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Tagged With "Wilderness Programs"


Et contactee apollumi

chris ·
heres some interviews from et contact i know tell what you think of her info.heres some interviews. Bradley Powers interviews Apollymi Mandylion - A Starseed ... Bradley Powers interviews Apollymi Mandylion regarding her Alien Abductions! cassidae inteviews applumi about hanova...

alex collier galactic history hey everyone tell me what you think of this?

chris ·
Editorial Note This was Alex Collier ’s final lecture before his ‘retirement’ from the UFO lecture circuit in 2002. It has never been published before. It deals with information given to him by his ‘Andromedan’ extraterrestrial contacts concerning Galactic History . The information is vital for understanding the historical intervention by extraterrestrials. Investigations conducted by the Chief Editor of the Exopolitics Journal point to the credibility of Alex Collier as someone who has...

alien types

chris ·

Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle

Eclipse ·
Hello everone. have you ever thought the jesuit community is connected network as well as the milab community which is possibly a network ? By network i do mean connected as a global net. Well... First there is weapon x project as i know it from marvel. For the sake of convo i will seperate weapon x from mutant x. Well weapon x seemed to have a network in north america including mexico. With the center possibly being new york. This may be true in real life . then captain america's origins...

Putin warning about super soldiers

Eclipse ·
Here is a clip of putin mentioning super soldiers when i bet countrys like russia had a program for a very long time.

Bases at AV5 Thomas a TI

Nate YPX Grey ·
Tom is a Targeted Individual, who like Cathi Morgan and Max Spiers have researched their own lives to find answers, and what they are finding is a massive alarm bell to humanity. Mention of the most important TI in the world, Kieron Lee Perrin, who...


Nate YPX Grey ·
MK-Ultra, DID, Milab, Monarch Super Soldier, Targeted Individual, Ritual Abuse's Questionnaire This list is not an absolute means of determining if you have had an experience and there may be many other explanations for these occurrences. If many of these questions apply to you, please see a qualified researcher or therapist. No name is necessary; this is an anonymous questionnaire. You may however email i f you desire more information. Have you seen aliens and military...

Project Camelot Conference: Duncan O'Finioan & Miranda Kelly (Axe) MK-Ultra & Super Soldier Program

Nate YPX Grey · Project Camelot Conference: Duncan O'Finioan & Miranda Kelly (Axe) MK-Ultra & Super Soldier Program

USAF TR-3B (Code Name ASTRA)

Nate YPX Grey ·
USAF TR-3B (Code Name ASTRA) A friend said, he would never forget the sight of the alien looking TR-3B based at Papoose. The pitch black, triangular shaped TR-3B was rarely mentioned–and then, only in hushed whispers–at the Groom Lake facility where he worked. The craft had flown over the Groom Lake runway in complete silence and magically stopped above Area S-4. It hovered silently in the same position, for some 10 minutes, before gently settling vertically to the tarmac. At times a corona...

MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

GoodETxSG ·
"Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation: A Major new interview with a Project Avalon "Whistleblower" Dear Friends, You may all find this new video more than interesting. The Avalon member featured is someone we ask you all to keep very anonymous, for the moment, even if you feel you may possibly know who this is. Most of this information has NOT been...

The Molecule Man

Erol Asya ·   Well this is Marvels view of me and Yes I did and still do have that wand which is also as the Comic said a Psi-Amplifier. I have since used other techniques to strengthen my Psi-abilities so...

How To Program An Assassin

Nate YPX Grey ·
This is a documentary about how you can hypnotize some one into doing something they would normally never do. This proves that programming some one to assassinate can happen.

The world population does not accept that the human brain is intelligently activated by matrix mind control software!

JamesMacleod ·
According to nearly the entire world’s population, human intelligence comes from within our own brains; however this is a billion kilometres away from accurate fact. The fact is our brains are not intelligent, and the fact is that the only reason we display intelligence is because our brains are activated by matrix mind control software. Matrix mind control software identifies each individual brain and sends intelligence to the brain allowing for a person to display intelligence. Without the...

Simon Parkes is mind controlled

JamesMacleod ·
Simon Parkes is targeted by matrix mind control software to spread false information about extra-terrestrials Simon Parkes is tricked into believing he is talking to aliens and shadow people by the matrix intelligent mind control software. He does not understand that he is being tricked into believing this because the mind control software is designed to give believable experiences. Simon went public about his misinterpreted experiences of mind control in 2010. Unfortunately though Simon is...

I can't expose mind control!

JamesMacleod ·
It's just not possible to get mind control victims educated about the source of their abuses! Thousands of mind control victims affected by the matrix intelligent software blame human organisations for their abuses. They are wrong to blame human organisations, but they blame human organisations because they have been tricked into believing the source of their abuse is human. There is nothing I can do to hinder the matrix intelligent mind control software at all, there is nothing I can say to...

Re: Felton Maise

whitelion342 ·
Tis funny that you mention that ,I thought it had something to do with age or year when the programs started. I know that there was a super soldier program initiation in the 70's as many of us I think were known as the generation x, so the comic industry started using the -x-men as some marker, programming hybrid soldiers...or it might have been announced, I'm not sure. I remember while in primary school, we were groomed with visitations by doctors in white lab coats, that came to do tests...

Re: Felton Maise

whitelion342 ·
Ms Marvel, very good information this is exactly how we were given intel, sometimes through dreams, the healing thing too, yes the negatives can be bound with thoughts, that's why I have been working on the heart love thing, this is the heart aspect that works to blocking these elements from coming into our domain by setting a lock or a program in place, it works on intention as well.. Wisdom!

Re: Kruger Super soldier and targeted individual

Ms. Marvell ·
I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. Just know, your not alone. I get triggered too- I was in the US Air Force. I'm a psychic intuitive empathy. I was/am part of a psychic remote viewer MILAB program. I think that everything is going well, then get triggered or pulled into the astral to do their bidding. It has been a long time since I woke with bruises on my upper inner thighs, wrists etc, but I had that and more this past weekend. What helps me is I ground myself every night.

Re: Kruger Super soldier and targeted individual

ArlichKaminski ·
Hello Ylona, My name is Anthony. I can honestly say it is nice to meet you. I have wanted to connect with other super soldiers for quite some time now and that has led me to this forum. I have been talking to peter for about 4 months now on and off getting what information I can from my melba file. Peter told me that I am a manager of Kruger Runners. I have done 4138 missions for Kruger. I am also infiltrated into Monarch, I have done 1324 missions infiltrated into monarch for Kruger. I have...

Re: Kruger Super soldier and targeted individual

Ylona/Elsa ·
Hi Anthony, I am certain, we'll make the difference my dear friend! We all have good hearts and we will be able to make a forcefield as a group of good energy they the "rulers" just can't deny... And they know we're not the ones to mess with. They already know they lost... Just don't want to accept it I guess... That's why they targeted us, me and Kim my twinflame husband so severe I guess. I found you on facebook, I invited you there, glad to finally meet another colleague, I found a lot of...

Re: Interview with Anthony Zender

Saoirse ·
Really appreciated this interview with Nate and Anthony, and the video some one made about it. MILAB survivor & MK ultra survivor. My health and physical aptitude was compromised a great deal as a result. As a Contactee, I've met various 'evil' aliens - Up close face to face & Experimented on with exotic technology , including being placed on alternate timelines. Was like Mandela effect on steroids. Used for countless "missions" that began in childhood, including hours of astral...

Re: My Life In The Secret Space Program

Bruce ·
Well, I think I was able to get so many of my memories back because the program was mostly focused on developing the third eye, so its like it was reaching back in time and pulling my memories to my conscious mind.

Re: Kruger Super soldier and targeted individual

AdamJ ·
I started an online support group You are not alone! All TI's are welcome to join: mk ultra program survivors support group

Re: Defense Minister Paul Hellyer tells RT "Aliens Visiting Earth for Thousands of Years" Jaw Dropping!

Stormm ·
I've got to say, given the dates of some of these that I was obviously "on program in the EMERTHER network" since I was 5 years old in 1958... coincidentally or not, the SAME year the 12 year old girl starts dealing with them, in Linda Howe's video... and yet again, when the self same types of grays are meeting with Eisenhower secretly about the nuclear testings. Incidentally... I was living just west of here in Riverside, California in 1958 and I am in Las Vegas now, and THOSE nuclear tests...

Re: James Casbolt Death Threat in Jail July 22 2017

J7 ·
You have to question why so much effort is being put into fracturing DNA purity.. because that is one positive l have evidence of. My AB+ is pure..Bless my Navy Grandad always said " our Jo.. always remember you are special " that is nothing unusual for any loved one to say..but coincidence?..that my grandad kept InTouch throughout my life and sadly pasted 3years ago his last words was to me saying " just remember you are very remember that won't you".. Makes you think...

Re: James Casbolt Death Threat in Jail July 22 2017

CosmicDancer ·
My post won't post on your ssf website. Extreme technocraticle difficulties in posting and sending this email. Hope and wish All is well with you All and everyone in SSF. This is the post. "I don't know what to do?": now staying in Los Angeles from my road trip with my children and ex from Brookline, MA. (@2 weeks ago). We decided to stay and move back to LA. in Manhattan Beach. For now hoteling it. Very precarious with my whole Family from extreme targeting (very overtly programed and...

Re: James Casbolt Death Threat in Jail July 22 2017

CosmicDancer ·
Hi Nate, Another post, wont post. Dead field with select forum. Please post: Title: "Precursor to buying with or without the "mark" (in the Bible)" Oh, what a lovely whole day dealing with banks, etc. Trying to purchase on my PayPal business card (card holder since 2015), the vendor only accepting PayPal or cash. Defaulted to my $600 overdrafted protected bank account, with a monthly direct deposit from SSI. Got an ok from my bank (branch manager). Having to get permission for a regular bank...

Re: video of mysterious orbs

Angela ·
My daughters and I have physically seen orbs in our house with our own eyes. She saw a big white one, and I saw a black one behind me whilst I was looking in a mirror. My sister caught a ton of them with her SSLR camera (35mm) at night whilst trying to catch the Aurora borealis. But she hasn't 'woken up' yet as she told me in a dream not to wake her up. I caught only one orb at night outside on my smartphone. I caught a UFO too. I'd upload but I am not a techno nerd. My talents lie...

Re: video of mysterious orbs

Angela ·
What makes you say that? I don't think so but there is so much I don't know. If you could enlighten me I would appreciate it. I have compared my 3D abilities and many of my dreams to the comic characters, and between myself and my two girls I have compiled a list that I am able to play. I don't not play them all the time, as even my girls have played Asgardian Angela at times, when I would have smited heads rather than listen. We have worked out that the characters seem to be archetypes and...

Re: David Rockefeller's Leaked Document

Nate YPX Grey ·
click on the file to download and please print it and save it for your records! Get it while its still available

Re: Everything is programmed

Angela ·
12 times the word program-med/ing appeared in this. Anyone smell a fish? NLP will NOT work here IJN.

Re: Belated : ALways Happy Memorial Day , Not In Vain ~ Make Love Not war

Eclipse ·
Thanks for the reply. Not sure why you feel im a " fire pov" but im a air sign in the zodiac. I may actually clash with fire sign. However i bring the strong suit of understanding so i can get along with a bunch of peeps. Actually i was attached to a Sagittarius in my family as well. Sign fortune telling may be crap but people still show traits of their sign. Like personality. so you have a monark side or mark. I knew something was up. well mk ultra mind control is one thing that seems to be...

bases: weapon X north America. possible locations?

Eclipse ·
hello. um the idea of weapon x has been in my life for a bit. for example my first idea of super soldiers was from the comic weapon x, i was called wolverine multiple times, a dream informant mentioned x-23 , and i even ran across a dream form of lady death strike like figure. not claiming im directly related with the program. well currently im interested in weapon x bases. especially in north america. So im using my intuition to start this post. at least hear me out because it might...

Note to users: your possible activation / mutation ?

Eclipse ·
Hello friends. This post is for all who reads articles on this site. Times are changing. Im mostly a astral milab and recently i been having soldier dreams. so at this time im more of an assault specialist and with weapons instead of mimicking powers. Well last night i had a dream where i was called into service. Like recruited/deployed and had to go somewhere. Then i hear things like possible mutation of super soldiers by covid. Im not gonna talk about vaccines but they have covid in it and...

Re: aircraft recognition document

Nate YPX Grey ·
i had a helicopter with a whole arsenal of weapons aimed at me appear out of the sky in the middle of the day once, it was not very loud, you think it would have been. I just stayed sitting down looking up at it, I didnt run away and I asked some one else if they saw it just to make sure i was not hallucinating. Another time in my wilderness program a scout chopper spied on me while we were hiking up the mountain peaks.

Re: my 20 year and back investigation: kids living in the county building!

Stormm ·
In my particular case, after my Grams got me out of the "adoption agency" (MKULTRA Infancy Research @ URMC Strong Hospital), there were the countless clinic and special doctor's visits for the various things that put me outside of the "norm" of "normal American kids". To this very day, in spite of the alleged Hospital Privacy Act, you either had specific doctors and clinics that you had to report to regularly (military dependents ESPECIALLY so) that would track your progress, and make more...

Re: my 20 year and back investigation: kids living in the county building!

Stormm ·
I knew Peter, as we started out in the same company & battalion in the Navy back in 1970. He's about my age (late 60's). I was born in St. Ann's Hospital in Cleveland, OH, Friday, July 31st, 1953, 7:55am,.. put up for adoption and whisked away into MKULTRA by the next day, among the first dozens of infants inducted at that time. I don't believe that practice ever ended. You can start your search even with Google, or whatever search engine you prefer. These days, they've released tens of...

Re: my 20 year and back investigation: kids living in the county building!

Eclipse ·
greetings. Im sorry but i have to log a couple of things i found out from memory. Log 1) not sure if mk ultra is gutsy enough to set fire to a whole family home. Anyway after the mysterious fire my brother and i went to a family. he raced me to blocks they gave us. then we where separated after day one because i bit my brother on the wrist over the situation. Sorry to say he has the scars till this day. So he actually cant account for me after that day. when i went to the second home i could...

Re: my 20 year and back investigation: kids living in the county building!

Eclipse ·
For everyone: I FOUND A MKULTRA PAPER TRAIL. in 2 parts. Part 1) MEDICAL MEMORY i remembered i was sent to get my tonsils taken out. In the 3rd grad or so. It was odd looking back. It seemed late for the physical ssp service but maybe its milab/ultra dropping in. To keep tabs. i will tell you why in a nut shell 1. When i was waiting a nurse came around and asked me what i was getting. she didnt ask about tonsils at first. She assumed it was something else. She could have just been running...

my 20 year and back investigation: kids living in the county building!

Eclipse ·
hello. im adopted and i was thinking about possible 20 year and back tech trip with the secret space program. even ibis was rumored to use my suspected blood type which is o neg. im not saying i was apart of that . just making a point about genetics. in my case there was a house fire in winter and i was placed with the county. a week is enough to transport me to a black site or something. well guess what kids where caught living in the same county building. i just know i had a pharma shot in...

Re: my 20 year and back investigation: kids living in the county building!

Stormm ·
MKULTRA *is* everywhere the CIA & NSA have influence in America AND the world. Canada has a program, as does England, Sweden, Russia and China. By 1960, they had control over 150 hospitals and clinics (military AND civilian) and sub-offices in numerous colleges (University of Rochester Medical Campus, and R.I.T., in Rochester, NY were offices I was directly affiliated with). I was taken from St. Ann's to some Jesuit agency and directly to the Infancy Research Center in the U. of R.,...

Re: Music video: science, cymatics, and vibration

Eclipse ·
@Holly Baglio just want to say thanks for your reply. Im able to talk about the matrix and frequency as well but i dont bring it up usually. beings seem to handle things with substance better. since esoteric things can make people trip. I even had to meditate on the eternal void for attempted self training. i might have went to fellowships of the spirit school if it was in the cards but i just have a multi faith card since i was just looking to do readings or healing modality. now its just a...

Doodleing for memories

Eclipse ·
hello. This week i decided to do my first doodles even though they are going to be sloppy. Had to record possible memories anyway. this is a combination of milab, secret space program, umbrella , and dreams. Sometimes it seems like my imagenation. if you have a question about a doodle such as what it is then please ask. perhaps you can doodle to remember in your case. This post is for everyone but mostly for guests. Note: there was a girl stressing in the cafe but this one guy said this...

Re: Nano tech

Stormm ·
The V-shaped implant, happened when we moved to Riverside, CA, around 1958, and they tried me out for the MK Monarch program (then mostly around Anaheim- the brand new "Disney Land" no less). I was five years old and already had two encounters with "gray aliens", at school, and one night in our garage. The little gray Emerther aliens (I thought they were 'martians' at the time) came into my room, and floated me out to a craft, hovering over our backyard, and inserted the "triangular thingie"...

Re: Nano tech

Saoirse ·
I have those same implants too! That is so creepy that the v-shaped one in your hand is associated with Disney Land! I was never there, but my folks used to go every couple of years when I was a kid. My enrolment in the MK Monarch program likely related to that. No doubt it was a really cool place when it first opened! I have a v-shaped scar between my forefinger and thumb on my left hand, and recall getting the one in my toe when I was 5. It hurt and was awful. Although I have one up my...

Re: Fighting Monarch

Stormm ·
I was taken at birth for MKULTRA in 1953. By 1958, Rohr Aircraft in Riverside, CA offered my step dad a machinists job, and I got tried out for MK Monarch across from where they were then building "Disney Land" in Anaheim, CA. They thought I'd make a better "supersoldier", laid off my step dad, and sent us back to Rochester, NY and MKULTRA for me. I didn't think that so lucky at the time, but I likely coped better as a supersoldier than I would have in the Monarch program. Strangely enough,...

Re: Fighting Monarch

Stormm ·
Walt was VERY active in the MK Monarch program back then and even producing movies to get kids into Illuminist circles (more often as victims, than cohorts). "Donald Duck in Math-A-Magic Land, 1959

Re: Fighting Monarch

Nate YPX Grey ·
@Stormm What would you say are the differences between MKULTRA and MK Monarch?

Are you being activated or put back into service?

Eclipse ·
Hello. Recently i heard a super soldier mention they feel like the programs want them back in service. well we are in interesting times. If this is you maybe talk to a friend about it? Of course there is turning to your diety. Im not sure about other cases. Like astral milab or secret space program. It would be interesting to hear if some are mutating in some way. Like abilities in dreams become real life. Will they get back physical ssp soldiers? In my case i wont mind if someone nocks on...

What kind of tech do you remember? all projects included.

Eclipse ·
guess what? Umbrella finally came up with a force field that can actually contain you.... Just kidding friend! im interested in tech and in my case its a major clue leading to the secret space program. please tell us what kind of tech you remember? All projects are welcome.