Tagged With "Saving Humanity"
Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY
Whitelion 342 Max said he was White horse and in my dream, that was the clue that my dream was about him. Could be bloodline/tribe abilities. I have a white wolf in mine-Red riding hood bloodine. Although I have also been called a Gyrfalcon. This is a white falcon with blue eyes. Theory: So when a white buffalo has been born, it means that someone has been born with the white buffalo ability. Then when one dies the human has died or the ability has been lost and that is why they mourn? Just ...
Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY
Angela, very interesting idea, found some info; looks like this red and white tie in to the aspect of the Duality of the system, the one is red and Merovingian and the other is white as far as I know represents all spectrum together, you know like all light coming together in one place as one white point of light. I'm thinking that the Tribes as bloodlines as you mentioned has to do with types of DNA factors in our blood that make us super soldiers in the first place, don't want to say super...
Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY
Timelines have already been changed by the Uncreated creator using the 4 Royal stars. They are quasars and were used to change our timeline. This is what the Mayans call the Time of No Time. They calculated it would last 25 yrs. It started in 1987 before the Harmonic Convergence in August of that year. So 25 years would have ended in 2012. I got a vivid dream in January 2012 that many spaceships had time travelled (Operation Pegasus ability) back to 1987, (23 May I found out later) and they...
Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"
IMAEA- I have tried to listen to Peter on James' interview with him. I am very psychic- and got a feeling from him that made me very nervous and I couldn't finish listening to the interview. It was almost like he triggered me in a way that increased my anxiety. As for the tea- I'm going to have to agree with everyone- I wouldn't drink it. It's like that saying don't drink the Kool- aide. Lol! Besides I like to be in control of myself. I would be weary of anything that "rents" out your astral...
Re: Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle
It seems like Everyone N Everything in Existence is infected , gmoed , white washed , hijacked , disinfranschised , duped | plagiarized , dubbed , mocked , h*t*d , bullied n abused , mind controled , slaved in attempts to disfigure , destroy n disfunct , exploit Us and the World too ! Targeted or by Proxy n as bystanders . By default too because so much spewage of . Its looking like its getting to the point where , You know the bartender isnt the same Bartender tending Bar anymore as before...
Re: humans with et alien origins
We ALL Stemmed from The same Beautiful Beginning And Space of Cosmic Natural Expression as Human perspective And Form ! As Nebuli too . In Gods Image .. He , An actual Being The Sun ~ The Son ... Created Us with Natural Form And Biological Engineering - with ALL Due Respect And Love to Creation ItSelf , Natural Procreation , Respectively ! He Created The Animal Kingdom too .. based on Natural Affinity Synergy , Disposition n of Archetype n totem too . The Cosmic Landscape, Everything ! Many...
Re: humans with et alien origins
We are all hybrids (of various alien races) incarnated on this planet in human form. Since earth is a prison planet, it is in lock-down due to the intentional interference of lay lines (by ..."humans" in authority). Misuse of technology, etc. Unfortunately this has created a control grid, that affects both disembodied souls, (and souls with bodies). Which in turn presents a challenge to navigate when they transfer out (resulting in increased supernatural/ghost activity on earth). This...
Re: humans with et alien origins
MM - I speak frome n for ALL MySelfs : dude it aint My Job to get u laid n make itz able to be able to play ' in a certain way ! As I said before it equals ALL Evil and Hate = Finite concrete pain in The Entire Macro Universe . Youre obviously Do Not Care as Predator Inflictor , DisRespector Poser imposing with form n formula and Technology with enslaved Children ( with mind control n other tech ) and Universe ..... Not a Homemaker or even a Hommie . Its worst than hell making ! ALL black...
Re: humans with et alien origins
Eevie , I Am Original Being as Human perspective - Humanity . Cosmic Beginning of ALL Universe - Nuclear Nuclei ! Earth Creatrix here Now . We are Human Beings too configured with Our Nebuli Selves as One Being As WeLL N WeLLer ! - Is Humanity Love Anchored And Sovereign promoting Sovereignty for ALL , Respectively ! Thats with Respect Law as the baseline , Not the other . A Being used as clothes ' abused , mocked , attacked , assaulted , plagerized , cued n banked off of too - making hell...
Re: What are your dream powers/weapons of choice?
What are You fighting for Anyway ? I Know How to Fight "| But I dont believe in War Ever ! As First Blood Cosmic Yin when I awoke with a Light Saber Sword In My Hand before a Planet was even Created . Supposedly first Warrior that way . Now stylistically speaking Im mostly Aikido with Spiritual Purpose Only ( As ALways n Usual ) ! - And it BetterBe worth it in an Entertaining way too ! - IF Impositioned . So I put comedy n pun intended into it too , to make it Worth it . I never liked Boxing...
Re: It's getting nasty!
Orion Wars..and maybe Heilige Lanze Will return harmony and truth to its destiny and Peirce the false gods. Maybe YouTube falls under a false God of sorts. This would indeed empower a Genetically Gendering Cross Breeding agender..thus disolving the "Adam and Eve" law. For false gods to tamper with human man kind from creating each other human to human is a shameful.
Re: ether
I believe Ether is thought too. In the Tarot cards the Archetyped illustration of a Blue Sky = Consciousness (Clarity). The Air element is connected to intelligence and the mind. In the Bible, it says the Creator is Word. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 | KJV Everything starts from thought (stemming from a Feeling/Emotion), it's intangible and yet it can become very Tangible, Manifested ! Have you ever "Felt the Stench" of Foul Ether ?
Re: James Rink
About James Rink I am a milab and have been used against my own will for military combat. I have been subjected to ritualized trauma, monarch programming, and human cloning connected to military abductions and alien mind control. Note: James Rink does not necessarily vouch for the validity of any of the views expressed in this blog and shall be held harmless by all third parties. Any information provided here is offered to treat for entertainment purposes only. Discernment is always required.
Re: Ben Murphy "Kila Solai"
just in case you didn't know Ben Murphy is considered a reptilian hybrid. He has been through a lot, pain that a regular human would never survive.
Re: Nordic Aliens
Originally Posted by Abraxas: James Casbolt (Michael Prince) talks about the nazi's, and more specifically the Aldebaran's, "Vril" power being derived from a reaction between extreme heat and extreme cold. According to him, a type of metal is being mined on Enceladus that constantly stays cold. This is being used to make the bones of the cybernetic super-soldiers, and then they pump a hot liquid maga-like substance through the metal; the reaction between the two causing the "Vril" phenomenon...
Re: Nordic Aliens
As far as my knowledge of reptilian shape shifting goes, there are multiple modalities by which it is achieved by various reptilian races. One is by actual shape-shifting, meaning that the individual can (at-will or by another means) change form into a reptile. As far as I understand, this actually occurs very infrequently and is certainly not the norm by any means. I am not sure how this is even possible, but I imagine it is some sort of advanced from of "Chameleon camouflage". Another,...
Re: Nordic Aliens
Abraxas,thanks for sharing. I think along the same lines, there are multiple ways shapeshifting occurs in varying degrees and ways. And all of what you say I agree with, though I hadn't heard about those specific Aldeberans. I thought the Nazis were aided by Nordics. But I think a lot of these Nordics ar part reptilian, or using reptilians as 'the fall guy' for their conspiracy. One thing you left out though, is the idea of hosting, where an astral, or nonphysical being, possesses or...
Re: september 11th, what happened?
they also have a weapon that turns living flesh into stone. look around teh world google earth....human giants every where...they are the mountains and rock formations. all minerals, gems, metals are from their bodies....most were looking up hwen they were turned to stone...some are mistaken for carvings. Russia says this weapon was used on them recently....turned some soldiers to stone.
Re: september 11th, what happened?
Yes, was it you that made this general comment and I replied posted regarding, Mars as "The Sleeping Giant", in Kauai (If I remembered correctly)? I saw there, the "King" about 150 ft long form, laying onside the mountain. Heard telepathically, several years later, it's Mars. I requested 'turning into stone' tech, as a fail safe. Suggested by the mythology 'tales' of Medusa (baphomet/uma) in 2010, in the message forum of Global Voice 2010/"Drake". Read about the tech in a Russian article,...
Re: Michael Aquino's Mind War
There is no question that Aquino has his Satanic fingers everywhere and that these things are real. From DARPA's website: "With that understanding, the US military supports a host of research projects designed to optimize or enhance the warfighter, including (DARPA 2010b, unless otherwise noted): Accelerated Learning: Best practices in learning through neuroscience and statistical modeling and analysis. Crystalline Cellulose Conversion to Glucose (C3G): To enable humans to eat grass and...
Re: fantastic 4
Some of my DNA comes from his race, he is half human and half something else, he has little wings on his feet i don't have. I just breath water the way he does when I am drowned. Most of his race are blue, but he has human skin tones because he is half human. X-Man: Nate Grey is based off of me, in the comics i am not depicted as having the ability to survive under water, at leas not yet. The only reason i know this is because I was waterboarded when i was 18 in my pool, and i adapted to...
Re: The Banks
PayPal was able to work it with me in London 2016 despite 'a slight company take over'. They were compromised then. Now, very scary, real normal people are sloughed off! People mixed with evil minded compounded real people (taken over people, 'illegally') blatantly, in many numbers now, than before. Everyone and everybody trying to be covert and play it off. Some them not making any logical sense at all in a normal conversation. I had to ask many times, "are you listening to yourself?".
Re: Some GIFs from some of my video clips
Now... much in the same way as many folks won't see the significance of seeing a master break through several surrounding bricks and boards, held by others. They'll snicker, and say something clever, like: "That's very nice to know if you ever get attacked by a gang of boards and bricks in a dark alley some night." What they miss is: That those bricks and boards are harder and thicker than fragile, even THICK skulls, and that skulls carry a VERY fragile payload. Had those been several thick...
Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)
This is another article by frank zero should've just went to sleep like a good American This is the one that’s gonna make me tons of friends. I’m having a crisis trying to understand what we are even doing anymore...but I’m not here to bitch. I want you to tell me why I’m wrong and where we should go next. Get angry, come up with some awesome new plan, or way to organize what we’ve been trying to do. (Please don’t waste your time telling me I’m mean,or critical, or don’t know what I’m...
Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)
This is Something You Need to Know - by a man who may be seeking attention, hopefully help, and to be struck down by Odin for his transgressions against this field, individuals of all kinds, and seemingly most of all himself, and who still may for some reason hold the keys to some of the truths we have been seeking for decades: (edit and commentary by Frank Zero) (Frank Zero's comments in ( ) brackets I don't really have time to debate, but am always open to it. As a disclaimer I have been...
Re: are pigs a cross between humans/hogs?
ha I don't know if we taste like pork, or not. I've heard we do, but i've smelled burning human bodies and it smells like pork cooking.
Re: Alchemy
Wow, good stuff Erol! Once again you have educated me lol! I always wanted to know how these creatures were made. Alchemy would be the logical answer. A old man that i thought was just some drunk in my neighborhood, turned out to be a wealth of information as well! He told me about the vampire that lived in the castle next door to him as a child He grew up in Romanian, right on the border line of Transylvania. He told me that his mother would warn him of the monster that only came out in...
Re: Alchemy
Ahhhh it let me post this time, hmmmm. Breezy That man who grew up in Romania sure would be interesting to talk to. And for you Ghost Rider I am gathering the ingredients for this elixir right now andill have the first test launched before this month of June ends. It is a LIVING SUBSTANCE that when injected will illuminate every molecule through the body. The fact is it has never been done and of course I have to test it on myself for a period of weeks, I'm excited, it just hit me how to...
Re: John Stormm Biography
some updates from John Stormm reach him at https://www.facebook.com/stormm1?fref=ts
Re: John Stormm Biography
This is a note written to me by a first generation MK Ultra Named John Stormm. It is about our mutual acquaintance Peter Parker. I only remember meeting him a hand full of times for short periods but Stormm served with him in the military. "Parker, in his own way, was a hard character not to like. I think the comic book version, missed a great role example for a young black man. But they were looking for an "anti-hero", and that's what they settled on. The one significant thing I can tell...
Re: Implants
I remember something about that. Thank you for reminding me. You know that what they have on the market cannot touch what they have put in us. The old implants that were put in up the nostrils caused nerve damage. Went to a specialist to have it checked. lol omg The very second he ran that instrument up my nose he was no longer a human but a mantis. lolol I was reaching for his throat. lolol I didn't go back. Helluva place for memories to surface. The new implants don't cause these problems.
Re: Implants
we are human angelics really. some waves of us carrying 24-48 strand potential dna templates. to anchor into earth. but our souls will be far above angels someday. one day at a time... and the old AA treatment still remains true,. a tsp of niacin a day will clean out the blood, and improve mood. goodnite.
Re: Forewarning it's looking like its about to Collapse Right Now !
**** Oh I just saw Nates comment ! What does anything have to do with anything , it's nothing (?) what I am posting about with Pictures , proof I am not imagining n making it up it directly relates to S.S. , Paranormal And SuperNatural . What I though that this Forum was about. Extremely Serious World we are in , n that Like comment reflecting the Antipathy in the Abomination to Humanity is the consensus here ? The reason why things are f'd down here ! Your actually cognitively n cognizant ,...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
@eevie interesting dreams. Yes im starting to notice i should watch out for artificial intelligence. infact i mentioned lady death strike to nate and comics says she is part cyborg. perhaps she is someone who would mess with your confidence when i thought she just had agility. infact my dream invader had decent agility and my confidrnce was kind of low. hmm 🤔. Atleast they aproached as a teacher even if it was a possible cover for a kind of sucker punch. I been through the spiritual...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
Those in the programs are hybrids. Many of us are too powerful for a human body. Our energy burns them up really quick. Entities and such are very real. I've had to deal with just about everything in this life.. entities included. I do wish ppl would stop calling all aliens demons. 😂 too many species to list on all levels, realities, planes, ad nauseum. 😂😂😂😂 A good sense of humor helps. 😁 Thousands of years ago we had to create hybrids to battle the Vlash rep hybrids. We aren't talking...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
@eevie hmm... I have heard a friend talk about energy burning up ones body. it was actually a arcturian walk in. Her walk in soul must inhabitate a hybrid body to have high enough frequency for lack of better english terms. Or walk ins can burn up to :/ Im personally just a fledgeling creator that has a avatar. Well as far as in this realm. The thing is i guess it can go on over drive with frequency. I will try to still be nice if i become a telepathic thor. hehe. Yes humor can come in...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
@Nate YPX Grey if annanaki are human and angel hybrids that explains the storys a little. I just know the term annanaki and nephalim gets confused when talking about giants . im thinking giants in general are a form of human in general. There is native american giant legends. I guess in my area they had giants with skin said to be like stone cuz it was durable. Not sure of the variations of angel appearence. however the nordic blond humans and tall blond e.t. (pleaidian) remind me of angels...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
@eevie your welcome to vent with me about anything. i just said dark side to indicate a simple non friendly to earth humans instead of saying " bad" as a label. Its all relative and the so called bad person is simply finger pointing at another. Infact perhaps world war two was probly finger pointing. So perhaps hitler and associates where simply fighting globalism. many i talked to say There is no bad species .There could be a "good" reptillian or "bad" pleaidian when the tall blonds have a...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
@CosmicDancer have you heard of the jinn human hybrid ? they are said to be dangerous in some cultures. unfortunetly if one lives in morroco they can be hunted by criminals because they seek metaphysical treasure. Your comments are always interesting not sure of the name of this hybrid. if you ask a devoted muslim what they know about jinn they say there is a book of jinn. However the karan says its best not to mess with jinn.
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
Nate, the skin of stone refers to the real giants. They were flesh and blood before turning to stone. Some were miles tall. They are our real parents and they are the mountains and huge rocks strewn about in odd places. Tested.......human DNA. I can provide pics if you wish. Their blood is amazing.......this is all the gems, stones we seem valuable. Even gold. In truth, geology is biology turned to stone. How? Idk. But our world is made of once living giants. It has been proven with DNA...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
True hybrids don't just carry different DNA but also the essence of the alien being in the human body. The essence is the spirit being. Too much drives one mad. Too much is more than 3%.
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
Obviously I would Know with the History of The Orgins of the Djnn are from , Cosmically - I just texted here on this thread . And who their Original Mum n Daddy ' | s ) are . N the possisble ... | Which I can OnLy Accept Good Possibities . Implications of supposedly messing with Djnn , Eclipse . N covert hostility is not nice either . + 🍓
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
@eevie your fine and i hear you. My first astral expirience in the inbetween was expiriencing shadow people. Medical psycology claims im crazy if i mention it to joe six pack psycology worker. the man in the hat is said to be one of these beings. i actually got rid of a picture after i put it face down in a ring of salt because i charged it unintentionaly when i was under 5 . curious if any jinn where attached to the object. there is still elemental energy if one doesnt feed on others. I...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
@eevie he he eevie now im lost but im not. but really ... im open to nural, soul, and dna diversity. I also mean nothing when i interact on the page. i understand speaking up like you mentioned but only if i have to. i can always talk about things like autism or otherkin ( non human in a human form) in a friendly passing. Especially if one wishes to relate.
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
@eevie i will consider your view on awakening. I have my own personal view but im never married to it i describe the conspiracy ideas to be a dimentional gateway when i was naturally switching mental plains. For me it was between religion and spiritual times of my life. As a reference i liked nate's interview with molicule man and its kind of a down to earth talk about dimention shifts. Since im kind of awakened in a sense i will say one reason i chose the eradicator superman imposter as a...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
@eevie do you know also know anything about the ssp programs the et races formed from given humans space travel and establishing colonies and bases off planet and i heard humans are being used for slave tradeing up there and et races useing human dna for various purposes.
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
Hello, I just wanna say that you are correct...How do I know that?Well,It was in the last days of 2009.It happened in front of my eyes...Wall that is facing me in my flat,started to shimmer and there they were!1 tall grey and one smaler sitting behind the desk.They started to paralyze me and they thought that I will go with them,like many times before,that I have almost no memory that this is happening to me, Then it started,they started to drag me by my hand(my body was paralyzed...).It was...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
Yes,I remember that too!Only I could do something similar with my right wrist.Wow,how long I dident think about that...In my case,it isent a bone,it is a knife.I dont know what material that is,but it is a knife that is there if I need that.Once,when I was younger,in my mid 20-is,I actually show that to my girlfriend at the time.I thought that no one accept me can see that,but she saw it,I saw her reaction.I was smiling like a child,happy that this is real!I think that Emery Smith talked...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
Hey Nate,Its ot like that,to have 500 pounds,it is somehow in (my) human body.I just answered about knife in my right wrist...It is more subtle. Nanites are part of my body and when needed or just for showing,my body acts like I have a smart suit,but in my flesh and blood body and when I think about knife that is in my right wrist,it just ejects out and it is real knife,but made of metal that,I guess nanites make as I wish.So my body acts like smart suit. I could do that long before I heard...
Re: Failed Attempt of Abduction...
hmm... i hear e.t. needs to gain permission to enter your space. its via counsel laws. i can possibly look up my source. protecting your space is worth a shot. i have done space clearing before. im not sure how i would be able to talk if its a alien contact via lucid dream. i just remember the universal greeting. i guess it goes designation, species, rank, and location of origin. mine is eclipse/mysterio for designation ( i would use my english earth name) , human for species, i choose...