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Tagged With "Technology"


Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

eevie ·
COSMICDANCER.......we are a roundhouse of everything in all the forms there are. lol I volunteered for this crazy shit. Never again. This is what i do....i go where the evil is. Never have i seen or experienced what i have here in this reality. Hands tied, blind, deaf and dumb when we have no memories in this hell. I dn't consider the earth the same as i once did. I have examined to a small degree various rock formations around the world. Huge mountains to sudden outcrops of rocks in a...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
Yes, the Mother's body being used by lucifer, baphomet and others consciously. Supposedly, stuck in all women bodies (and other prisons of hell) because of evil design. Not necessary, and not from natural procreation. Not God, the Original Creators' way. Not promoting self actualization and cultivation of a soul, with the respect, freedom, time and space to be a Self art. It actually stole the divinity of all She was put in. The ones that wanted it, I call f*g bags. Promoting evil agenda by...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
Yes, the cosmic celestial universal beings are the first humanoids (less dense before Earth) Created by God. In his natural image (face ). Early on, before Earth creation. Cosmos'/lucifer first natural Male form (body with penis). Adam/Mars/Jesus Christ on the Cross.....etc. considered first "Man"(Humanity, common sense, spirituality)! By default, because of personal, circumstantial, amnesia, non communication, timing and nature spirituality with Cosmo/lucifer and the Mother. God Created the...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
.....when was this turning into stone tech start happening? I requested it in December 2012 (online on Global Voice 2012/Drake and telepathically) as a fail safe. I was thinking about medusa having the capability, supposedly myth.

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

GreyRaven ·
Here's a CIA file about "aliens" turning Russian troops into stone... If that's a bit of an off putting link then this is just a newspaper..

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
Eevie, I don't think that Earth matter is totally human giant bones. In the Bible it says that Adam was made out of Earth/clay, not Adam was and started out as Earth/clay. Mars/Adam was born a cosmic universal being, magical intangible to like a 'space dust' Logo, that took form. The fore 'Father's' (Cosmo/lucifer/Krishna...etc.) element is/was Metal for protecting. His element in the very One Time Beginning, was tangible magical cosmic floating pre metal, like space dust, like a Bronze hue.

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
Publish I'm now staying in Los Angeles from my road trip with my children and ex from Brookline, MA. (@2 weeks ago). We decided to stay and move back to LA. in Manhattan Beach. For now hoteling it. Very precarious with my whole Family from extreme targeting (very overtly programed and implanted acting and sounding) Very apathic. I'm in a spiritual dilemma. Sitting outside in a popular hotel chain and I witness something disturbing, in 3d while having a cigarette out in ln front, in a...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

Watcher1x1xX ·
" The cosmic powers will take heed! Do nothing! .>₩§¡ฯ

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
......I hope and wish so. I really need and want to know there is a higher, supreme power over evil. It appears that apathy is a device to feed the vicious cycle of the evil machine. I want to know in 3d communications that there is a true formal administration, agency (ies), groups that are established and also establishing, a working organized, systematic professional force to eradicate evil design and/or rule. It's so messed up down here, it's not making any sense that it occurred here in...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer · *This new update wont post, again very bad tech play on your site and my device.. Reporting an emergency. In regards to a blatant, overt/covert take over, much activity on a massive, Earth and Intergalactic scale. Communications are an issue. Please confirm your receipt of this/these accounts. Thanks, Nanette * Update from last night, this morning, and now at a different sister hotel of the last distinct couple of nights. within the last recent 3 hotel stays...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

GreyRaven ·
Not being funny here but you need to filter things out, remember your family comes first. second & third. As a hyper sensitive you can be picking up projections & all kinds of psychic debris that isn't actually real, now all that pizagate info is out there it's open to all kinds of mystification & deception, deception is what they thrive on !

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
GreyRaven, please specify ' filter things out'. Self(s) and Family is always my focus, constantly. What happened to me and Family is happening to everyone. I cannot and will not turn away from any child in immediate need. I've been there, my Family has/is there too. We must unify with Community and Communication of Humanity. Not one or anyone can handle it all, 'safety in numbers'. ��

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
Very aware of all elements, values and factors, instantaneously in all situations and moment(s) of space(s), as a hypersensitive (Empathe/Empathy), in hyperdrive, to the very best of my ability. Based on consistency of trend of each variable of each exchange regarding: a person, place or thing, as a continuum. I know there is also a compromise factor(s) (evil), which should not be there in the equation in the first place! ***Reedited from my yesterday's post, after another decided to edit my...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

J7 ·
Pizzagate??.. Research Paul Bonnaci, Johnny Gosch, Cathy 'O'brian..and in UK research " Harrogate " London rituals.. Ile try find a link..These are your truth speakers...the truly horrifically abused victims.

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

J7 ·
Not Harrogate l meant " Hampstead Christ Church " watch the original interviews then by the 3/4th interview with the two children watch the police prompt the children into saying it was all a lie that they had watched a film. You get the idea.." pizza gate " started with Laurence King and kidnapped Johnny gosch, Paul Bonnaci was altered into West Lee, or Christian he mentions "military" kidnapped children all the time for service.

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

Ms. Marvell ·
It is all very sad how the youth are abused. I'm sorry you are seeing/feeling all of this. Yes- a child in need must be saved, but you must keep your strength up for your own children as well to protect them. Mrs. M

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
Mrs. M ~ I've been asking for rescue for me and my own biological children formally with the US Government too (2010). Attorney General at the time, Eric Holder Jr. President Obama, connected with me, unsolicited by me to him on LinkedIn (@2013). Los Angeles Attorney General Head Deputy for Undercover Crimes (2010), the next day (of the email to Holder Jr.), had a hour conversation on the phone (he wouldn't record, as my request), basically he telling me I'm crazy and said, 'the 1st...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

Ms. Marvell ·
Cosmicdancer- I can't imagine what you are feeling/seeing. It's like the west coast is worse than here than in the south. I left the Dayton, Ohio area as I couldn't handle the negative vibrations and the abductions. I hope we will be able to van tiger and snuff out the evil on our earth and bring into enlightenment. Mrs. M

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
.....we need LoveLight, LoveJoy, Love and Respect to rule. None of the pretenders, posers and imposters, pretending to be societies' engineers without Respect or Love. They don't appreciate anything, they are total loser mentality, rabid within and hidden in human look, trying to play it cool, playing to be the 'new and improved' human/Humanity, while consciously promoting evil rule. They are haters, pizzagate/pedo's, Mofu's, Fafu's, Sacred Universes' enemies, Gods' enemies, and Humanity's...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

J7 ·
Global Hunger Games.. Destination: Nelson.Dulce.wiltshire Barry King. James Casbolt. Duncan. Jan Rodriguez. David Marrow. Steven Greer. Max Spears. Cathy Morgan. Sarah Hart. James Rink. Sarah Adams. Phil Schneider. and Miles Johnson... Breeding Services. MKultra Cathy'O'Brian and Paul Bonnaci, Johnny Gosch filter to Holly weird . Laurence to Larry King. .Hunter s Thompson/Depp.The Two Corey's...Jacksons. Disney Destinations... Wizard of Oz..there on after!.. somewhere over the rainbow...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
Piledians, I believe are connected to archon agenda (lucifer/baphomet), to take over, the original ~God~ the Father (the 1st Sun/Son), the 1st and Only Authentic Creator (Only Love and Respect) Creator of Creation of Humanity with the Sacred Universe. Rohini star, nakshatra, lunar mansion, in Taurus, in Orion??, Piledians (B. Marciniac mentioned this, want to know more about this). Rohini is supposed to be a beautiful woman, in Vedic scripture. Maybe there in Rohini star they use the...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

GreyRaven ·
Has anyone seen the series of videos that go under the title of "the book of man" ? It is supposedly the history of man going way back to our origins in the stars, and those races we have been in conflict with for eons. It may be of interest to those from "elsewhere" .

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

J7 ·
Any thoughts on Telepathy being our 1st language and words came after... meaning what if we all had our tongues cut out and all words did not exist... What function would we have to express our emotions...we only speak the words we have been taught to fit the image or action.. What if we only acted upon feeling and body language... Man put words in the way!

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

Watcher1x1xX ·
We ' still do telepathy...your not?....¥θμГ supposed to be!

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
Yes, but it was silence, with emotion like you said. Words came when Time 'entered the picture'. Cosmos/Lucifer/another Mature part of Him. Was doing primivative contemporary (in now standards) hierarchical precession, with the other male beings, almost like English traditional, without communicating verbally (they showed me a vision of it). Just right before the 1st battle with Yahweh, another part of himself (immature lucifer, not the Mature Self part), in a 'gmo' body merged with Time.

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
See, 'moloch', I asked (telepathically) the nice owl, if I could take a pic of the 'moloch'?? here, watching over the pool?? Owls are usually for repelling birds, from a high placement, not for a decor in a hotel pool area? Right? I can't post another topic on the public forum because it's a dead field for choosing the forum. Attached: two pics of the owl here.

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

Njkrueger ·
Can someone help? I wake up every day confused with stronger feelings of not family feels fake? I've always been an astral traveller. My father is a Krueger with strong family ties to nazi Germany.. My mom was a scotch irish Sioux lakota with royalty on all of the lineages. I had to research all of this as I'm not told anything...myself and kids are all o negative blood types. I had a twin that I feel is alive but I'm told was still born...what's wrong with me?

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

eevie ·
lol i know dark fleet knows me.....have they tried taking you out of your body and you're in convo with another wide awake? interesting shit....

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

eevie ·
CosmicDancer...owls also represent magnetic energy

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

eevie ·
NJKRUEGER , there is nothing wrong with you. Your true self knows it is time to go home....leave the matrix. Not everyone is from this matrix and we are releasing everything and everyone..prepping to go home....leave this shit hole. People will seem strangers....even family....just release.....

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

Ms. Marvell ·
NJKRUEGER- No fear- people seem like strangers to me as well. It's hard- especially when you can't remember shit! Lol! Hang in there. It's going to be a rough ride, but your memories will come back. It's scary- I still don't understand the reasoning for war among our people on this world- but I understand the do so for the protection of the planet. I know that my true family is out there- just not in a human avatar. It's hard when you feel all alone- but you found us here and your among...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
No need for war, ever. Just easy Seperation. With technology too!

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
I Love owls, don't care if they tagged those beautiful beings as an evil rep! They are one of God's beautiful creatures, that were dist too.

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
Hang on tight, hope and wish for the best for Yourself and Loved Ones. Maybe we will have Divine Extinction (Mercy) out of a very insane set up. It's the entire Macro Universe affected/Infected. No room for the weak. The strong to handle Seperation and Rescue of Humanity (All Creation in/with Sacred Universe, in the entire Macro Universe, without evil design and/or rule).

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

Njkrueger ·
That is the one thing I just cannot wrap my head around...war, the imaginary lines that divide. Wish all were as open as everyone here..I'm so glad I found you all.

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

Njkrueger ·
How do I leave? that's exactly how I feel like I want to go home... Things are so intense lately...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
Try to maintain normalcy but not apathy. Especially, to ones in very bad situations. Dont turn the other way, try to help in the safest way. Unity, Community, Communications. Beware of traps! Hold on to your natural self. Wait for Divine Intervention. Not a phoney with a Godly, Cosmic or Human beings, etc..... look. Them holding them up (involuntarily) for an 'intelligent' look to trick you. A lot of them glowing, in an unsual way too. ****Most of them in a girl or woman look. Don't be a...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

J7 ·
NJKRUEGER Everything is right with you..try not to believe all the research you come across, this forum is where you need to be with extraordinary like minded people who could give a more self experience and no bull shyte advice. Nate, Eevie and Cosmic are extremely knowledgeable on many different levels, this is why this forum exists because we have all woke up and we share our journey feeling heard and safe here. Welcome aboard my friend��

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
Njkrueger, there is something very special about the Irish/Native American and also Scottish (another Humanity Craddle) bloodlines. I met a couple of the Irish/ American Indians, both cultures remind me of children and nature, very strongly. There might be a thing happening now with that particular blood mix. Yesterday (after you mentioned the bloodlines), they?? via FB, did a special friendship anniversary video with a brother of a boyfriend of my sis (years ago past, 'a son' to my late...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

Njkrueger ·
That is interesting. I don't know what's going on my emotions are from one extreme to the next, dreams are so vivid. As alone as I may feel here, the one constant is my hope that the world would wake up and do their best to save what we have left. I feel like it might be too late, hope that's just me being a worry wart. Also has anyone heard anything solid on planet x?

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

Watcher1x1xX ·
" The Templars watch! ....September23rd , be ready " Spiritualy, and spread the word! Jesus truly did die on the cross for ' Humanity's sake!

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
*Update: additional added to the beginning of yesterday's post: Initially in response to Knight of Templars topic. I Hope and Wish ASAP, I'm worried about the children. Very bad here. Back at the hotel in Manhattan Beach, CA, same hotel chain, as last four mentioned. People (yesterday and today) in 3d overtly/(but calmly n audible, non synically, calling out "911", "emergency", kamakazi feeling peeps yesterday too, hotel voucher food truck comp fiasco/way rude/ex is totally baphomet/time...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

Imaea ·
Wow, top points for finding that out! Thanks heaps for sharing. That is good to know. Yes I do hope also that James Rink finds out for his sake and for others who listen/read/watch his shows/interviews etc. I'm only replying now as the targetting has been ramped up so much for me in the last month and a bit. How are you going with targetting. How is everyone going with that?

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

Ms. Marvell ·
It's been hell for me... I've been off and just trying to survive. I started reading more from Lisa Renee and using the 12-D shield has really been helping me. She has a lot of free information I suggest everyone look at. I feel since I've started using the 12-D shield it's been a lot better. M

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

Angela ·
I found out recently that the Dark One has been coordinating 200 witches to pray against us. It isn't working, haha. Had health problems recently though, just my body, not an attack. And to the persons who buzzed me, whilst I was having the problem, it didn't help. There is no treatment for what me and my girls have and no cure (I have done the research). So I am doing my best. If there is a treatment I don't know of, then feel free to contact me. After the attempts on my life using Drs it...

ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

whitelion342 ·
We are in shit...unless we sort things out...Just recently found some material with regards to researching the wingmakers and the lyricus groups , and bells went off somewhat, please share or shed light, Listen to this : this link shows the introduction to the arm or connection to the wingmakers, and leads to the ACIO What I feel is that ACIO is part of something bigger could...

Nano tech video

Eclipse ·
here is a video on nano tech. i think they are further along then what they want people to beleive. For example nano implants :/ anyway here is the link.

Re: Nano tech

Stormm ·
Re: Nano tech

Re: Nano tech

Stormm ·
Indeed, there are testimonials of SOME of these grays DO possess some of their own "individuality", and there are even factions of the "unfriendly grays" that are known to work AGAINST the others and FOR our benefits. They too are experiencing an "awakening", and they also SO have a "hive mind". Their telepathy and empathy accentuates that about them, but they still perceive on an individual scale as well. I believe we, ourselves will experience something not quite the same, but yet very...