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Nano tech video

Eclipse ·
here is a video on nano tech. i think they are further along then what they want people to beleive. For example nano implants :/ anyway here is the link.

Astral tools: the stark /iron man watch.

Eclipse ·
Greetings. I had some unusual dreams in my life to say the least. i dreamed that i was wealthy multiple times . i even dreamed that i had a iron man suit to. infact when i was awake a coworker held something up to me at chest level and said iron man. Anyway a watch started showing up in dreams. It was a sci fi watch that was able to call for help. Usually it seemed to be friends or employees at home sending tech like a self driving vehicle. I have yet to call in a private army but i most...

It will happen by january 2021?

Eclipse ·
hello. I remember how i had a dream of someone in power saying get rid of him before christmas. I thought they meant me . well then i found this. a vaccine plus 5 g radiation. What do they have in common? Perhaps artificial intelligence. i been mentioning a.i. a bunch lately and this is why. possible a.i. tech in the new covid vaccine plus a.i. running on 5 g waves in view of the public more then usual. how would they get ai in vaccine? well things like nano tech and black goo. Right now i...

Re: Nano tech

Stormm ·
Re: Nano tech

Re: Nano tech

Stormm ·
Indeed, there are testimonials of SOME of these grays DO possess some of their own "individuality", and there are even factions of the "unfriendly grays" that are known to work AGAINST the others and FOR our benefits. They too are experiencing an "awakening", and they also SO have a "hive mind". Their telepathy and empathy accentuates that about them, but they still perceive on an individual scale as well. I believe we, ourselves will experience something not quite the same, but yet very...
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Nano tech

Eclipse ·
Hello. I guess they will keep coming out with tech for years. Especially if they give secret tech to the public. A tech that is recently evolving is nano tech. So here is a YouTube video about it.

Re: Nano tech

Stormm ·
I have a plethora of implants that qualify as "nano tech" visible in my MRI's. I've been collecting these from my own, and other ULTRA candidates over the years. It's taken me a few years, but I now know what most of them are for. I'll share some here. My sinuses behind my cheeks is where the "spare parts" are stored. You can see them and the active implants on my MRI's here...

Re: Nano tech

Stormm ·
SOME may believe the programs of MKULTRA are mere conspiracy "theory" and a fantasy. But I am a first generation survivor and I, myself, the implants and skills sets are as REAL as anything can get, and a REAL problem for those of us whose lives have been afflicted with these mad bastards. I share as much as I can, to be checked up on. I have been fighting them erasing my files and existence for over 40 years now, and I stay in the public eye as much as it is possible for me to do. I am an...

Re: Nano tech

Eclipse ·
@Stormm yeah only words are what the crap? Im personally interested in the v shape device. Seems like I could easily have that since i was a kid. All they gotta do is have an excuse to put me asleep as a kid.

Re: Nano tech

Eclipse ·
@Stormm yeah thanks for sharing. sometimes i feel like looking out my window for no good reason. I been interested in aircraft in the area. i even saw a stealthy like helicopter with mostly red lights including a headlight. Only green one at the tail. Also i seen a plane possibly cloak.

Re: Nano tech

Stormm ·
The V-shaped implant, happened when we moved to Riverside, CA, around 1958, and they tried me out for the MK Monarch program (then mostly around Anaheim- the brand new "Disney Land" no less). I was five years old and already had two encounters with "gray aliens", at school, and one night in our garage. The little gray Emerther aliens (I thought they were 'martians' at the time) came into my room, and floated me out to a craft, hovering over our backyard, and inserted the "triangular thingie"...

Re: Nano tech

Eclipse ·
Interesting. well i know i have a hole. It is said to be a ingrown hair site and it can be anywhere. However its where my tail bone is. Its like someone tried to regenerate me after a project but that mysterious area fell apart. otherwise i kind of need a scan to find hardware.

Re: Nano tech

Stormm ·
The next time you get an MRI or a head x-ray (they are in other places too), make sure you get a full copy of the CD-Rom they use. It will present a full series of pictures, slice-by-slice. I've a collection now of other ULTRA's implants. Most are not quite as extensive as my own. but I was a working agent for 25 years before I went renegade.

Re: Nano tech

Eclipse ·
Oh man .. Not sure if there is something with 20 but there is 20 and back or 20 years a slave. just caught that and thats a long time to be in involuntary service. yeah i should get a mri any year now since im older. definitely the one thing i should keep weather i have hardware ore not since i had to many coincidences. @Stormm

Re: Nano tech

Nate YPX Grey ·
I used to get horrible nose bleeds as a kid and I was visited, but I dont remember the EMERTHER aliens I was visited by zeta articuli which I have heard by peter the insider are less sophisticated than the EMETHER. "Victors Alien Interview" has a video of them. If you look at that video its exactly what visited me as a child. DNI on the screen stands for "department of naval intelligence" DNI tried to recruit me when I got out of highschool. I learned about from...

Re: Nano tech

Saoirse ·
I have those same implants too! That is so creepy that the v-shaped one in your hand is associated with Disney Land! I was never there, but my folks used to go every couple of years when I was a kid. My enrolment in the MK Monarch program likely related to that. No doubt it was a really cool place when it first opened! I have a v-shaped scar between my forefinger and thumb on my left hand, and recall getting the one in my toe when I was 5. It hurt and was awful. Although I have one up my...

Re: Nano tech

Saoirse ·
I'm gonna take a look at that video. Thanks Nate. Those nose bleeds are NO fun! I thought the Emerther and Zeta reticuli's were the same thing?

Re: Nano tech

Eclipse ·
i had alien contact in a way. Such as a reptilian in human form during a dream. he was inspecting my left arm at one point. my first ufo sighting was seeing a light come from behind the moon. i seen shadow beings when attempting to sleep and not sure what the source was. It could be milab dropping in for all i know. @Stormm @Nate YPX Grey

Re: Nano tech

Stormm ·
The Emerther, are an ancient race and a part of the Council of Five. I want to describe that as having a lot of political pull with the whole galaxy, but it goes deeper than that. I don't fully understand the alliances as such yet. The Emerther look a great deal like the grays, especially if they are wearing lens covers on their eyes, and have tiny, pert noses, large eyes with whites & colored irises like ours, barely holes for ears, and a more expressive, though still tiny mouths. Their...

Re: Nano tech

Nate YPX Grey ·
This is a video of an EMETHER, its different from Zeta Articuli. According to "peter the insider" they are more advanced and they like some of our music. I was exposed to aliens I dont remember very well as a kid when I went to a place called "room 16" I dont know a whole lot about it because I believe my memories of them were erased. Its my understanding that the government used to interview Zeta Articuli at S4 around groom lake in "area 51." I knew a guy call-sign "JRidge" who worked there...

Re: Nano tech

Stormm ·
Yup! Those look like my "Martians", back in 1958. And I'm not surprised they erased your memories of such. The very next day, Dr. George Estabrooks (established MKULTRA Hypnotist) had me and my parents believing the whole incident was just the vivid imagination of a child prodigy. I couldn't deny I had one, and until I saw the implant on an MRI almost 60 years later: I'd have never believed it. On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 10:08 AM Super Soldier Forum < > wrote:

Re: Nano tech

Nate YPX Grey ·
Yeah I have been hypnotized and drugged too, and the lights they use effect the mind as well. I kind of miss the worms but there is nothing fun about being visited by the Zeta's they just experiment on you and they communicate without using words, they can put images in your head and can communicate via thoughts, if I remember correctly. The worms can communicate verbally and they have emotions and are similar to the worms in the men in black movies. They were not as traumatizing to...

Re: Nano tech

Eclipse ·
Speaking of martians... i have memories that are like snap shot images. its possible a clone of mine was on dry worlds. Well one is a desert landscape with pyramids. Not giza. Something like mars. Plus i think a stream of water was near it. Not sure if its a small river though

Re: Nano tech

Eclipse ·
thanks @Saoirse . You know whats odd you guys? Alot of my possible ssp memories happen to be about tech. speaking of alien intelligence.. i feel greys might have a hive mind when i dont remember one. Maybe another memory. Not saying they cant be individuals.

Re: Nano tech

Nate YPX Grey ·
some how john stormm's @Stormm post has dissapeared? I am the only moderator and I didnt remove it. This is really bazzar, unless he removed it himself that means a third party deleted john stormm's post.

Re: Nano tech

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey there may be eyes on the site in general but deleted contend is def odd. if it wasnt you or storm. I got everyone's backs the best i can. maybe you can investigate it since you know computers? Not sure about exactly what training and software you have though. Reply not needed. Just saying.

Re: Nano tech

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey not sure which one it was but maybe the reply was on another topic? Unless we are talking about the quotation with no reply text.

Re: Nano tech

Nate YPX Grey ·
@Stormm out of curiosity what did they delete?

Re: Nano tech

Saoirse ·
You are a true hero Master @Stormm! Our only option is to win this... I'm with you!

Re: Nano tech

Stormm ·
Not me at all! I've known for years that MOST of the information I spread can get people killed, or me killed for doing it. But I work for 4-5 hours EVERY day, getting ALL of that information into SO many public hands, they'd have to kill the planet to keep their dirty secrets. I used to have my own website ( but the Feds took that down on us, and from there, I moved to nearly every social platform I could reach and posted more and more, with pictures, names, dates, places,...

Re: Nano tech

Eclipse ·
yeah seems like ultras have very little fear if any. i mean all flavors if ultra and super soldier. as far as hackers i dont expect anything out of revenge because i dont see ongoing drama like starseed websites. i dont blame them if tracking operations is mostly at a distance or video removal. Anything in the face might be problematic for them and for various reasons

Re: Nano tech

Eclipse ·
Hi everyone. Just going to record something since i might be on topic. Someone in dream time snuck up and stuck me in the back with a small needle with a shot. On the upper back and either on the spine or slightly right. i wonder how real it was. I said what did you do ?! Anyway im fighting off a interesting health bug or something but i dont think it was to heal the symptoms.

public healing factor by nano tech? would you need to be wealthy? food for thought.

Eclipse ·
greetings . i seem to have a strength of thinking about technology. almost like im trying to remember super soldier stuff. i might not be able to remember stuff but my interest in tech is odd. yet i cant explain how any of it works. maybe one day i will list some of my ideas on the forum. there are some tech that can com out but humanity might naturally fight against it. one thing they may speak out on is paying with their finger prints instead of having cash or card. of course rental scan...

Re: Nano tech

Saoirse ·
Thank you for sharing your experiences. I am glad I'd sent copies of my MRI scans to you when I did John! If I hadn't, I STILL might always wonder about the implants that I had either no memory of, or vague memories of (such as the one in my hand and the one in my toe).

milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
hi. i should probably put this post in the members only section but i have the power of a pen name. hehe. however i went from brother off the street to possible future interviewee person on a laid back show. yes now i understand how not many want to step forward. anyway im eclipse as you know. if you dont know about me im currently looking into being a astral and multi dimensional milab. some projects i may be involved with is project surrogate, milab/mk ultra, and umbrella corp. my odd...

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Nate YPX Grey ·
do you have a wound from being stabbed?

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey i heard of mysterious marks but i dont have any. Seems like being stabbed on the astral Australian land was just a clone loosing his life. I wonder if marks can be disguised as natural. like i have a hole from a in grown hair. The thing is its near my tail bone when the dr said it can happen anywhere. when i checked myself right now i noticed i still have my birth mark. Its a large freckle on the back of my left leg.

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey since this is kind of a discussion post as well would you like to share a moment where you remembered your project? i heard of the hospital room accident with different kinds of classified beings like mutants. so you can tell us a little about that if you wish.

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Nate YPX Grey ·
Yeah I went to a hospital where there were they put people with government clearances and mutants on the same floor together, it was a strange experience. I met a guy who was fired from NASA this was when NASA was de-funded and fired a lot of people, i met a veteran from Department of Naval Intelligence and storm was there working as a nurse or some sort of staff strangely enough, she had white lines in her black hair it was very bazzar, thats how i could tell her apart from the other old...

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey cool story bro. I personally rather have powers of storm instead of namor. At least i would always have a cool breeze while walking in summer.

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Nate YPX Grey ·
well I have a suppressed memory of being drowned and surviving, perhaps that is what the guy was talking about. I am pretty sure he was a men in black. I don't feel comfortable going into the details of the memory though, I remember being flashed and hypnotized afterwards to make me forget about it, they did a pretty good job distorting my memories and making them unreliable.

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
your fine bro. glad to hear your still with us. so then they have a device that can mess with memories. hmm. yes you could have a mix of things going on. like how Deadpool in the wolverine movie had different kind of genetics from various people. i did not care for how that character wound up to be more of a special made up version of the guy from mortal kombat. anyway some beings are drawn to water. im more drawn to air like powers as a theme. like flying and lighting. i will throw in...

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

CosmicDancer ·
I know , if I remember I wouldnt be able to motion Upwards n Forward most of the time , if the Circumstances required . Im definitely , a s.c.a.r.e.d.y. c.a.t. . However , have natural Affinity with going on hikes ' .. and mortal athlectics n Arts before .. I would have Loved to been able to Travel extensively . Its obvious the extremities as counterintuitive.. I dont know Truly in that regard now . Too much , I want to do an extensive Post - Thread on whats occurring in Los Angeles right...

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer thanks for reply. would you like to share a time when you remembered about your project? it can be from dreams , waking life, ect. you said you where told you where a scientist for a project ? are you able to tell us about at time you remembered about that?

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
Hi everyone. Not sure if you believe in synchronicity but i seen a new mexico licence plate when i live far away from there. Its just another case where life is telling me im a version of milab but that was odd after my latest posts.

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

CosmicDancer ·
Funny , how I just got this post 2 Years later , And now able to answer It ? Project ?? I never mentioned A " Project " in regards to any High Scale baseline topic that would be matching this forums Context , other than High scale mundane Projects ", ... Oh You mean like the diy kit Water Filter Kit I posted about in 2022 ? and 911 Emergency Heater diy kits I mentioned ' ? ... Or The Stargate I have been mentioning Years prior since You arrived on SSF ? ALso , I had to mention about 3 x s...

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer interesting that you just noticed this. i honestly seem to be a different person in the past. even from the one who joined the forum. that situation is hard to explain. still the same soul pushing the keyboard buttons. well by project i just meant super soldier project or i guess you can use the word faction in some cases. i also asked if you remember anything about it. didnt you say your a monarch scientist in a way? i think i was asking about that. i assume you mean monarch...

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer page 2. i do think other things are interesting to. like you mentioned a stargate project. wondering if one of my clones was involved around a stargate seems to be an affirmative answer by intuition. well we both might have been with monarch solutions so maybe that somehow effected how long you got the reply notification from this post. just guessing because that is interesting. yeah i would like to hear about your backround, projects/factions, and memories whenever.

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer i was just looking over this post and its interesting if alerts are slow on a milab topic. thanks again for pointing that out.

Tech/Hacking Book Reviews

Nate YPX Grey · Short Video talking about which tech/hacking books to buy all listed below: Cisco IT Essentials v7 Getting Started Becoming a Master Hacker Network Basics for Hackers Kali Linux Reference Guide a Pentester's Voyage Kali Linux Penetration Testing Bible Hands on Hacking Cybersecurity for Dummies Hacking for Dummies Networking for Dummies