Tagged With "Mind control handler"
Re: RIP Lee Backer
Lee Bracker was Hulk btw. Maybe explains his dual personality, (ie Hulk and his temper, ) if he was all over the place and 'out there'. I worked once with Hulk on a spaceship salvage mission. A hundreds of thousands year old ship had been found and I was mission leader as it was a telepathic bio ship. Hulk wanted to Smash? It made me laugh. Thor was there, as was Ra's Al Ghoul (He concerned me as his thoughts were not under control.)
Re: RIP Lee Backer
Eevie; I only remember one bio ship. It was lonely as the crew had died a long time ago. Way into Space, beyond our Solar system. We were only allowed on because we had no weapons and another more 'mature' off world species entered before us. They had these weird quadriped animals that could float in space. They felt sad. You entered by anit grav energy portal. That was intense. I was the only one who could interface, which activated the crew, boy did they freak out (snigger). Weirdly we...
Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY
Timelines have already been changed by the Uncreated creator using the 4 Royal stars. They are quasars and were used to change our timeline. This is what the Mayans call the Time of No Time. They calculated it would last 25 yrs. It started in 1987 before the Harmonic Convergence in August of that year. So 25 years would have ended in 2012. I got a vivid dream in January 2012 that many spaceships had time travelled (Operation Pegasus ability) back to 1987, (23 May I found out later) and they...
Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"
Hi there IMAEA, I have listened to Peter the insider. Basically I don't trust him but that's my gut instinct and I can't ignore it. Also somethings he said I know are false, he credits some events to his ACIO and I know someone else did them. I am into herbal remedies and I would say Mint Tea is one of the worse teas to drink for people who are like us, on this website. It can increase anxiety and make you more nervous. In Bartram's Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine under Peppermint, the...
Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"
I think that Peter means to do well , but I am also finding it hard to listen to the dude, I keep getting images from underground base activities and after James's interview with him, I had some insight in sleep state to see what the deal was about, like I said, he means to do well, I found that he is like a universal receiver for all types of energy. Peter the Universal Radio broadcaster...no filters, and not all the info is current or relevant to this current timelines, he seems to also...
Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"
IMAEA- I have tried to listen to Peter on James' interview with him. I am very psychic- and got a feeling from him that made me very nervous and I couldn't finish listening to the interview. It was almost like he triggered me in a way that increased my anxiety. As for the tea- I'm going to have to agree with everyone- I wouldn't drink it. It's like that saying don't drink the Kool- aide. Lol! Besides I like to be in control of myself. I would be weary of anything that "rents" out your astral...
Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"
IMAEA I think that if anyone who is a presenter/researcher nowadays that isn't dead, is either very programmed or in on it. I always thought that any Supersoldiers or MILABS that were waking up, would obviously go to these presenters and tell their stories and boom, they are reprogrammed, where the program was weakest. I think a lot of the presenters get targeted too, to keep them low energy. I found and removed my metal implants by visualise/focus/intent and prayer, but I was finding I was...
Re: Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle
All mind control agencies are malevolent alien created and controlled......Jesuits being just one of them. They are not on our side.
Re: humans with et alien origins
We are all hybrids (of various alien races) incarnated on this planet in human form. Since earth is a prison planet, it is in lock-down due to the intentional interference of lay lines (by ..."humans" in authority). Misuse of technology, etc. Unfortunately this has created a control grid, that affects both disembodied souls, (and souls with bodies). Which in turn presents a challenge to navigate when they transfer out (resulting in increased supernatural/ghost activity on earth). This...
Re: humans with et alien origins
This is Not Prison Planet Or TroLL Planet . This is Planet Earth - Gods n The Mothers Planet with The FatherHeaven - Providence of ALL Universe . Love Planet ! Love Element goes Hand n Hand with Respect Element . Love doesnt exist without Respect in Natural Law . Love Elements = Nature , Comfort , Beauty , FREEDOM , Creativity , Truth , Beautiful Life ... The Highest Apex of Love RuLes is PEACE ! Humans do Not have the capacity to make Lay Lines , which are Natural Guidelines . The Matrix is...
Re: humans with et alien origins
MM - I speak frome n for ALL MySelfs : dude it aint My Job to get u laid n make itz able to be able to play ' in a certain way ! As I said before it equals ALL Evil and Hate = Finite concrete pain in The Entire Macro Universe . Youre obviously Do Not Care as Predator Inflictor , DisRespector Poser imposing with form n formula and Technology with enslaved Children ( with mind control n other tech ) and Universe ..... Not a Homemaker or even a Hommie . Its worst than hell making ! ALL black...
Re: It's getting nasty!
The micro chips, can lie dormant and somewhat undetectable. We must conquer mind control and sex control. Even geomancy with them, we have to 'separate the weeds' from Our (Humanity's) Harvest! We are not their Harvest to enslave and beat up to all Infinity! Micro dimensional 'hidden' prison hells, must be conquered with ALL techs. Please have Mercy for Grace and all Grace's. It's all falls apart anyway that TOTALLY INSANE way, if allowed! Don't feed the evil wolf, even ego mind score it's...
Re: It's getting nasty!
the only way to gain control over your life...more than you currently have you must remove the chakra harness. It is an implant. It has nothing to do with your pineal...your pineal is organic nad bad things only happen thru the pineal if you stll have the chakra harness implant. They cannot give you love bites without a chakra harness. That is what drove me to remove the one i had. been several years now and things are very different now.
Re: It's getting nasty!
Yes, we have to streamline whatever pain (their virus) they're giving our Humanity. Bypassed back straight to them in their mental body without the ones holding them up feeling the pain. I keep on chanting "fain Pain Program", to the Universe. FFP, Everything that they did as far as pain, verbatim, karma back to them. They chose to gamble with karma and more horrendous assault, instead of doing the right thing You can feel 1st dimensional pain (worst than 3d pain, via technology in your...
Re: It's getting nasty!
*****This keeps on being removed Posted 7/2/2017: Eevie, bogus set-ups are systemic 'fires' that deviates from the core 'fire'. Some are "chasing the I'd" (J7), spinning their wheels, playin 'mortal kombat'. It prompts a vicious cycle, being stuck in rut. We must be organized and systematic for Humanity's (ALL Creation with Natures' Existence and 'mindless' Creation), in the One Time Beginning). Freedom! Yes I agree, watch over each other. I imagine an individual lasso of each, connecting...
Re: I can't expose mind control!
11 times 'mind control' appeared here. And the Matrix is not the humans prison, it is the prison for the non-humans. IE. the reptos and fallen angels and interdimensionals. NLP will NOT work here IJN. Wondered when THEY would turn up.lol
Re: Wilderness therapy programs
This video is about Mind Control in MK Ultra and in Wilderness Therapy ProgramsMind Control, WIlderness Therapy, Wilderness Programs, MK Ultra, Super Soldier, Super Soldiers, Behavior Modification, Programs for teens, Brainwashing, Heal, Bluebird, Artichoke, MKUtra, MKsearch, https://www.youtube.com/watch?...7s&frags=pl%2Cwn
Re: James Rink
About James Rink I am a milab and have been used against my own will for military combat. I have been subjected to ritualized trauma, monarch programming, and human cloning connected to military abductions and alien mind control. Note: James Rink does not necessarily vouch for the validity of any of the views expressed in this blog and shall be held harmless by all third parties. Any information provided here is offered to treat for entertainment purposes only. Discernment is always required.
Re: Nordic Aliens
What is a cyborg reptilian? They're different from the normal reptilians??? Aryan genetics were considered more advanced than others by the Nazis, probably because they were connected to Nordic aliens and were biased. I think some of the Nordic 'aliens' are time travelling Nazi Aryan SuperMen trying to tweak their past of their timeline. What is it with white people, do they have more reptilian dna in them, some of them, which makes them more compatible to be reptilian hosts? In mind control...
Re: Nordic Aliens
Not all white people are easier to mind control. That would be the blonde, blue eyes. This is why they choose the blondes over others, easier to mind control. Could be something done to their genetics eons ago just for this purpose.
Re: Nordic Aliens
the white race has creativity and technology. It is more similar to the ET nordic races. the nordic races communicate using their minds and use creativity. Surviving in the snow is hard. It is survival of the fittest, not the easiest to mind control.
Re: september 11th, what happened?
When Bert isn't being mind controlled he is one of the most likeable people you will ever meet. He was like a father to me. That's how he made me feel. Genuinely a loving person. But, they have him under their control......zionist control.
Re: september 11th, what happened?
I noticed they don't come out and say that he was, maybe still is, head of the military psyops. He isn't fully retired, or they would pretty much leave him alone. But he is married to a zionist jew, Rima. She is a major hardass and his handler, too. He was programmed to believe they fell in love. When Rima told the story he looked confused about the whole thing. Didn't have anything to say about it. I understand that position too well.
Re: september 11th, what happened?
I wish i could remember more, Nate. My memories are punched with holes. He has a machine in his room that enhances psychic abilities, including astral projection. They used it on me many times. Many years ago i had a dream/oob of movign to central america to help a general. That was all i knew. Next thing i know i am introduced to him online and he procured a passport for me in just an hour. I flew there with 30 some odd dollars in my pocket. The natural food deal they publicize is real to a...
Re: It's getting nasty!
the chakra harness is the collection of chakras in livng beings on earth. It is an implant and a direct drain and why you stay tired so much, or ill, or in pain. This is how they do love bites as well. Since getting rid of the chakra harness...no love bites. used them on me way too often but they access you thru the chakras. The pineal is natural...a part of our brains. Without the chakra harness it functions as it is supposed to. When interfered with by chakras it is not under our control...
Re: Regarding Corey Feldman
What is happening with Johnny Depp? Does anyone know or care? 💥 Just because he is really mixed in that scene, doesnt mean he is not the victim. I believe he is Someone who needs help. He might be falling apart with the infestation and/or 'die off' symptoms, who knows.?? He isn't looking well at All in a few of the recent pics. I am extremely concerned and worried about him. He is my All time favorite actor! I believe he was dupped too, maybe on some occasions. It would be a very bad...
Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.
Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.
Re: Regarding Corey Feldman
Hi CELTICSHAMAN365MHZ, thanks for the blog suggestion. I vaguely remember seeing this blog a few years back. II wasn't able to get to the entries though to see. As far as things happening the way they are, its totally unacceptable. People falling thru the cracks of an unfair set-up. It's really hit and miss, duck duck goose, hunger games and bad listing, now by 'A.I'. too ?? Synthetic Intelligence, Mind Control and it's falling apart with all these mad sciences and scientists. Its not...
Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.
Informative but there are some questions. I don't discount "A.I" (I refer to as Alpha Intelligence., S.I. I refer to Synthetic Intel., or Programed, Mind Control/M.C). S.P/Self Program and I.I/"I" Intelligence. I find myself referring to now a days. I wanted to re-post from my fb timeline about this today here on SSF. but the tech was disfunct. Ra, is supposedly Mars. Same olde boring ' story' is actually History not in Vain or Pain. If you were an elder and/or old soul you would have...
Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.
Time is an actual Person/Being/an Elemental, he is one of the very first males'/man. He and we have been beyond extremely compromised. Personally and circumstancially. He has many 3d bodies. Many were/are framented because of those evil situation/s. That one, he was in his very first 'look', blond and started out pre-Earth, cosmically as German bloodline. English/UK/British Isles**, Norway, Sweden.... Basically every bloodline, if you think of him as one of the very first male/Man. He...
Re: Regarding Corey Feldman
Last night, I just watched a video that Coey Feldman put out recently. I wanted to post it here. His own account of the his stabbing that recently occurred. He shows hospital paperwork on the short video, stating how to care for his injury. procedures and tests given. So he must of had some injury for the hospital to treat him. He said they measured his wound with a device. He said he gave a video to TMZ. I didn't see this on TMZ. He said it takes up to 6 months for AIDS to show up in a...
Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)
This is another article by frank zero should've just went to sleep like a good American This is the one that’s gonna make me tons of friends. I’m having a crisis trying to understand what we are even doing anymore...but I’m not here to bitch. I want you to tell me why I’m wrong and where we should go next. Get angry, come up with some awesome new plan, or way to organize what we’ve been trying to do. (Please don’t waste your time telling me I’m mean,or critical, or don’t know what I’m...
Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)
This is Something You Need to Know - by a man who may be seeking attention, hopefully help, and to be struck down by Odin for his transgressions against this field, individuals of all kinds, and seemingly most of all himself, and who still may for some reason hold the keys to some of the truths we have been seeking for decades: (edit and commentary by Frank Zero) (Frank Zero's comments in ( ) brackets I don't really have time to debate, but am always open to it. As a disclaimer I have been...
Re: Obama Devil Horns Appear During Speech?? Statue Of Satan Also Appears!
This is a clone of Obama. I doubt we have ever seen the real deal. Horns don't mean devil, or satan. Satan means an accuser, like an attorney which is how the satans are spoken of in the OT of the bible. Most of what we know today is from xian lore. Nothing biblical have i found given the xian interpretation which came about to scare the people into staying with the church. Heaven and hell...the same. Mind control tactics.
Re: Implants
is that why it says lorien #1 on here? shes a little too pat for me and it makes her sound fake. so i dont trust her either. no doctors to trust? thats pretty grimm i wonder how they can detect it? ive been told i had apophis in my eye and in any clearing ive done ive had fluid gush outta my eye. one of my eyes has always been smaller than the other one. ive had a pool ball thrown above the one eye, cat scratch it , and dobermans bite underneath it as a kid. ive had to get glasses last yr...
Re: Are dreams ( or rather nightmares) trying to regain lost memories?
Peace and Love is what saved me from evil spirits attacking my brain, no joke I was hugging everyone in the dream like I had enough control like I'm lucid dreaming and the assault dissipated. If I reacted differently and make it less serious than what It was, I probably would go mad lol. It was pretty intense it feels almost like just missing a bullet.
Re: What is going on with Kannabis at my local Cannabis store ? N Updates on personal Experience with the Bank Institution scenario * N local Stores .........
https://m.facebook.com/story.p...p;id=100000405341801 This a link to a FB post I did about two weeks ago regarding a local store involving , gang stalking n major brand alterations n denied it was their product , wouldnt exchange or refund a faulty opened product| pens that didnt work , tried to withhold the PineSol again | with putting aside not charging it too , N WOULDN'T give me the Comet cleaner again , that they didnt bag the last time too , I refused to repurchase the C**** because...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
Djnn are Cosmic Universal Beings Naturally Expressed ( Natural Procreation ) very early before Earth was Created by God the Creator ( there is only One God ) . A jezebel (s) ( initially by Proxy of baphomet , lucifer n lyra ' | o ..... ) gmo of An Avatar ( due to Proxy ) of The Mother n Universal Cosmic node dark mind killerbee wannabee put them in Imprisonment , thats how hell making started. ( Illustrated as the Djnn | Genie imprisoned in a Lamp or Vessel waiting tobe released n Be in...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
@Nate YPX Grey as far as secrets i can just imagen its just for control and some people may fear disclosed beings. governments can be messed with by citizens and there was a radio show called war of the worlds where people freaked out thinking it was real. these may not be the exact case in modern north america. Then ontop of that im sure they wont tell people if they are tracking bloodlines because secrecy can be a weapon in expiriments and projects. maybe telling the public of a weapons...
Re: Failed Attempt of Abduction...
for everyone's and everybody's information on You Tube: User Named: Jan Brennan/Hugz From Heaven, might be an online and You Tube BOT, speaking of and about important You Tube AND online issues....please don't get involved or comment to You Tube user named: Hugz From Heaven/Jan Brennan, because you'll spend months, or even weeks, or days, or even hours, or minutes and seconds, having Your life and online accounts and so on, messed with, by You Tube user named Jan Brennan, the only real way...
Re: Alien Races "The Council of Five"
I go back thousands of years with them. This Council knows how to keep track of your incarnations and to a degree can control your souls birth position if necessary when you affiliate with them closely as an insider. They stay very mysterious for good reasons but their intent is good. If there is an Adjustment Bureau it's them. There are great reasons why they stay mostly off the radar. I pity the soul that is on their bad side. Still they are full of compassion while at the same time they...
Re: Alien Races "The Council of Five"
Nate, That's tricky because there's information they do not want in the open. I gotta be vague to a degree because a lot is at stake here and the safety of everyone is at hand. This is why the Illuminati the ones that show off are really low end power players. Think of a group like SHIELD from Marvel but the technology is far more advanced and please know they are really out there. Think of The WATCHERS from Marvel combined with this concept also but more of them living on our Earth,...
Re: Random Thoughts
Spirituality and science were one until they were separated for our ignorance and control. They don't work very well apart from each other. But so called miracles occur when brought back together. I have ancient memories of the days when they were inseparable.
Re: Bored So Here's Free Knowledge
There is no such things as absolute truth unless you can create your own reality. I believe that in order to find truth you must create it. If you have to speak in riddles, you haven't found it. If you have to speak within a set parameter, you haven't found it. If you aren't doing what you love, you haven't found it. If you don't have total control of your life and the multiverse around you, you haven't found it. It's really simple and cut and dry, that's what I love about the nature of...
Re: John Stormm's update on police invading his house
not sure really, i guess they are just control freaks or somthing, IDK
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
Excellent information. I knew not to trust anything to do with wingmakers, my intuition picked it up straight away when a former boyfriend (handler) tried to push that onto me. I suspected that it had something to do with MK Ultra. This former boyfriend seems to have ties with Peter from ACIO as well. Including his friends.
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
Yeah I found out just recently that ACIO is NSA. Can't remember where I found that but I knew via intuition it was a reviewing tactic of any Supersoldiers getting their memories back, so thye could be MILABed and erased. I just wish James Rink finds that out and gets out from under their control. I found out a lot of info from his videos but i will not listen to that Peter.
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
Pindar does horcrux type stuff. hes in many people at one time. theres a white dragon, a black dragon, and a red dragon as far as the ancient black draco arts go. its taking a piece of someones soul after binding urself to them. so when u die u can still live on vicariously thru them. Im a born again Christian now and what they do with this is speak deliverance prayers against this practice and breaking generational curses hanging on ur and ur bloodline and stron gholds. the satanic...
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
the true elohim council only wishes for humanity to be part of the god head again. everything and every false trinity or god here is counterfeited. since the duality split in the garden when adam and eve los tthier immortal bodies. There is only one true God and thats Elohim and Elohim is love. humanity is the ones who have polarized themselves from original truth adn compllicated and mixed so many truths with lies they cant even recognize original and simple truth. the pure plan laid out...