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According to nearly the entire world’s population, human intelligence comes from within our own brains; however this is a billion kilometres away from accurate fact. The fact is our brains are not intelligent, and the fact is that the only reason we display intelligence is because our brains are activated by matrix mind control software. Matrix mind control software identifies each individual brain and sends intelligence to the brain allowing for a person to display intelligence.
Without the matrix mind control software a human would not be able to see or think. Without the matrix computer a person would not even have a heart beat. We as a species rely on the matrix computer system in order to exist. Without the matrix computer system all species on earth would not exist. The creators of our planet and species clearly don’t want the human species to recognise the existence of the intelligent matrix mind control software program, because otherwise everybody would know already.     
The matrix computer system stores all the thoughts of every conscious species, it also regulates breathing and heart beats for all conscious species as well. The matrix computer system is the biggest secret being with held about our existence by our creators. The creators have shaped our planet exactly as they want it, and it is the creators of our species wishes for everything to be nearly exactly as everything is. The creators use mind control to shape our personalities and this in turn shapes everything around us.
I want governments to accept that every conscious individual is intelligent as a result of matrix intelligent mind control software. I want this exclusive discovery by our organisation to become public knowledge so that we can all learn about how to shape a better future for everything conscious . 

Original Post

10 times the word matrix appears.

Seriously doubt this person is human, may be A.I. or a reptile.

7 posts straight after joining -I find that very interesting. Seeing as many of our kind are so screwed up by THEM and find communication about their plight difficult.

NLP will NOT work here IJN.

Keep safe.


(I'm not Angela Power Disney.)

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