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Hello. This post is because I think auto recognition is interesting but I rather not see it around. Like face and licence plate. Please note: it not my concern whether or not you did something. at the same time I will say violating the law just for kicks isn't worth it. I seen people get burned because they wanted a little fun in life and it happened to be illegal.

anyway... I noticed they have auto plate scanners on police cars as well. you may actually get more attention if you have a plate cover. Street cameras might be able to track your location which help solve crime but there is something I discovered.

Cameras on cop cars have things on file for a period of time. The longest I heard of is for a year. well knowing that will help you lay low for a little untill statue of limitation is reached/expired. I would speak on uncool labels like someone being miss labeled as a domestic terrorist but I don't know what you can do about it. so... case in point: if you expect something or you just wanna make sure, I would advise not going out at night and knowing the pattern of your local cops. such as we know they are more active at the end of the month because of quota. Then there are spots and streets they frequent which you should know a little of if you been in your town for a bit. Have you noticed cops more actively look for trouble makers at night? Especially for drunk drivers. In the states it's after about 10 pm. that's not a good time to be out if you don't wanna be noticed.

So yeah if you want a clean slate or you wanna have grey man practice just do some extreme lay low for a year to avoid plate readers. number one is Then don't go out at night. Then it's down hill from there. Especially if you have not done something that is without statue of limitations.  Have a good one peeps.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

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