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Tagged With "Cube"


Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

Eclipse ·
@eevie I'm not sure your around. However our friend is Def having some interesting dreams. Like being blasted with a dream fire hose hehe. It seems really involved so any thoughts?

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

EngineNeared ·
@Eclipse Yea these dreams are intense vivid and seemingly real . I've got so many I can cover its amazing. I drank heavy for about 20 years so I can tell you i didn't know about any of these things I described. All I cared about was drinking beer after work. I cant even really say the Black semi oval bed with a deep egg like dish is a med bed all i can say is I was being told to get into it lol. Ill go threw my journal when i get home and find the gems and post them. Lots of dreams with...

DReams of an uncanny nature

EngineNeared ·
Hello, I've experienced a recent onset of total dream recall for 1 year and 3 months. The dreams are so vivid and real that I'm compelled to write them down each morning. Prior to this I couldn't remember but maybe 2 dreams per year but now I remember nearly nightly . I just turned 41 and I'm pretty confused as to what's triggered this. Let me begin. At age14 (1994) I had one of these very vivid dreams and then nothing after, of someone picking me up in a space craft Human male prob 30 years...

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

Eclipse ·
Hi. I'm eclipse. 😀 those dreams seem to be pretty involved. Also not like usual dreams I hear of. you mentioned some tech that might exsist. A med bed is the biggest thing. also yeah they can use cubes or maybe even spheres. in a way I feel crystal like stone can even hold information like a compact disc. They can most likely conduct energy to. Especially a metal spheres.i personally think you should be open about your experiences because they are most likey not coincidence. remember how In...

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

Eclipse ·
um to be honest a lot of us have a drug of choice. so no one can judge. i can tell you that my birth father liked the bottle a crap ton. the interesting thing is his name was james and he was celtic. maybe even scotts-irish. you know hat i mean if you been around the community. as far as dreams ... i stayed on the site because dreams might be a different reality. they can do all kinds of things including whats called a 20 and back. so i wonder if dreams like yours are the mind trying to...

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

Eclipse ·
interesting. well as far as the secret space program i could tell im a pilot of small things. like avatars, mechs, and small craft with weapons or not. im a person who might recognize tech ideas instead of being a soldier. i also like the idea of a energy assault rifle as my basic weapon if i have to be in th field. anyway dreams are real in a way but i still cant tell which are just dreams and which are people messing with me. one i can talk about is a dream about a guy going to my family...

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

EngineNeared ·
@Eclipse yes the dream of a propulsion unit inside of a cube was pretty amazing really. It was a cube comprised of thousands of smaller cubes and it spun on one of its main apex points. it could separate itself dimensional from cube to cube to form many shapes and The cube opened up and inside were 13 spinning spheres counter rotating from each row sized like a cue ball. Then the face of the cube on each side had one crystal clear sphere spinning also with dimples like a golf ball i asked...

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

EngineNeared ·
dreams for me are getting more intense. feb 28th 2021 someone ran up to me with a newspaper and show me the front page reading BURKE and im bUrke invents electromagnetic machine gun and destroys bridge. Feb 18th flying everywhere with just my body being chased by hostile force to prevent my flying so i flew to space the view was amazing knowing they wont follow me here. Upon leaving earth the thought of not breathing in space frightened me so i lowered myself back to earth and then returned...

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

Eclipse ·
oh geeze. well yeah i have the group stalking thing. Also the classic soldier or scout and also avatars with powers. the most interesting power is umbrakenesis. I pretty much have to intend anything else besides flying or weaponized shadows. as far as dreams I also had snap shots. Such as a galaxy map. One of the snap shots was a bunch of spheres in rows against a green backdrop. Like building blocks of reality via something called point space. So anything can happen. I actually have a mark...

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

cloi ·
we were in the same specials. units, I was there too, in the time lap program, I was in other dimensions, emergency missions too, I remember what you say, I had the rank of an officer, you also have to be an officer, no one was there less, I was out exploring foreign worlds, scouting and reconnaissance, then rapid response units enter and we are withdrawn, remember that? do you remember the fight with raptorami?

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

EngineNeared ·
I know that I'm always with 3 guys sometimes 1 female is with us. Ill look threw my dream notes on the raptor when i get home. But when we go in were usually looking for something thats lost or shit we dont want people to have i can still see the galley and rec room from the ship we rode on look the fuck out tho when it inverts

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

cloi ·
wow bro i'm the 3rd or 4th generation, born in 1973, i am now 48 but we are both well over 100 years old wow bro we have a lot to say, i was injured, i was medically operated on gray creatures ships, i was at the time to back and forth, I saved people, I led them out of the trap, do you remember training with the raptor alone in the room? everyone died, we learned to die, the same under water, drowned to the end and then a regeneration chamber, and that black fluid in the veins instead of...

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

EngineNeared ·
@cloi wow.. I'm just beginning to realize these weren't just dreams was the battle with Raptorami a giant humanoid in an ocean somewhere and the team cut its achilles tendon and it drown and the team picked up munitions from the sea floor? There's alot of battles I can recall thanks for the response

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

EngineNeared ·
Do you remember getting sent back to see Eisenhower ? we had to show him something with these ultra high tech holographic pictures it was just a clear piece of film that displayed the pictures about 2 inches above the film. He gave us something i have to look i cant remember now to take back to our commander to prove we gave him what he needed to see.

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

EngineNeared ·
definitely other dimensions we even had a setting on the rifle we carried that could let us squeeze threw with a temporal distortion felt like thick water and you would feel out of body while going threw it at a 45 degree angle I know think my name was Savi' because i had a dream i signed a contract with that name. I can still see myself doing it it was so vivid

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

cloi ·
and maybe you remember training with raptor in one cage ?? a lot of soldiers died of a heart attack just at the sight of it, that's part of the training

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

EngineNeared ·
Went threw My notes where these raptors pink skinned not hot pink but just more slightly pink flesh like in color ? I see we were fighting and being attacked by a group of humanoids with these raptors from elsewhere that had these with them many many people died before we could get into a malfunctioning dumb my tactical partner was missing

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

cloi ·
yes they were used to attack, I know them I fought them

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

cloi ·
I remember there was a group of women and men, each of us dressed in a white uniform, without markings, in the alien base, I saw a creature, it had a beautiful blue color and it was a 3 meter tall octopus, it was floating in the air and a man was walking next to us, there were 30 of us (but I don't know well) they told us that we will be safe there until everything ends on earth, before that I was on earth and I fought a raptor, they used them to attack people, but it was the aliens who...

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

EngineNeared ·
Yes ive seen these dogs they have no hair at all smooth skinned beasts nnot quite the size of a mastiff. Nearly a warthog type face if i remembering correct i need someone to help me flush the whole thing out of my subconscious

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

EngineNeared ·
yea i was unarmed too but i think the armor was integrated us with something because we were firing some shit at this thing for instance we shot a vehicle with the beam and it went threw both sides and kept going forever. I instantly worried it would kill a civilian since it had unending velocity. I hate those fucking dogs tho they can sniff you out from miles

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

Eclipse ·
@cloi @EngineNeared your having a interesting convo. i just know they use zombies for practice and soldiers. yet I'm geared toward advanced intelligence no matter what the being looks like. as far as the topic raptors could be used as attack dogs if someone wanted to and I remember a 80s cartoon where a girl with water powers had a head of a octopus. like a human with a octopus head. not saying that character is real but egyptian gods are said to have animal heads. i have experience seeing...

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

cloi ·
I saw these hellish dogs, I myself killed my hand one, only my hand that's what I talk about often

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

Eclipse ·
@cloi hellhounds seemed to be the number one bad guy I seen in dreams and considered reoccurring dreams. this is the first thing I think of as far as super solider accidents and abductions as a kid. well the fact I had hell hound dreams and how i was with the state and between homes for "a month".

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

EngineNeared ·
Yes they target kids like you and me. My dad grandfather and grandmother built guidance systems for the Air Force F16 primary guidance systems and missle guidance systems.

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

EngineNeared ·
We was training with these weirdo cyborg mostly machine tho. And i saw it vaporize people to a dusty/mist they had incredible movement speed. Myself and 3 others maybe 4 were all that made it threw the program alive. It was indestructible it was designed that way in the training but i figured out how to stop it as i seen no matter what the guys did it just kept coming and there was only one . I dont want to say how i stopped it so if anyone else knows this i would like to hear from them

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

cloi ·
I was doing the same thing with those hellish dogs, I vaporized them before they got to me yeah yeah that was weird because I was doing it unarmed, remember that ?? I was taking a position in front of this mad dog and opening my hand and these light beings evaporated every raptor, but there was something else and I don't know what to think about it

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

Eclipse ·
@EngineNeared i just know i will take a plasma/energy gun any day. especially automatic pistol or rifle. ammo like energy cell should last much longer then clips with metal. actually a plasma pistol in my life is a interesting thought. i just wonder how i would practice without getting noticed. unless its in the middle of the desert or something.

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

Eclipse ·
@cloi yeah dont worry about me. yes I know internet is spyed on. especially the surface internet. i just know private inbox here and the admin is a little more secure then regular email. i will always have my personal imprints like everyone else. auto fire plasma weapons is apart of that even though my current memory says I never touched one.

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

cloi ·
you are not safe or neither of us, you have an identification implant, you will not hide on the surface or underneath

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

cloi ·
Well, you've already shot yourself, forget about it all the more now, do you understand that everything that enters. winternet is filtered by us and cia? all !!! you understand?? I'm worried about you when they returned all the documents to me, I burned everything in the fire, I never looked inside, I did not want to know, I burned everything, my whole life, over 40 years in space, other worlds, foreign dimensions, I have fragments of memories and I have so much left, and what I come back...

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

Eclipse ·
@cloi well atleast im accepted in this community when I entered as a simple amature researcher. maybe your right. i used basic sneak ability to spy on cops when they where messing with a group of youth at a gas station. i was going to witness it if anyone got hurt. everything was cool so I went home. when I turned the car around to go home a biker gave me a middle finger when I don't remember seeing him earlyer. so one of the things I thought of is tracking. note: I was very little but I...

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

Iceberg ·
I once gained control of a Jewish Golem and my dreams imprinted on it. I had to take it to one of the Solar Warden ships for study but I dreamed it escaped. A couple weeks later I learned it actually did escape. My dream liberated a fucking Jewish tulpa!

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

Eclipse ·
@Iceberg hi im eclipse. interesting about the tulpa. im sort of aware of what those are. thankfully i have none running around that i know of.

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

Iceberg ·
Hi Eclipse, nice to meet you. I was being a bit poetic. Technically a Golem isn't the same as a Tulpa but they are similar concepts, thought-forms brought into being with some measure of autonomy by a mystical process. I didn't make the Golem, that was a rogue agent with some Kabbalistic training and stolen ET tech. The difference is that the Golem is made from earthly materials and animated whereas tulpas manifest without need of a physical construct prepared by the tulpamancer.

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

Ernesto ·
Post up all your memories, it's fascinating to read them. What type of trade we're you into in space.

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

Ernesto ·
I wonder how long i will last. Raptor be shewing on ass, before i can blink. Fuck that sucks, and then you have to do it over and over again.

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

cloi ·
It's such a game, it teaches some, it kills others, it's the same over and over again, but we're still alive

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

EngineNeared ·
I’ll tell you where the implant is there sneaky fucks right below your balls but above your ass cheeks where you can barely lean over and see there’s a laser strait incision. A doctor found mine and asked me what type of surgery I had there I said shit none. He looked at me rather peculiarly after that. You’ll never get it out.

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

EngineNeared ·
I’ve been still having some amazing dreams to describe I’ll try to post some more tonight. But it seems we were into technology theft and or suppression along with exploration. Nothing real good from what I can tell

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

EngineNeared ·
Sorry ive been away for quite some time my paranoia has hit unprecedented levels in one year. Im going to try to post some stuff real soon

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

cloi ·
he he he lol yes it is possible but the implant is usually fused to the bone so you won't find it anyway lol that's why my babe likes my balls so much heh

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

Eclipse ·
i will look to post new dream threads but i have not been having super soldier dreams lately. maybe due to the vibration im at. i cant wait to have enough personal memory to do a interview but who knows.

Re: My religious and meditation items and tools

Eclipse ·
i feel faith of any kind is important. it can get you through a lot of things. i also think faith tools have a place on the forum. i was actually ordained online because there was a time where i wanted to do a healing modality or at least do readings. so such a card was needed. not the case with me any more. i currently think you still need to go to school to be a minister depending on what one wants to do. just my two sense.

Re: My religious and meditation items and tools

Nate YPX Grey ·
what website ordained you?

Re: My religious and meditation items and tools

Eclipse ·
looks like it was universal life church hehe Become Ordained - Universal Life Church ( if one is trying to go to school i guess fellowships of spirit is pretty good. they may actually get more clients if they are a intuitive reader who has been ordained by fellowships. well in the spiritual circle they would... not sure about the super soldier timeline/culture. i believe this is the website. its in new york state Welcome to Fellowships of the Spirit! - A Place Your Soul Can Call Home...

My religious and meditation items and tools

Nate YPX Grey ·
Below are 2 videos I just made about some religious and meditation related items in my house. This is a short video about some of my religious tools and objects. I have James Rinks "Neo Cube" as well as a buddha, an angel, 2 singing bowl, a crystal skull, and a Gold Celtic Cross. If you want to see more videos about this kind of stuff let me know. This is a short...

Re: My religious and meditation items and tools

CosmicDancer ·
Hi Nate , Interesting Buddha “ = Mercury “ in Sanskrit . … Hermes , Thoth , Jehovah , Jesus ( The Child , God ) , Jasher , Ganeesh , Sidhartha , Horus , The Sun , The Son ( Who is really The Father . And His Father Is ALmighty Father . ) … Allah , Atum , Ptah , Pythagoras , Enki , Ptolemy , Elephant Man , Beethoven …🤍 Reminding Me of the Scarab. - The Emerald Tablets . Green had always has been My favourite Color . When I was young I had a Ring made for MySelf for Mercury , like a Totem (...

Re: My religious and meditation items and tools

cloi ·
I saw the solar system from outside the system, once we were already outside the solar system, they showed it to me gray and then I understood it, the feeling was strong because I remember it all the time, there is no god, they do not even know this concept, we are really very primitive here on earth yet , I remember it was during the flight but I don't remember where, I think I was quite young then, that's how I associate it

Re: My religious and meditation items and tools

Saoirse ·
Discovering tools that serve us best as individuals is a personal journey. Freedom to express my faith is one of the ways I walk in beauty, and harm none. I would not claim to be a religious scholar, though the study of religion is fascinating, and I recommend seeing as many angles as possible regarding the subject. One of the religious texts I was made aware of about ten years ago, was the Book of Enoch. Yet one does not need religion to be a good person. Spiritual discernment and a...