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Re: The Maitre

Nate YPX Grey ·
"a very ancient race taht killed bugs with sticks for food....the "teachers" were upgrading teh universe and taught them....shouldn't have....they are evil vicious bastards and i'm beginning to think they are the real what is known as tall whites"

Re: The Maitre

eevie ·
Awesome post, Nate thank you

Re: The Maitre

Nate YPX Grey ·
if anyone knows anything about them please post about it

Re: The Maitre

eevie ·
Looks just like MardukRa and he is known to be a tall white. So the tall whites are actually the Maitre. The Kurs are the only ones to have ever defeated the Maitre. Universe just got a little smaller.

Re: The Maitre

Nate YPX Grey ·
is he the guy that was in the movie "the Fourth Kind"

Re: The Maitre

eevie ·
That is what they implied and i knew it was true. I know those voices.....they grate on your energy being itself. I know his fugly face. He has no empathy, no remorse, no care...

Re: The Maitre

Nate YPX Grey ·
so you think the being in the movie was a maitre? why are there voices like that and why do they speak sumerian

Re: The Maitre

eevie ·
It's all part of the subterfuge they are waging on humanity. The Anunnaki are the humans. Everyone get used to it...we are their their image...they are human. Speaking Sumerian makes people believe he is god, a human type being, but he isn't. Their true voices are more like swishing sounds and esses..whispers. I suspect some type of device is used to sound metallic. But then i heard the same thing from every voice when my clones were trying to take my em field. i think it's...

The Maitre

Nate YPX Grey · The Maitre - Aliencyclopedia Episode 03 The Maitre Alien Race is one of the most violent and sinister alien races on Earth. They abduct people openly and their aim is world domination! Aliencyclopedia is a web series that discusses the Maitre alien, other alien races, and UFO and ET phenomenon, featuring different types of alien races revealed to mankind. Subscribe for updates on new webisodes: maitre,...