Tagged With "David Rockefeller"
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David Rockefeller's Leaked Document
"Here is the pdf of the very accurate history of banking and the future of it as promised. The split between the unified digital currency global faction and the paper gold backed faction is happening right now. This is what all the wars you will see this year are about, all types of warfare including economic warfare, conventional and non-conventional warfare. It will explain the hijacking of the banking system. It explains why all money logged into the banking system is considered "M1". No...
Pope Francis kissing the hands of David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and John Rothschild
WTF? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jOCYLwrF_E
About Sean David Morton and his wife melissa
I receive this message about Sean David Morton and his wife Melissa. * I’d like to take a moment to ask everyone to please pray, send good vibes, keep in your thoughts and prayers – Sean David Morton and his wife Melissa. As you may or may not know; Sean and Melissa were convicted by jury on 25 felony counts on Friday after a four-day trial. * * During this trial, Melissa had a arachnoid cyst burst in her brain causing her to go into a coma. She was taken to the emergency room unresponsive...
Re: David Rockefeller's Leaked Document
click on the file to download and please print it and save it for your records! Get it while its still available
Re: David Rockefeller's Leaked Document
Hey sweetheart...i think both pdfs are the same document.
Re: David Rockefeller's Leaked Document
This is david Rockefeller after his RNA sequencing, they basically enhanced him. He is now taller and stronger than before. this is much more sophisticated than steroids. its like captain americas super soldier serum
Re: David Rockefeller's Leaked Document
All digital currency via an implanted chip? That is scary, how will I buy my weed?! More than that, they really have not thought this through as it appears to have no system for consumer to consumer selling such as yard sales, buying a used car from a regular person, family helping out their friends and family if they are broke or giving your kids an allowance, money getting lost by people wrecking and falling in the water, burning to death, getting murdered and buried or burned, like what...
Re: David Rockefeller's Leaked Document
For such a rich guy he puts water into an old gatorade bottle. Seriously? Buy a new bottle of water, the money looks like it circulates back to you anyway lol. Hell is he in a public gym? You'd think he would have a home gym. Yeah man you could do a lot better and you just sit on the money, release it to the world if you aren't going to spend it and recycle gatorade bottles. Sorry but to be so powerful he really needs some management to help him fit his reputation. Al Capone looked more ...
Re: About Sean David Morton and his wife melissa
i was gong to give the same warning and this is the perfect place to alert everyone. I know she was targeted. They alays use the same ammo...heart or brain. Oh they have many ways to take us out while we are driving. I was nearly tboned by an ambulance in an intersection...i did not hear the ambulance coz my ear began screaming in the same tone. I don't put up with their shit and they know what i will do if they keep the shit up on me. Only way to get their attention is to take them out. and...
Re: About Sean David Morton and his wife melissa
They are getting everyone where it hurts them the worst....these attacks are beyond personal.
Re: About Sean David Morton and his wife melissa
i see why i wasn't allowed to stay in europe.....unconscionable what htey are doing to europe and her people. Milabs can clean the muslims out in no time if they would let us. Working on this shift, too. Taking battle on every level and reality for the timelines.
Re: About Sean David Morton and his wife melissa
Yeah you can share any public threads on Facebook, please promote the website. The ones in the members only section are for members only though
Re: About Sean David Morton and his wife melissa
I think this is what he looks like in case you need a visual aid
military motivation: embrace the suck
hello. this one is a shorter post. looking for some motivation? look into something called embrace the suck. david goggins on embrace the suck is a pretty good one. whether he is actually former military or not. the military calls something uncool the suck. im not former military but pretty much. like do you not like sleeping with your head in the mud? welcome to the suck. advice involving this is things like do something that sucks every day. so yeah no motivational video today but look...