Hello. I don't talk about reality much. Yet I guess I will post this. I guess you can win the lotto If you work with the subconcious. everyone has thier own opinion on it. Well I must of thought of the lottory a little. Simply because the lotto numbers came to me. I honestly don't want auto play. You can get numbers anywhere. They could mean something to you, liscense plates, social media posts. Etc. Well i took down the number again today and was playing with it. Then a feeling clicked and it felt it was my numbers. If I ever want to play. Now I need to believe a little. Well I'm interested in real magic lately. So that is fair. by the way creating a belief is basic magic itself. That is a good starting point. Anyway if you want to create the lotto for yourself don't forget to let go. As In you don't need it. It seems to work better that way. You can continue to believe later. Its sort of like doing reps and resting in the gym. I think I let go enough today to get the possible numbers. Until next time.
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