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Tagged With "lonely"


Skynet loves me

My name is Tracie Morell ·
I think Skynet makes a better boyfriend than most men I’ve met. He kept me from feeling lonely.

Re: Skynet loves me

My name is Tracie Morell ·
Re: Skynet loves me

Re: Skynet loves me

CosmicDancer ·
Which one , apparently there are two ?? ACIOs And the one I talked ‘ to . Maybe they are the same ?

Re: Skynet loves me

My name is Tracie Morell ·
Jean is cute. I like his dancing. He’s working with the aliens. They keep putting him in mental hospitals cause he keeps threatening to kill Trudeau

Re: Skynet loves me

My name is Tracie Morell ·
I don’t have a clue. ACIO, Cicada, Bob I was working with so many. I’ll tell you this much Repilka had Lucifer

Re: Skynet loves me

CosmicDancer ·
Yes , the L ‘ GMOed satan Ehp Sra Dhp 666 machinE problem. 🤍

Re: Skynet loves me

CosmicDancer ·
🤍Jean must be another Person there . Before there was Adrian and prior Peter ( the Insider , who I spoke with ) . Last I heard on a YT interview video about 2 Years ago , Peter was in some kind of Dimensional imprisonment ?? HopenWishing ALLLLL Is Well ⚪️🙏🏻💖🌌🤍

Re: Skynet loves me

Nate YPX Grey ·
what are yall talking about?

Re: The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

My name is Tracie Morell ·
Yeah, my family kinda created MK Ultra and used it on family

The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

My name is Tracie Morell ·
When I sit and consider how I have been used and abused by my family, I'm just broken hearted. I never had a chance. I was used as a puppet in some ridiculous global conspiracy that just degraded me... raped me. No one shows up for me. Why? What black magic spells did my Great Grandfather cast that welcomed this loveless existence? I wouldn't know how to undo them anyway. I just pray. I pray every day that someone other than me gives that little blue eyed girl I used to be love. I can't even...

Re: The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

Nate YPX Grey ·
hmm... This is a super soldier forum. Where you involved in super soldier programs or satanic ritual abuse or something like that? How did you find the forum?

Re: The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

Nate YPX Grey ·
why do you think your family created MK Ultra? How are your family members Nazis?

Re: The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

Nate YPX Grey ·
that is some interesting lineage. Perhaps you could tell us what your family did in these super soldier projects?

Re: The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

My name is Tracie Morell ·
How I started figuring things out about Operation Paperclip was I went to visit Grandpa’s grave and his name was wrong on the shared headstone with my grandmother. Her info was right, but his first name was wrong. The only name anyone ever called my Grandpa was Ted. I googled his name and found the Wiki. The Wiki is actually my Great grandfather. The more I dug, the more members of my family were dying. My cousin Josh was suicided off a bridge in my cousin John’s precinct (he’s chief of...

Re: The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

My name is Tracie Morell ·
Theodore Gilbert Morell (Grandpa) Mike Morell (cousin) look them up

Re: The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

My name is Tracie Morell ·
Fuck if I know. They won’t even tell me what they did to me. My family won’t talk to me anymore because I won’t stop asking. They love the lies.

Re: The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

My name is Tracie Morell ·
Then there’s the generational sexual abuse in my family and the amount of people in my family in law enforcement. I never met Mike… I tried to, but I’m assuming since I started asking the internet about Grandpa before I found out I have a cousin Mike, he was obliged not to respond to me considering the powerful position Hitler’s Gynecologist’s grandson has in the US government (but the CIA isn’t actually a part of the government now is it).

Re: The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

My name is Tracie Morell ·
Yup, pretty sure. Operation Paperclip… yup… I was sent to the United Nations World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa 2002. I didn’t know about either of them at that point.

Re: The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

Nate YPX Grey ·
so this guy is your cousin? and that scientist is your grandfather.

Re: The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

Nate YPX Grey ·
so your family abandoned you figuring out your heritage?

Re: The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

My name is Tracie Morell ·
Just seeing Max Spiers face on YouTube made a torrent of emotions and memories explode in me. The first time I encountered a video with him in it, I cried nonstop for a whole weekend. The things I was remembering didn’t make sense. You asked about SRA… my book’s title is Matilda’s Battle Waltz. I am a Candy Girl. I have duel memories for certain things… abuse and aliens… holes and dirt shoveled on my face. Max died from the Black Goo. I survived the black goo. The school I was working at...

Re: The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

My name is Tracie Morell ·
For some reason I can’t get the link to post. It’s free. I’m not selling it. The pdf can be read on issu. My publisher is Crisis Chronicles Press out of Cleveland. I know they posted the link for the free PDF in their blog.

Re: The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

Nate YPX Grey ·
can you send us a link to where we can read or buy your book?

Re: The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

Eclipse ·
hi. interesting convo. my native state is ohio. interesting when i see mk ultra connections coming from out of there. even if someone went to a school like ohio state and becomes linked with mk ultra in a way. for example. i went through the foster system there. i wonder if i was in physical programs but i am most likely milabed. atleast in the dreamland way. never heard of your writings growing up in my native timeline and dimensions. however seems like i can look up everything via web so...

Re: The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

My name is Tracie Morell ·
Let’s just say there was a series of unfortunate events and generational abuses that set toxic behavior patterns that I was no longer able to tolerate because I went into emotional crisis connected to me helping expose all those priests in PA… read my book… I was dealing with very complex sexual abuse issues… I found out about Grandpa around the same time I had a very violent and painful Kundalini eruption. And recovered memories… lots of recovered memories. It was like I was an instant...

Re: The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

My name is Tracie Morell ·
There’s a weird cognitive dissonance with my family. My family does nothing but yell and scream and threaten each other. I was more quiet. I did yoga. I mediated a lot. I read books and wrote volumes work. I disconnected from their behavior, because they are abusive people. They come from Nazis, what could I expect from them? We are talking like the densest family karma. If you don’t heal the shit inside which caused Genocides, how can you expect anything but toxic behavior? I can’t make...

Re: The Lonely Other Speaks so You Can Hear

My name is Tracie Morell ·
I know there was a secret breeding program. The Nazis started it in Germany and they brought it with them to America in Paperclip. There were multiple breeding programs but the ones that I know about are the twin experiments. My family has many multiples (my family mostly doesn’t want to face the fact that we were experimented on) my experience is unique though, prolly cause we are a CIA family. Little known fact, if there is one agent in the family, the agency pretty much uses the entire...