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Tagged With "528 hz"



Ylona/Elsa ·
Try to make a Toroidal Tesla coil, put a large Lemurian Crystal inside the coil. Then pour it in a large Pyramid shaped Orgonite mold with a mixture of lots of Silver Sand, Selenite clippings and Silver powder. You can use Lapis Lazuli or Turquoise as side stones around the coil. Put the wire of the coil on a tone generator at 5.55 square Hz, and find out if you get pulled out... My kids sleep a lot better since I made this. If you want more info, look me up at Facebook... Ylona van Toor, I...

Re: Kruger Super soldier and targeted individual

Ylona/Elsa ·
Indeed, I make orgonite for friends, facebook friends and their families. I think we need a lot of positive Chi energy on the planet, to ruin their low vibration agenda's and their global GSM/WIFI grid. When orgonite is made properly with good Crystals and lots of Quartzsand and Selenite clippings it can filter the negative energies much more sufficient, than the ones who are almost fully filled with metal or copper parts. People need to try this, it helps a great deal. And the Toroidal...

note: what happens if you meditate to 528 hz

Eclipse ·
so I hear 528 opens a portal if played. I hear light and sound come together in 528. I hear 528 is the creator vibration. well if I'm going to develop actual powers I might lean towards magic. I have even used blackness in dreams like the scarlet with but it was more like telekinesis. so what if I meditate to 528 with intent to unlock? even with just telekinesis in this life. there is perhaps a version of you with powers. can 528 transport you there? im just curious. I will coment if 528 has...