Earth elemental Soul Lineage and/or Line. A victim and most likely a victimizer by default and/or a circumstancial unfair'survival game'. Himself against Himself (HimSelves). Which is insanely evil! mk ultra. The same thugs that we're gang stalking him (and me too), and everyone and everything literally. - trying to bravely and/or psyoping(??) Them Out. He like many...
Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.
Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.
Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)
This is Something You Need to Know - by a man who may be seeking attention, hopefully help, and to be struck down by Odin for his transgressions against this field, individuals of all kinds, and seemingly most of all himself, and who still may for some reason hold the keys to some of the truths we have been seeking for decades: (edit and commentary by Frank Zero) (Frank Zero's comments in ( ) brackets I don't really have time to debate, but am always open to it. As a disclaimer I have been...
Re: John Stormm Biography
My Personal Endorsement of the video (as a work) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXi4fU8KJGM State of Mind Video (no interuptions) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXi4fU8KJGM Reflections of an MK Ultra Survivor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfGA8I54b0U#t=721
Re: John Stormm Biography
John Stormms reply "Well... not ENTIRELY true: If you gave your oath to uphold and defend our Constitution against ALL enemies, both foreign AND domestic, and realized there was no time limit set on that oath. And if you realize that the BIGGEST and truly ONLY threat to your freedoms are NOT some poor, Third World Muslim (extremist or not). You will view such an ATTACK, an ASSAULT on such and you can fight back. You can rationalize that any way you like. But for myself: The moment someone...
Re: John Stormm Biography
This is a message I got from John Stormm, it is not the condition I am in, it is the condition he told me he was in "I'm very, very sick. And I have seizures and stroke damage besides. I can't even step out of the house for more than a couple hours at a time without endangering myself. Most of my peers are long dead, and of less than I'm carrying in me now. I won't be around that much longer, and as often as I have courted danger: That bothers me less than you might imagine. Dying is easy.
Re: John Stormm Biography
that last post I made was a message that John Stormm sent me. He is the one with the health conditions.
Re: John Stormm Biography
Being chewed up and spit out is the condition of most of us on this forum. We have the common factor. Military, govt, etc. It pains me to see anyone suffering, especially to this degree. I know you are fighting this with everything in you. Don't stop. We have them running nuts and we are not backing off now. Some of the shit we found in the labs......nightmares. I will help you if you want. I do some healing.
Re: John Stormm Biography
There were 4-5 throwing knives, 4 darts, 8 shuriken, and a small handgun in this picture.
Re: John Stormm Biography
This pic......I hate it when someone looks very familiar and i can't place them. Never be able to place when and where as in "alter" i have no fucking idea. John, I know you from some where in the past.
Re: John Stormm Biography
https://www.youtube.com/channe...OmLeDzgEef12kO7zyyBQ check out all of his youtube videos! he is witchman53
Re: John Stormm Biography
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DlI8uWA-_A YPX News Episode 1: John Stormm
Re: John Stormm Biography
Peter Parker, spiderman, john stormm That's pretty much the one I remember from 1970, in Company 305, 11th Battalion at Great Lakes Naval Base. I envied him. He wasn't constantly being pulled out of line and sent to the dispensary for more tests and blood letting. I got no end of that in the Navy. I had originally joined to put some distance between me and MK Ultra, but that actually got worse. I left under an Honorable Discharge after 2 months and 26 days of service, for refusing the over...
Re: John Stormm Biography
http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-...m-laura-039-s-story/ John Stormm wrote a book about Laura
Re: John Stormm Biography
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8ho...AORunigQQ4aquSa?dl=0 drop box MRI of his implants
Re: John Stormm Biography
John Stormm's strange MRI scans of his brain. This reveals implants and brain damage
Re: John Stormm Biography
https://www.youtube.com/watch?...ZKunYAS1vbBWjgi3fOtQ My Youtube video about them
Re: John Stormm Biography
some updates from John Stormm reach him at https://www.facebook.com/stormm1?fref=ts
Re: John Stormm Biography
Read that this morning, Nate. Thanks. Yeah, the shit is getting too deep and it's time to fight back. My milab friend, sis and i are going thru reimplantation and blood taking. I don't know what the fuck is up now....even more brain surgery. I wish they would leave my fucking head alone. Sorry, new implants on raw nerves connected to every area of my head and face. Insane pain into my teeth and in my head. This is sadistic. Just got a needle in the back, ribs. I don't know what is up, but...
Re: John Stormm Biography
Originally Posted by Nate YPX Grey: There were 4-5 throwing knives, 4 darts, 8 shuriken, and a small handgun in this picture. Brass knuckles, unnecessary. My bones are harder than that. There was 3 full sized, weighted throwing knives (one in the middle of my back, just under my shirt collar, one sheathed on each shin.). Two 5 inch wide shuriken (chest area), six smaller, thinner Togakure style shuriken (pockets), A manrikusari (a 40" thin steel cable with lead weights at each end) wrapped...
Re: John Stormm Biography
john stormm says that he met peter parker "spiderman" and that spiderman is black. I have met the same guy, and the guy I met was also black, so our stories match up. this is his quote about how he met peter parker "A few bunks up from mine, in Company 305, 11th Battalion, Great Lakes USNB."
Re: John Stormm Biography
"Summer of 1971. He has to be about a year or so older than I. I signed up just after my 17th birthday to try and get free of the MK Ultra program. It wasn't one of my better plans." -John Stormm about spiderman "I only stayed with Company 305 a few months, before MK Ultra started shipping me all over the place. We had gone our separate ways, but then that was true of MOST people in my life. I was never allowed to stay in one place for a very long time, and all too often I was being sent out...
Re: John Stormm Biography
Laura was a close personal friend to me for over 40 years. She was truly, what most of you would define as a "succubus". Many folks never get so close, and not in a good way. This was my tribute to a long time friend, and I'm sure you'll find it interesting. It may even shed some light on some people you only thought you knew. It's not always a "bad thing". -Stormm Originally Posted by Nate YPX Grey: http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-...m-laura-039-s-story/ John Stormm wrote a book about Laura
Re: John Stormm Biography
“WHEN DRAGONS DEBATE By John Stormm ” Excerpt From: John Stormm. “When Dragons Debate.” iBooks. http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-...when-dragons-debate/ Practical witchery http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-...-practical-witchery/
Re: John Stormm Biography
Talking about his sparring matches with Peter Parker "Spider Man" " I've been nailed once or twice with that jump over the head and kick to the back of the head trick by him. I ducked a little and figured I avoided his attack and got kicked before I could figure out I had been had. Just sparring of course. I don't know if THAT is him. Parker's about my age now. That would make him somewhere between 62-65 years old." -stormm " I was only with Company 305 about 10 weeks, before I got moved...
Re: John Stormm Biography
Everyone John Stormm is in need of financial help! I donated anonymously to him using this fund raising tool. I am proud to say that he is a member of the forum and a Facebook friend. Please send him your support! Click on the link below https://www.gofundme.com/zpjc2mps
Re: John Stormm Biography
Thanks Nate. I am very worried about him and he has not had any Insulin since Monday and is trying to travel to a safe haven. If I lived in the US I would go and pick him up, but I live in Australia and my car is not amphibious, yet. I am sharing a lot on FB and would like to ask all you guys from my heart to contribute something on his gofundme page or send it through paypal. He knows I love him to death as do a lot of others and I am extremely worried him. Thanks again Nate for all your doing.
Re: John Stormm Biography
This is John Stormm with Duncan O'Finian. I got John's permission to post this quote. "Back in 1953, the tall blond thing was STILL the Nazi ideal vision of the supersoldiers they wanted to produce. At least from the standpoints of the Rochester facilities, they tended to push that envelope. However, by about the mid 1960s it became as obvious as it was to spot the "Langley Farm Boys" or a Fed by their looks, it became obvious that it took a whole lot of effort to use someone like me as a...
Re: John Stormm Biography
This is a note written to me by a first generation MK Ultra Named John Stormm. It is about our mutual acquaintance Peter Parker. I only remember meeting him a hand full of times for short periods but Stormm served with him in the military. "Parker, in his own way, was a hard character not to like. I think the comic book version, missed a great role example for a young black man. But they were looking for an "anti-hero", and that's what they settled on. The one significant thing I can tell...
Re: John Stormm Biography
https://youtu.be/oqs7009uSwc This is my latest interview with John Stormm check it out https://www.YPXNews.com and https://www.SuperSoldierForum.com
Re: John Stormm Biography
check out this article on john stormm http://unbelievable.wikia.com/wiki/John_Stormm
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
@Stormm thanks for sharing. interesting that your a friend from mk ultra. I heard of a trip chair. you said a chair is in new york? Curious if it has a physical location. im curious if the trip chair has something to do with weapon x or sone kind of branch of it. Infact comic bios trace wolverine and x23 to new york as a long time residing state. interesting how waves and sound are a weapon in this case. Im sure it was uncool to expirience. Atleast your reaction shows a wistle blower spirit.
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
I'm a 1st generation MK-ULTRA "supersoldier". There's more metal objects actually in me than I would have believed possible even in the Program from it's beginning. However, through a means of enhancing us, to be able to survive the kinds of "torc" that superstrong musculature would generate, they went back to ancient warrior practices of "micro-fracturing" that results in greatly enhanced bone density and strength. Reference: "Wolf's Law". Having been a successful ULTRA agent the first 25...
Re: Most Incredible Cosmic and Space Being Encounter
Thank you LongTimeMilab, for your concern and advice. I have been aware of this. In 2003, I saw in the night sky, a 'Blue Beam' hologram. It's was really impressive with the Moon being displayed in a massive creative way. Stars coming down towards me. However, I right away thought hologram. Despite being new to this interaction and just being initiated telepathically at the time. In 2008 in Portland, Or, I reported to MUFON a UFO 'sighting'. I telepathically communicated with an UFO/ET. With...
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
Excellent information. I knew not to trust anything to do with wingmakers, my intuition picked it up straight away when a former boyfriend (handler) tried to push that onto me. I suspected that it had something to do with MK Ultra. This former boyfriend seems to have ties with Peter from ACIO as well. Including his friends.
Re: Reflections of an MK Ultra SurvivorJ
In case anyone has not yet seen it, here is the Full BBC Documentary, "Madness In the Fast Lane" which John refers to about 15 minutes into his vid, "Reflections of an MK Ultra Survivor" about the 2 Swedish sisters. It really is a MUST-see! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-bIWm08eJc In 2008, BBC cameras filmed two Swedish sisters throwing themselves into traffic on the M6. When it was shown on BBC One, nearly 7 million viewers were glued to their screens, and millions more watched it later.
Re: RIP David Corso
He died july 27 is what I have read. His appearance on Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory show is what prompted me into knowing and finding the others similar to me. I may not be an MK Ultra, but I am an Elect Specimen. I researched Duncan and read a book about James Casbolt. I did an interview with Kerry Cassidy and I discovered that she was ignorant. She refused to help me reach Casbolt claiming he was part of the "Cabal." A fan of mine found James Rink for me, who is closer to my...
Re: Michael J Spinler
Welcome to YPX News this is your host Nate Grey. This show will be featuring a story about a MK Ultra named Michael Spinler. Michael Spinler became a Delta at age 17 A Delta is a sergeant while an Alpha is a basic troop. and an Omega is a guard an alpha is a more robotic alter from than the delta alter form, alphas are often used to guard government officials and illuminati leaders. According to Michael Spinler recruits are started out and most are killed at age 5 He is one of the few that...
Mk ultra laid out. Simple.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DkjIKrHK5-8 Just fed up. I figured I'd sit and talk to a cammera. Here's what I'm thinking on repeat daily. With some spice thrown in.