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Tagged With "Nazi"


4 Warning dreams. (Dream of Max Spiers?) & Astral rules you need to learn.

Angela ·
Four warning dreams and Astral rules you need to learn. I hate writing titles, too wishy washy and no one reads it, too sensationalist and you get slammed. I hope this helps someone, as I had stopped telling anyone my dreams (outside of my family) and just sorted out them out myself, even the warning ones. But these seem to need to be shared. I have had four strange dreams recently in July, one turned out to be a precog. dream, so I am also sharing the other three, to see if we can do...

Re: 4 Warning dreams. (Dream of Max Spiers?) & Astral rules you need to learn.

eevie ·
People are dreaming of Max the last few days. I have to wonder what is going on. I was making great progress in integrating my alters until they implanted me with a memory sieve i call it. When i awaken i can physically see and feel my memories going down a drain. And still with the electro shock memory erasure. I need these brain implants disabled. I'm told a natural magnet might do the trick. I was abducted into the astral by black ops agents. They had taken me there to kill me. As they...

Re: 4 Warning dreams. (Dream of Max Spiers?) & Astral rules you need to learn.

Angela ·
Sorry Eevie I didn't realise you had replied to this thread, even though I have it permanently tabbed. I and my family have just moved again in 9 months, so life is a bit hectic. I got told in a dream, we would be moving to a Safe house-not safer but it is a specially made house in Iceland. Basically we now live in a geode as it covered in quartz and obsidian. We three have noticed we aren't picking up stray thoughts anymore-the world is a lot quieter in our heads. In the last month, I have...