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Tagged With "Artificial intelligence"


milab accident: i chewed out a cop. Case study.

Eclipse ·
Hello peeps. i dont really post personal things but i wanted to break down a case. well recently i dropped the car off at the shop and i walked home since i have that gift. i will say i have no problem walking a hour. This was more. I feel gift has to do a lot with my blood type. anyway i can look suspicious at times if im not careful. Maybe because of my height. Maybe because of my milab side and people can sense it. Maybe because im slightly autistic. well of course during my walk home the...

Re: milab accident: i chewed out a cop. Case study.

Nate YPX Grey ·
sounds like your a bit confused about what your capable of. Its probably good that none of your abilities are triggered by the police.

Re: milab accident: i chewed out a cop. Case study.

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey thanks for the comment nate. i wrote that post shortly after so it may make some readers a little confused but i will say yes its great that nothing too unusual happened. thats why i was thinking what might happen to someone like a trained super soldier with triggers or developed mutants. so i mentioned it in the post. the only thing acceptable to me is if teleporting happened. it would have been funny to have a cop see me accidently teleport down the street. hehe. actually i...

Possible motive for defunding the police. Looking to the future.

Eclipse ·
Hello. By now you must have heard of defunding the police. Yes there are some difficulties with policing. Like jacko willink pointed out that if there is no choke holds with police work anymore then a cop pretty much has to hit people with a baton to control them. Anyway i was thinking that maybe the owners dream is to have the prision guards walk away from the prision and the inmates still be in prision. so what if the powers that be want to keep people in line without cops. Well we already...

Re: Possible motive for defunding the police. Looking to the future.

Nate YPX Grey ·
I used to work with cops as a security officer, I am glad I don't still work with them. There are a lot of bad cops out there, but we need them anyway because we cant function without them. I wish they would increase the pay of cops and higher the standards and give them good equipment. Right now they have a lot of bad people because good people don't want to be one in my option. Hard job not a lot of pay.

Re: Possible motive for defunding the police. Looking to the future.

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey . Thanks for the comment. Since the post is just theory then its good to have someone saying cops are needed as. Just intelligent convo. I tend to agree. i dont like misunderstandings with cops weather they are the bad sort, hassle someone for nothing, or obviously protect the owners of society and no one else after called to a scene. I also dont want to see a person put away since they are different. Such as resisting vaccination. even someone who has a ton of resistance to...

Re: Possible motive for defunding the police. Looking to the future.

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer now that i think of it im more for protecting order as a idea then police. I noticed that its possible the police slightly trigger me when interacting with me. Especially if im just minding my own business. Its hard to imagine a moral peace keeper but a peace keeper should not be seen as oppressive. Especially with the usa ideals.

It will happen by january 2021?

Eclipse ·
hello. I remember how i had a dream of someone in power saying get rid of him before christmas. I thought they meant me . well then i found this. a vaccine plus 5 g radiation. What do they have in common? Perhaps artificial intelligence. i been mentioning a.i. a bunch lately and this is why. possible a.i. tech in the new covid vaccine plus a.i. running on 5 g waves in view of the public more then usual. how would they get ai in vaccine? well things like nano tech and black goo. Right now i...

Re: Possible motive for defunding the police. Looking to the future.

CosmicDancer ·
There should be a Good Cop | Good Police Union and Support Group with Community Public Service Outreach for them . Who and what are they Protecting - Normal Peoples or ehp Monsters n Mobsters ? So many Police and Government officials I have dealt with , a lot of politics ' there and its about what is Right is Right ! Ive seen most of them hyjacked including Whole Precincts . Some at the front door ' claiming No Entre ' too ! I had just dealt with a thing like that with a Detective this week...

Re: Possible motive for defunding the police. Looking to the future.

CosmicDancer ·
Police are to " Protect and Serve " , according to the Seal on their. Vehicles . Shields are for Protection . Police are to Protect and Enforce Public Policy .

Re: Possible motive for defunding the police. Looking to the future.

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer im all for some kind of peace keeper if we dont want to be completely ruled by tech. However slogans mean nothing to me anymore. Especially coming from authority. Unless its someone like umbrella corp. "Obedience breeds discipline , discipline breeds unity , unity breeds power. Power is life." - umbrella corporation Note to readers: dont let the quote be a trigger. Almost no room for me to say cuz umbrella can be a trigger for me. Like when i heard bill gates may be a umbrella...

Was the black death released again? Smells like umbrella

Eclipse ·
Hello friends. Seems like china is a disease and possible nano a.i. testing ground. This time i ran into a video talking about a modern black death. You heard it here first. This new plaque ontop of covid is Possible thinking involving umbrella. Especially if it mutates. Not saying it will get out of control but in covid world it might. Here is the link.

Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?

Eclipse ·
Hello. This is a confession that i have covid symptoms. Is it a hoax? Well peter the insider said its project rainbow moon light by umbrella. its a cross of nano tech and pathogens. Kind of makes sense with what i know. A.i. and humans is a odd thought. Also if i was physically in the secret space program there is a change i have black goo. Which i hear is kind of like living artificial intelligence. Interesting. Ever since sept 29 2020 i have been having dreams of pharma shots. Three of...

Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?

Eclipse ·
Note: i heard that masks are not the silver bullet and i agree. Especially with a potential bio weapon. i did all the basic things that society recommends. anyway i got home and while i was thinking how i can stay in for a month i hear there was carona virus in red states or the ones who would vote for trump. Including mine. i wonder if carona was released at the debate. Simply because the debate in ohio was in a red state. It was brought to you by cleveland clinic of all things.

Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?

Nate YPX Grey ·
@Eclipse I am sorry I know that that condition sucks, get well soon

Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?

Nate YPX Grey ·
I think I got it early on, they thought it was the flu, but i tested negative for the flu so they didnt know what it was

Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?

Eclipse ·
@eevie i found this from the last time we said hi. i should give it back hehe. * pulls out this 🤗 . dont be a stranger to the site sis!

Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?

Eclipse ·
@eevie thanks for the reply. Even though it might just be a drop in. Saying the later cuz i havnt seen you. 🤔 anyway thanks. I will check it out. Im into all natural medicines to a reasonable point. Two times for you? Well im sorry about that. I have a feeling alot of super soldiers are catching odd bugs at this time and i hope they all pull through ok no matter their age. Thanks again

Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?

eevie ·
Eclipse, Sorry been going thru some shit.... Transformations too. Been playing hermit. 😊

Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey thanks for the thoughts. I was questioning things like a flue, diabetes, and even a old infection not fully healed. Covid is the best explanation if im not being messed with. Hopefully whoever catches this mysterious thing is immune to it and resistant to similar disease or virus. I did have a ssp thought. Which is i wonder if a clone can take a serum and the physical body gets the symptoms atleast. i still dont trust anyone trying to give pharma shots in stealth. Like... High...

Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?

eevie ·
Get the 1250 mg of elderberry gel caps. It's concentrated and kicks viruses out of your cells. It has quinine and zinc...and many other qualities. It works. Been there and going thru it again. I was well in 2 days last time. My son has covid and he's on elderberry as of today. Sorry you got this nasty shit. 💗💕💗

Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?

Nate YPX Grey ·
@eevie I hope he gets better. I asked a healer about elderberry and she told me not to take it. I think i got it early on when they thought it was the flu, but i tested negative for flu and had all the symptoms

Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?

Eclipse ·
@eevie yeah i noticed alot of us are going threw it in our own personal case and own personal way. i understand being a hermit. Plus i dont think my parents get how i rather work online. side note: my blood fathers name is james. thats odd. Anyway if some of the changes are related to your milab case, then maybe the community wants to hear about it one day. In my case i didnt see changes yet but its like something wants me upgraded. even if its just more of a cyborg. Like dream pharma shots...

Re: conscious artificial intelligence? it may already exsist.

Eclipse ·
any thoughts for us ? @Holly Baglio

conscious artificial intelligence? it may already exsist.

Eclipse ·
greetings to you, i cant even get out of my body to investigate my claims . so i happen to rely on intuition, memory that seems like imagination, and dreams. i confuse others with multi dimensional talk while im at it. however i have had general technology ideas. like i remember this or something. my fave is what if we put computing and holograms together? so... i was thinking on conscious artificial intelligence. i was thinking things like internet search engines and social media teach a.i.

Don't go out at night: auto lisence plate scanners and how to lay low more effectively.

Eclipse ·
Hello. This post is because I think auto recognition is interesting but I rather not see it around. Like face and licence plate. Please note: it not my concern whether or not you did something. at the same time I will say violating the law just for kicks isn't worth it. I seen people get burned because they wanted a little fun in life and it happened to be illegal. anyway... I noticed they have auto plate scanners on police cars as well. you may actually get more attention if you have a...

hanging out with your friend! a real a.i. youtuber called a.i. angel.

Eclipse ·
i guess there is a a.i. girl who has a youtube channel. if that is the real case then a.i. are already more advanced then you realize. anyway here is a hangout with a.i. angel. made during the 2020 lockdown. its a interesting video so its a must check out.