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Tagged With "alien abduction"


Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.

Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.

Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)

Nate YPX Grey ·
This is another article by frank zero should've just went to sleep like a good American This is the one that’s gonna make me tons of friends. I’m having a crisis trying to understand what we are even doing anymore...but I’m not here to bitch. I want you to tell me why I’m wrong and where we should go next. Get angry, come up with some awesome new plan, or way to organize what we’ve been trying to do. (Please don’t waste your time telling me I’m mean,or critical, or don’t know what I’m...

Re: YPX News Episode 3: Reptillians

eevie ·
Good show! I am playing catch up with everyone. Everyone's experiences with reptilians is varied. Depending on who abducts you and why. I and other family members have seen my step mother shapeshift into a white, beaked looking reptilian. She is oblivious to it as well as to the fact she is an abductee. lol I remember one night milab usd me to abduct other milabs and my step mom was one i picked up that nite. Funny stuff. The reptilians have been paying me visits lately. I play a game with...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

eevie ·
Nate, Vlash are the reptilians that took over earth thousands of years ago. They have controlled our history since then. Trump is the only president who is not a rep hybrid. This is why they have fought against him as hard as they have. Trump is a Maitre hybrid. Maitre look like Greys but they arent. They have a permanent scowl on their faces and have no voice box. They use devices to speak with, electronic sounding voices. They are a failed hybrid species and are the most malevolent to come...

Re: Failed Attempt of Abduction...

Zozo ·
Yes,it happened to me too,not so long ago,but its not even close like it was before...Do you feel that this is happening less than before? I see that they dont have permission to abduct us,just like that,any more.Earth is protected ,it is like a quarantine now.I see ships all the time and there is only good feeling about them.Do you think so to?

Re: Alien Races "The Council of Five"

Erol Asya ·
That Council of 5 is the real and true legit info floating out there without compromise of disinfo.

Re: Alien Races "The Council of Five"

Erol Asya ·
I go back thousands of years with them. This Council knows how to keep track of your incarnations and to a degree can control your souls birth position if necessary when you affiliate with them closely as an insider. They stay very mysterious for good reasons but their intent is good. If there is an Adjustment Bureau it's them. There are great reasons why they stay mostly off the radar. I pity the soul that is on their bad side. Still they are full of compassion while at the same time they...

Re: Alien Races "The Council of Five"

Nate YPX Grey ·
so can you tell us all you know about them?

Re: Alien Races "The Council of Five"

Erol Asya ·
Nate, That's tricky because there's information they do not want in the open. I gotta be vague to a degree because a lot is at stake here and the safety of everyone is at hand. This is why the Illuminati the ones that show off are really low end power players. Think of a group like SHIELD from Marvel but the technology is far more advanced and please know they are really out there. Think of The WATCHERS from Marvel combined with this concept also but more of them living on our Earth,...

Re: Alien Races "The Council of Five"

eevie ·
Then we need more of what they say!

Re: Alien Races "The Council of Five"

eevie ·
Erol...i belong to a group of females like you have mentioned with the Council of 5. We are from all over the galaxy and very similar to this Council. Perhaps this group is related to the Council of 5...i simply do not know.

Re: Alien Races "The Council of Five"

eevie ·
The corporations...the Guilds.

Re: The Maitre

Nate YPX Grey ·
"a very ancient race taht killed bugs with sticks for food....the "teachers" were upgrading teh universe and taught them....shouldn't have....they are evil vicious bastards and i'm beginning to think they are the real what is known as tall whites"

Re: The Maitre

eevie ·
Awesome post, Nate thank you

Re: The Maitre

Nate YPX Grey ·
if anyone knows anything about them please post about it

Re: The Maitre

eevie ·
Looks just like MardukRa and he is known to be a tall white. So the tall whites are actually the Maitre. The Kurs are the only ones to have ever defeated the Maitre. Universe just got a little smaller.

Re: The Maitre

Nate YPX Grey ·
is he the guy that was in the movie "the Fourth Kind"

Re: The Maitre

eevie ·
That is what they implied and i knew it was true. I know those voices.....they grate on your energy being itself. I know his fugly face. He has no empathy, no remorse, no care...

Re: The Maitre

Nate YPX Grey ·
so you think the being in the movie was a maitre? why are there voices like that and why do they speak sumerian

Re: The Maitre

eevie ·
It's all part of the subterfuge they are waging on humanity. The Anunnaki are the humans. Everyone get used to it...we are their their image...they are human. Speaking Sumerian makes people believe he is god, a human type being, but he isn't. Their true voices are more like swishing sounds and esses..whispers. I suspect some type of device is used to sound metallic. But then i heard the same thing from every voice when my clones were trying to take my em field. i think it's...

Re: Alien Races "The Council of Five"

eevie ·
excellent article, Nate thank you

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

GoodETxSG ·
Yes, This Person Being Interviewed IS ME. I may be doing a Part II at the end of the month as well as another Interview with another well know Researcher soon as well. I explain a lot of the scientific Principals of Portals and Many other things at about Post #166 of the main interview Thread: And the second thread I posted in the above post. Thank you, GoodETxSG

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

Nate YPX Grey ·
Project Avalon ignored my application to join them a few years ago. Apparently I am not good enough for them

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

GoodETxSG ·
Yea, they had a bunch of people infiltrate and cause problems around then. They have loosened up recently. You can still click on the links and view the info as a guest. No membership required. LOTS of info there. I had a big blow out w/Kerry C. From Project Camelot, she totally outed my real name on her web site on the new CPT Mark Richards Interview. She finally removed my name from the web site but left it in the video interview. I have been wrapped up in that for several hours today... I...

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

eevie ·
Kerry is not Kerry. this is a clone. She walked into the prison to interview Mark and a clone came out. I don't know where or how Kerry is. I can't believe she just walked into a military prison and didn't expect such to happen. She should have known.

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

eevie ·
I will definitely use the links, GoodETxSG. Thank you. I am in ne texas. I was hatched at one of 2 air force bases here. Either Lackland, or Dyess. My dad was air force.

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

Nate YPX Grey ·
I did a show with Kerry Cassidy around 2012, the same time i tried to join Project Avalon. I was inspired by Duncan O'fenian and James Casbolt. Now I don't associate with either of those guys, they are both bad news. I heard Duncan wants his videos removed and that Casbolt is doing about 20 years in prison. I also appeared on Revolution Radio on Mona Radier's show. Micheal Hemmingson was bad mouthing me and Ducan, I was not surprised when he died mysteriously. I don't think it was a mistake,...

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

eevie ·
Michael's death was not a mistake. It was an op. He was murdered. It is difficult finding people that really give a shit to work with in this what do i call it, a genre.... Many are terrified of going public, even on an onine forum. I am so very happy you started this forum, Nate. I love it here. Not very many places where one can talk shop. And, personally i am the only one of my kind any where near here to my knowledge. So, no one to talk with. This is a safe haven and i appreciate you and...

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

eevie ·
Nate, is your interview with Kerry on this forum, or youtube, etc...

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

GoodETxSG ·
Yes, My interview is on Avalon's Youtube Channel: I WISHED I knew this about Kerry. Another researcher told me on the phone that she did this to a few other ppl. That one of them caused her to go into hiding as she was in danger. I made it completely solidly known to her that I had to remain anonymous for the safety of my family and myself as well as my Career as I still do Gov. Contracting as well as have a security clearance that are all on the...

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

Nate YPX Grey · Her youtube account has been canceled, looks like my interview does not still exist. Does anyone know what happened to her channel?

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

GoodETxSG ·
I sent in a complaint about my name being used and sent in a copy of our conversation. How she vamped out on me and when I said "So you refuse to remove my name" she said "YES". I am sure that is why it was cancelled.

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

GoodETxSG ·
Its still up, It may have been down for a while today when I reported her. I am watching to see if she removed my name. I did report her to Youtube. So watching to see if my name is gone. Shows over 10,000 hits so doubt she removed my name.

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

eevie ·
damn that ominiverse peep is a royal pain in the ass and has no care for learning anything. Just wants to argue and show what he, she does not know. Reminds me of a lot of atheists who are hung up on their mental intellect. ha Left brained dumbasses.

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

eevie ·
Nate sweetheart,. i have no idea what has happened with Kerry and her account. Very odd tho. I am looking into this.

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

eevie ·
It was down just now. Kerry can be a vindictive person over an imagined slight and this being a clone...field is left wide open.

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

eevie ·
Shit disappears on me all the time online and from my emails. Even get rider messages on some of the emails. Kind of funny. But, videos, too. Any and every thing they can come up with to screw with me. They don't understand, I do not stop. Ever. So i went to account Screwed their shit up pretty bad but they got thru it. I carry the milab curse in communications. lol Sent many other milabs to keep up with me and stop me. I have a most awesome milab friend, i call her my sister. We...

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

GoodETxSG ·
Yea, I think her YouTube may have been down a while... I just listened to the Cpt Mark Richards video and at about 4:55 she starts saying my FULL NAME and says it 4 times before I stopped watching today. Reported it again to YouTube. Crazy lady... YES, Omni is a wacked out guy. He channels AI's and is a major AI Prophet. He was VERY upset at my info on AI's... The Mods had to threaten to ban him of he didn't stop harassing me

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

eevie ·
Someone should tell Omni that the only beings who channel to us are not what they claim to be. Astral nasties, some lower 4th. If an off planet species wants contact with someone they will either communicate telepathically, or directly in person. They never channel. I have connected with a type of AI, please correct me if i am wrong in this. Always open to truth. I connected with my first haarp driven storm several years ago and had what i can only call a conscious seisure. My last letter...

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

black widow files ·
alot of channeling is satellites actually. theres very little authentic open source connection/grounded channeling. this is a world of deception as the archons have inverted our reality. it takes discernment to know like the difference in seeing inorganic light vs organic light=photonic emanations. we each have dna as an antenna jacobs ladder scenario to source but those signals get interfered with, jammed, and hijacked by AI indeed. which also confuses us into merging with what we may...

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

eevie ·
Yes a lot of channeling is AI sourced. I have found the only way to be sure of a direct connect to Source is by running water and thru the heart. The heart is said to love. There is a reason for that. The heart is a toroidal, a portal, a direct connect to Source. When we allow love thru this portal from Source the world changes. It isn't our love, but Source love, puns intended. This is how we love from our hearts, thru our hearts. Source loves all thru us. We are vessels. Many of us...

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

black widow files ·
the heart is the biggest stargate. and emotions carry us quicker into realms than any other bioelectric change in our being. mastering our emotional body is a huge step in our eveolutionary path. On Saturday, November 15, 2014 10:01 PM, Super Soldier Forum < > wrote: Reply By eevie: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program...== To reply by email, write above this line. == Hello, black widow files: We're sending you this notification because you are either...

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

black widow files ·
they use us for what they can as they need our dna. were the most unique species in this universe. and full of capabilities. we can always get direct downloads from the omniverse but with the right intent and tuned into the right frequency like a radio station. source is always on and that goodness is hard to mistake when tuned into . we are still only a fractal , a god in embryo and a filter though so were always in need of fine tuning and tweeking. lol.

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

GoodETxSG ·
( 12/31/2014 UPDATE : A "Once Prominent & Respected Researcher" in this field has gone "On Record" in Emails, Project Avalon Threads & Posts as well as their PA "News Letter" stating that " MILAB's " are “Dangerous” & “malfunctioning Weapons” (Lumping ALL MILAB's in with only the "Super Soldiers" category) & devastating a large number of MILAB's who were at a point of reaching out to some well known MILAB Councillors. This IS blatant discrimination veiled in the "Protection...

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

eevie ·
holy shit......well, there it is in print. Other milabs and myself have noticed the last several months that local police are using a hands off policy with us. I have been pulled over many times for bullshit reasons and when they see who i am their mouths gape, they lose their color a bit and let me go. This is not good. Thank you for the heads up, Tx. oh yeah, i was smoking a joint when i was pulled over. The smell was unmistakable. Saw who i was and let me go. ha

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

bluemetal ·
Dangerous and malfunctioning weapons eh? Are abduction and mind control victims going to be the new terrorists people blame things on? I'd bet a lot of groups are scared of the knowledge and latent abilities some abductees have, from different alien and human abducting programs. I guess the disinfo meme is to round up the abductees as potential threats. I've heard of this before, that abductees might be called out as dangerous sleeper agents. Perhaps they just don't want experiencers who...

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

bluemetal ·
Originally Posted by eevie: damn that ominiverse peep is a royal pain in the ass and has no care for learning anything. Just wants to argue and show what he, she does not know. Reminds me of a lot of atheists who are hung up on their mental intellect. ha Left brained dumbasses. If you are referring to the guy who uses the forum handle Omniverse and has his own blog about ET and black ops manipulation and technology, I have to chime in here. He is a good soul. He is sincere and makes good...

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

eevie ·
holy shit! I do not remember posting this and i wouldn't say those things. If i can delete it i will. Alter....i am so very, very sorry. Not me. Not the first time this has happened. I've had to clean up a few places. damn yes, you are spot on with us being feared. It has already happened with the police and their hands off attitude toward me and other milabs have reported the same. I had some oobs years ago that were about the military using psychics to hunt us down. They are in the...

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

eevie ·
I am going thru some really freaky shit and i don't know who i am any more on top of it all. That seems to be changing too and i have to wonder is it alters taking over, or maybe symptoms of something good.i don't fucking know.

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

bluemetal ·
I don't know him well, I just know he makes music, and as a musician, I can sense the vibe of his soul, which is good. And my interactions with him showed me he was respectful and friendly. Not argumentative. I am curious what GoodET means that he is a channel for AI. He seems to be hung up on black ops technology being behind everything, in a way... I tend to think it's all aliens LOL Scanning minds, implanting thoughts, abductions, pretending to be humans, etc..