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David Rockefeller's Leaked Document

Nate YPX Grey ·
"Here is the pdf of the very accurate history of banking and the future of it as promised. The split between the unified digital currency global faction and the paper gold backed faction is happening right now. This is what all the wars you will see this year are about, all types of warfare including economic warfare, conventional and non-conventional warfare. It will explain the hijacking of the banking system. It explains why all money logged into the banking system is considered "M1". No...

Re: David Rockefeller's Leaked Document

Nate YPX Grey ·
click on the file to download and please print it and save it for your records! Get it while its still available

Come to the full discloser movement event this July in ST Pete Florida!

Nate YPX Grey · Come join us this summer in florida! I spoke there last year and it was awesome!