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Tagged With "World war 2"


Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY

Angela ·
Timelines have already been changed by the Uncreated creator using the 4 Royal stars. They are quasars and were used to change our timeline. This is what the Mayans call the Time of No Time. They calculated it would last 25 yrs. It started in 1987 before the Harmonic Convergence in August of that year. So 25 years would have ended in 2012. I got a vivid dream in January 2012 that many spaceships had time travelled (Operation Pegasus ability) back to 1987, (23 May I found out later) and they...

Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"

Angela ·
You know I told you the peppermint tea is an enyme acivator. Well I did some Web surfing letting it take me wherever. Well I ended up researching Lyme disease and related Fibro and CFS and ME etc. Well some have speculated that Nagalase (an enzyme) is being put in the vaccines. Cancer cells give off Nagalase and this suppresses your immune system, so more Nagalase in the vaccine can kickstart a really nasty biofeedback loop of Cancer= more Nagalase=more Cancer, etc. And this info is what got...

Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"

Ms. Marvell ·
IMAEA- I have tried to listen to Peter on James' interview with him. I am very psychic- and got a feeling from him that made me very nervous and I couldn't finish listening to the interview. It was almost like he triggered me in a way that increased my anxiety. As for the tea- I'm going to have to agree with everyone- I wouldn't drink it. It's like that saying don't drink the Kool- aide. Lol! Besides I like to be in control of myself. I would be weary of anything that "rents" out your astral...

Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"

whitelion342 ·
Eevie ,Damn that's bad, perhaps something similar and Safe! also heard of mugwort tea....don't know... Ms Marvel,I agree with you on the bad frequencies, like I said , all station am/fm...... Something interesting that you mentioned.. at 2/3 years old I had similar experience, except it was a giant frog, had an arm sticking out of its mouth still scared to death of frogs today, which is stupid.... Interesting Insights !, he does have that tendency to vibrate off key....

Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"

Ms. Marvell ·
I have to agree with Angela. I think James Rink means well, but I think it just a way to find the MILABS to then reprogram what is weak or worse. I did not get a good feeling about Peter- nor the tea. I try to vet what I can before I do or use anything but I must say that it is from experiencing this for a while. It will all come in time, especially the more you learn and the more you find little nuggets along the way, you'll be able to piece pieces together. Now I know why I have this...

Re: Heads up. Trouble coming. Raven warning.

whitelion342 ·
Yes a storm is coming, we feeling it for sometime...Great Spirit is announcing the war on the dark magicians and their handlers. Last night we noticed a shaman called Raven on another forum, this is serious, because this person was deleted from the site. The Raven is the announcer of a storm as you pointed out, and we must be ready for it!

Re: Heads up. Trouble coming. Raven warning.

eevie ·
blackbirds and ravens are always around me. They follow me when i'm driving my truck thru town. One landed between me and a store door the other day. Wouldn't move. Had its back to me until i spoke. we talked for a moment or 2. Always get warnings. but warnings are not for us to prepare for the shit to they are our forewarnings to stop the shit before it happens. Ancient warriors all over the world are prepping and on standby. WE are taking the astral. It is where everything...

Re: Heads up. Trouble coming. Raven warning.

eevie ·
the ravens and blackbirds are calling you to the battle....we know not when....but be prepared. Any weaknesses within self and that is their weapon against you. This is a battle of wills...of knowing self, of having faith in self. They take your will thru your weaknesses. Forgive yourself for all failings and own them before going into interdimensional battle/warfare. This is the war we came back to earth for. This is it. We cannot fail as we did last time.

Re: Heads up. Trouble coming. Raven warning.

Angela ·
Eevie; I didn't realise they were asking me to stop the shit before it happens. I have been asked by angels writing me stuff and the Earth herself asked for help audibly. A Hidden folk female in Iceland asked me for help and fairies asked me to stop missles that were hitting their gardens. But I thought the Ravens were warning me because one told me, 'Danger from there'. He cocked his head towards the East where the Sea was. I usually pray anyway and just leave what I don't know to Uncreated...

Re: deprogramming

forcevspower ·
if u like to try out my data base let me no i us codes On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 12:44 AM, Super Soldier Forum < > wrote:

Re: humans with et alien origins

CosmicDancer ·
This is Not Prison Planet Or TroLL Planet . This is Planet Earth - Gods n The Mothers Planet with The FatherHeaven - Providence of ALL Universe . Love Planet ! Love Element goes Hand n Hand with Respect Element . Love doesnt exist without Respect in Natural Law . Love Elements = Nature , Comfort , Beauty , FREEDOM , Creativity , Truth , Beautiful Life ... The Highest Apex of Love RuLes is PEACE ! Humans do Not have the capacity to make Lay Lines , which are Natural Guidelines . The Matrix is...

Re: What are your dream powers/weapons of choice?

CosmicDancer ·
What are You fighting for Anyway ? I Know How to Fight "| But I dont believe in War Ever ! As First Blood Cosmic Yin when I awoke with a Light Saber Sword In My Hand before a Planet was even Created . Supposedly first Warrior that way . Now stylistically speaking Im mostly Aikido with Spiritual Purpose Only ( As ALways n Usual ) ! - And it BetterBe worth it in an Entertaining way too ! - IF Impositioned . So I put comedy n pun intended into it too , to make it Worth it . I never liked Boxing...

Re: What are your dream powers/weapons of choice?

CosmicDancer ·
Esclispe there is no reason to fight unless there are consenting People there n its for recreation with Purposes - And is with Good sportmanship too . Women And Children .. n This Planet ( many Planets n ALL Universe ) - The Mother Planet of Love should have of Never been in the mix , EVER ! I was able to fight ' ( lucifer , baphomet n even Yahweh allowed Me to Mess with Him . SomeOne Apparently Appropriated It ) with My Minds Eye , Pineally . I think they were psyoping who I am that way now...

Re: Wilderness therapy programs

MariElle ·
It's so funny you mention these behavior modification programs. I spent a year at one from the age of 15-16. I never thought I'd survive to make it out. I have recently been questioning my fathers motivations for sending me there. I was never given a name for who told him to send me. Just "a woman he worked with" ... then when my best friend's mother saw the letters I'd mailed home about the abuse taking place and she went was trying to get me out the "elders" at the cult (Kindom Hall of...

Re: Wilderness therapy programs

Zozo ·
Hello,MaryElle I just wrote about 1 event that happened to me,but I just read what happened to you...Really scary stuff.The thing is that I was abused as well,by my father and by negative aliens all my life.I dont remember what was happening when they abducted me as a child and later till 2009.From early age I was beaten by drunk idiot,my father+when I went to sleep,almost every night those gray bastards paralyzed me and did scary sh.t to me...I dont know if I wanna know what was...

Re: It's getting nasty!

CosmicDancer ·
*****This keeps on being removed Posted 7/2/2017: Eevie, bogus set-ups are systemic 'fires' that deviates from the core 'fire'. Some are "chasing the I'd" (J7), spinning their wheels, playin 'mortal kombat'. It prompts a vicious cycle, being stuck in rut. We must be organized and systematic for Humanity's (ALL Creation with Natures' Existence and 'mindless' Creation), in the One Time Beginning). Freedom! Yes I agree, watch over each other. I imagine an individual lasso of each, connecting...

Re: Melanin and Sacred Stones

Erol Asya ·
jibreezy, Hope you listen to our Molecule Man and Ghost Rider Nate helped us record especially Part 2 on Melanin. You will come to appreciate it the details when I get into the topic.

Re: RIP Michael Hemmingson

Nate YPX Grey ·
Michael Hemmingson is no longer with us. Michael was the host of two shows every week, Story Time with Michael Hemmingson, and The Art of Dreaming on Revolution Radio on for nearly the whole time the station was on the air. Its been alleged he was former white hat but not confirmed as such officially anyway. Revolution Radio’s owner, staff and hosts offer their deepest sympathies to his daughter Rommina and his family. His body was discovered dead 2-3 days (Jan 2014) ago in...

Re: James Rink

eevie ·
Great....appreciate the update. Thanks. My email and internet sites are monitored and i have been getting some strange emails, mostly from europe. Oh hey!! Woke up yesterday morning with a claw mark, scratch on my inner thigh along with too tender to touch top left crown of my head. Last time i couldn't touch it, brush or wash my hair, too damn sore. Then last night driving down the road, my right hand middle finger was suddenly jabbed in the tip. It was painful enough i yelled and jerked my...

Re: Nordic Aliens

Nate YPX Grey ·
Re: Nordic Aliens

Re: september 11th, what happened?

SKAY78 ·
Nate, these are 2 good documentary films loaded w/ information. Check them out if you’ve never seen them ... 2013 NEW Loose Change 3rd Edition! MUST SEE! 9/11 Truth 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out

Re: september 11th, what happened?

Nate YPX Grey ·
On september 11th, the world changed for the worst. Terror struck the United States September 11 was one of the saddest days in history. As everyone knows September 11, 2001 was the day that shook the world. It didn’t only affect the US but everyone around the world. The people in those buildings were not only Americans but people of every nationality. I don’t think that one person knew exactly how to react or think. This tragedy is something that should have never happened from the start.

Re: september 11th, what happened?

eevie ·
Concerted zionist effort brought them down. The Bush family in America, the bin Laden's of Arabia, the israeli mossad. I"m down to 2 different weapons that could have done this. Hell, maybe both were used.

Re: september 11th, what happened?

eevie ·
I wish i could remember more, Nate. My memories are punched with holes. He has a machine in his room that enhances psychic abilities, including astral projection. They used it on me many times. Many years ago i had a dream/oob of movign to central america to help a general. That was all i knew. Next thing i know i am introduced to him online and he procured a passport for me in just an hour. I flew there with 30 some odd dollars in my pocket. The natural food deal they publicize is real to a...

Re: RIP Max Spiers

Megawatts ·
Max's remains arrived in the UK a week ago and the results of a very detailed autopsy remain to made. In view of the speculation and information vacuum I have asked his mother to make a statement of some kind, which she says will do this weekend (July 31st) My role was initially to make contact with a family member 2 weeks ago after I received several text messages and calls from Warsaw reporting his death. Miles Johnston <END>

Re: RIP Max Spiers

Nate YPX Grey · those are the 2 accounts i could find, the third one is missing

Re: I'm sorry~

CosmicDancer ·
I don't know who removed this reply (attachment) to this post/thread/? from yesterday? Anyway, hopefully attached below. Thanx Good Techies and Communications and ALL Support!!!! Also, "beam me up Scotty", The Prophet Eye~ Bad Brains. Obviously, no posers N.A.! (Need Apply), Na, Nay!!!!!!! Ever! The answer is goodbye. You all should have gotten a room with each other by now already. * Again (ref to a removed thread l bases), I'll ask here now, where are the Real 'Tomatoes'? (Devo~ Smart...

Re: Important thread with my replies on Bases Project with Manda Kathleen's post (about 17 replies) today 5/31/17

CosmicDancer ·
GreyRaven, yes I tried everything. Copy and Paste not working. Sometimes you can c&p the whole thread, it wouldn't. It just turned my screen to a 'dead field', no options, several times. It's the usual, especially when trying to communicate publically. Crazy insane tech 'problems' in real time, w non a.i. 'tech play'. On my Word and expression. NOT being egotistical. They should of used my communications as tech 'war rooms' to develop counter tech. By now. But, oh well .....

Re: How DID a violent fantasist end up marrying a billionaire's daughter? James casbolt

CelticShaman365mhz ·
You see Nate, this is where the confusion comes into play here imo. Did Max verify what Casbolt stated about being shot in the head or does his memory not serve him on this occasion or what!? Making the statement does not verify such but merely adds to the drama and is unsubstantiated by all accounts! How is it that Max felt a need to legitimise Casbolt while at the same time, deal with his own dramatic shite at the time. This is where I can’t connect the dots ! I found Max to be a very...

Re: Regarding Corey Feldman

CosmicDancer ·
........I think you are refering to Corey Feldman. Very complicated to say in one statement. I believe C.F. is part of a Pre-Earth elemental Soul Lineage and/or Line. A victim and most likely a victimizer by default and/or a circumstancial unfair'survival game'. Himself against Himself (HimSelves). Which is insanely evil! mk ultra. The same thugs that we're gang stalking him (and me too), and everyone and everything literally. - trying to bravely and/or psyoping(??) Them Out. He like many...

Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.

Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.

Re: How DID a violent fantasist end up marrying a billionaire's daughter? James casbolt

CosmicDancer ·
James Casbolt/Michael Prince, I believe him to be part of one of the very first ancient pre-earth cosmic elemental nature male/ and/or man Soul Lineage and/or Line. With affects of severe compromise from evil incarnate (bapht'/baphomet), and now many others infected. Initially an extension from off his mind (as his beginning self/Time) as a "node" in outerspace, by default, evils' self-start. He, I believe is Time/Time Satan' (one of the Satan's). Max Spiers of the same Lineage, prob calling...

Re: My DNA Results

Breezy ·
I haven't got all the info form the test yet but this helps a lot with understaning my roll in all this! I truly seem to be finding answers! I dont know what these results means exactly, but the map of my ancestors traveling seemed to be more in Europe than Africa! That has me wondering!

Re: My DNA Results

eevie ·
Oh man! Someone helped me a few nites ago. I woke up with the top left of my head too sore to touch, about center left to the crown. They did brain surgery on me and repaired what MILAB had done to me. ha My dna is now evolving, the chatter in my head is gone. I hope they don't reimplant, or what ever they did to my brain. That part of my head has been a war zone the last few years. First time was in 2009 i think. Couldn't touch or brush my hair for several days.

Re: My DNA Results

Breezy ·
Wow Eevie, they really really give you a hard time, you go though so much! To tell you the true I think that many of us where made scientifically! Once i saw that my grandma was a Rhodes, I had to get the test for sure! All is starting to make since now! I wish she was still living so we can talk about this! So when i have these dragon and angelic manifestations, i can trace it back to somewhere concrete Nate I believe what Barbra Bush said about you and the clone solderers! We all seem to...

Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)

Nate YPX Grey ·
This is Something You Need to Know - by a man who may be seeking attention, hopefully help, and to be struck down by Odin for his transgressions against this field, individuals of all kinds, and seemingly most of all himself, and who still may for some reason hold the keys to some of the truths we have been seeking for decades: (edit and commentary by Frank Zero) (Frank Zero's comments in ( ) brackets I don't really have time to debate, but am always open to it. As a disclaimer I have been...

Re: E-P red 6 delta 6 blackbird

Nate YPX Grey · YPX News Episode 2: Michael Spinler

Re: Alchemy

Erol Asya ·
Ahhhh it let me post this time, hmmmm. Breezy That man who grew up in Romania sure would be interesting to talk to. And for you Ghost Rider I am gathering the ingredients for this elixir right now andill have the first test launched before this month of June ends. It is a LIVING SUBSTANCE that when injected will illuminate every molecule through the body. The fact is it has never been done and of course I have to test it on myself for a period of weeks, I'm excited, it just hit me how to...

Re: John Stormm Biography

Nate YPX Grey ·
John Stormms reply "Well... not ENTIRELY true: If you gave your oath to uphold and defend our Constitution against ALL enemies, both foreign AND domestic, and realized there was no time limit set on that oath. And if you realize that the BIGGEST and truly ONLY threat to your freedoms are NOT some poor, Third World Muslim (extremist or not). You will view such an ATTACK, an ASSAULT on such and you can fight back. You can rationalize that any way you like. But for myself: The moment someone...

Re: John Stormm Biography

Nate YPX Grey ·
Peter Parker, spiderman, john stormm That's pretty much the one I remember from 1970, in Company 305, 11th Battalion at Great Lakes Naval Base. I envied him. He wasn't constantly being pulled out of line and sent to the dispensary for more tests and blood letting. I got no end of that in the Navy. I had originally joined to put some distance between me and MK Ultra, but that actually got worse. I left under an Honorable Discharge after 2 months and 26 days of service, for refusing the over...

Re: John Stormm Biography

Nate YPX Grey ·
John Stormm's strange MRI scans of his brain. This reveals implants and brain damage

Re: John Stormm Biography

Nate YPX Grey ·
some updates from John Stormm reach him at

Re: How To Program An Assassin

eevie ·
Good video. No one has to convince me it's possible. I know it is. Many of us have an assassin alter without ever having knowledge of it. The main work we do tho is behind the scenes. I have a memory of calling off a hit when i was in europe. I don't know whose body i went into but it happened while riding down teh road. I call them narcoleptic oobs, because i appear to suddenly fall asleep, but i'm actually not at home...i'm on an ops. I don't remember ever calling off a hit before. Kinda...

Re: Implants

eevie ·
My teeth were done the same. So was my daughter's. You could see the strangest drill holes, almost like an animal burrowing in the ground, it curved. lol it fucking curved over and over. I had them pull her tooth and it really pissed them, but wow! She has another tooth with a root canal like you after the other tooth was removed. I build houses and several years ago i fell. Landed on a jagged sewer pipe sticking up 2-3 out of the floor. It should have impaled me, but it crushed the vertebra...

Re: Implants

black widow files ·
they took me in the basement all the time when i was locked up in winnebago and took vial s and vials of my blood and heart tests. and had nme on watch every day and even put a bucket by my door with coins in it so in case i got up and god forbid went out into the hallway, theyd be alerted. my aunt has blood cancer and alot of us have had blood clots and anemia or our blood drained or blood transfusions (ive had 2) and my medical record says in 2010 ive received miscellaneous vaccinations ii...

Re: Forewarning it's looking like its about to Collapse Right Now !

CosmicDancer ·
Hi , it didnt Collaspe n or Salvador Dali - YaY Of Course ! However , please dont think for a millisecond that we are very much in precarious , sketchy Perilous times n situational , which can change as a sneak , n then it probably cant be Undone n we can be in blitzkrieg P.H . , Collaspe into the b.h. abyss . Thank Goodness my ExHubby was up and Adam this Morning texting , Thank You God , Humanity EveryOne , Everbody n Everything ! Back in SLO now in a nice Airbnb . Things got minorly...

Re: Forewarning it's looking like its about to Collapse Right Now !

CosmicDancer ·
**** Oh I just saw Nates comment ! What does anything have to do with anything , it's nothing (?) what I am posting about with Pictures , proof I am not imagining n making it up it directly relates to S.S. , Paranormal And SuperNatural . What I though that this Forum was about. Extremely Serious World we are in , n that Like comment reflecting the Antipathy in the Abomination to Humanity is the consensus here ? The reason why things are f'd down here ! Your actually cognitively n cognizant ,...

Re: No closure in SageWalk death

Nate YPX Grey ·
Sagewalk is a wilderness therapy program based near Bend, Oregon, which specializes in behavior modification. They offer two types of programs [1]. A Preparation/ Youth Transition Program with a stay of 30 days or more. A Family Reunification Program with a stay of 60 days or more. The program is now a part of Aspen Education Group. The target group is adolescent males and females, ages 13-17, with a history of moderate to severe emotional and behavioral problems, low self-esteem, academic...

Re: Implants

Zozo ·
Im sorry that you have such bad pain,in my case,I dont even know its there,until I put something metal near the nose bone.Staples usually stay on my face/nose bone, cause (electro) magnetic force and I can feel that magnetic thing inside .Thats just one,Im sure Im full of them all over my body.They took me almost every night from earliest memories...I had really fuc.ed up and hard life and still fighting those bad emotions that can trigger,who knows what.I have many "powers"like some movie...

Re: Implants

Zozo ·
Hey, Your not the first one that wanted to interview me.A-team send me an offer,but I m not that kind of guy that needs or wants publicity.I dont wanna be famous,not even a little bit.I was famous as a drummer in certain new bread,band,name is not important.I was even a millionaire,but I lost it all in 2008.I hate money!The best thing that happened to me was that 2008 world crisis.When I lost it all,all my"friends"left me and girl also,but she dident tell me that she was pregnant with me.She...