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Tagged With "Health"


replacing drinks with water? the benefits

Eclipse ·
I might try just drinking water and eating whole foods when I'm ready. so here is a link on replacing drinks with water.

Re: my journey: food, food control, training/control by food, and suppliments

DataPoint ·
You can try unrefined uniodized sea salt with water, it should give you a good absorption of minerals. The salt they are selling usually is heavily processed, so if you can stay away from table salt, and there are marketing gimmics like sea salt which is refined and iodized and is not healthy. I would suggest taking iodine sepparately because most people lack it, as its defficient in foods also. Fish and eggs are good for muscles.

Re: my journey: food, food control, training/control by food, and suppliments

Eclipse ·
yes I see. You mean drink it? Well I heard pink salt is pretty good. Even for drinking salt water.

my journey: food, food control, training/control by food, and suppliments

Eclipse ·
hello. i will talk about a subject that almost no one talks about. this is not professional medical advise. well.... have you thought about the subject of food. i will up this into sections. all advise is if you want it. take what you want and leave the rest. i simply tell friends to be healthy which is whatever that is for them. super soldier topic. control by food: well it looks like some of use where trained by withholding food to get a point across. if we where going to eat well we had...

Re: my journey: food, food control, training/control by food, and suppliments

Ernesto ·
usually I eat every type of food ( am not picky), In breakfast and lunch. Dinner I eat nothing but vegetables, alkaline. No fruits or any food that is acidic. That way I can get a better sleep at night, especially when am stressed out. If not you sleep less and your more likely to have nightmares. Thats what I notice. The ideal human diet is 80% alkaline 20% acidic, corresponds to 80% love 20% fear. I live and see Law of correspondence in everything I do. I love my meat and bread, sandwiches...