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Tagged With "matrix glitch"


Re: Codex of the Matrix from a Timeline Perspective

Rise ·
Great post. This comes close to my perception of "time". Every stream of consciuosness or time is basically one strong Intention. These Intentions gain what we percieve as linear time by interacting with each other through human beings which manifest these different ruling intentions, knowingly or unknowingly. In Gnosticism the ruling demiurge thrives on chaos and distruction so it makes sense that we start there. Then we finally begin to spiral out, but can get drawn back in anytime. I can...

Re: Codex of the Matrix from a Timeline Perspective

Ghost Rider ·
Timeline 6 is rules by black hole entities known as vampires. They learn from people who provide such services. There's not much to it other than that. Each timeline is a method of learning for the shaman who can navigate it. Each timeline has an energy to master. Once outside the matrix, it's about innovation. But timeline 6 is where you start to learn to turn the archon system and 12 aeon prison on it's head and make it work for you. It's usually up to you to find a service provider as...

Re: Codex of the Matrix from a Timeline Perspective

Rise ·
How do you integrade physical and non physical realities in this model?

Re: Bored So Here's Free Knowledge

eevie ·
Very good knowledge for those remaining in the matrix. This has been the hardest thing to get anyone to see much less accept. The ancient teachings they are so avidly tearing into do not get them out of the matrix. You cannot teach an old alchemist new tricks. lol

Re: Bored So Here's Free Knowledge

Rise ·
Thanks for sharing. Would you consider yourself still in the matrix? It almost sounds like you would not. Im still struggleing with this mindset opposed to the budhist view of non attachment i.e. a synthesis of these two.

Re: Bored So Here's Free Knowledge

Ghost Rider ·
No, I left the he and I left the matrix in October of 2015. I personally made it to where nobody can leave again until we assess the situation as well as we can. When we left I was dealing with major MIB activity and things like that. Then when I got out I found out removing the doors to the matrix was the best course of action. There are things out here that try to throw you back in. Needles to say I figured out a way to destroy them as they have little to no defense for...

Re: Bored So Here's Free Knowledge

eevie ·
ONI confirmed the Antarctica portal is protected by a dragon....idk if he meant literally, or as in reptilian...i tend to lean toward the literal. One reptilian could not guard and hold on his own. Earth died and what we are on now is another simulation. The only things left here to go to battle over are those who are awake and aware. This timeline sucks, but the one we just left was worse.....and the timelines fluctuate and move all about us until zero point. So we are all having different...

Re: Bored So Here's Free Knowledge

Ghost Rider ·
There is no such things as absolute truth unless you can create your own reality. I believe that in order to find truth you must create it. If you have to speak in riddles, you haven't found it. If you have to speak within a set parameter, you haven't found it. If you aren't doing what you love, you haven't found it. If you don't have total control of your life and the multiverse around you, you haven't found it. It's really simple and cut and dry, that's what I love about the nature of...

Re: Bored So Here's Free Knowledge

eevie ·
I agree. The thing about truth i have found is that it is rarely if ever what you want to know. lol This is where everyone falls away...truth has not met their expectations which tells me they have no idea what truth is about. Truth is not a is a reality and that frequency is not easy for many. It shows us our weaknesses as well as our strengths....people only expect to be built up, not torn down......the rigid beliefs/towers must crumble to the ground....a new foundation must...

Re: Bored So Here's Free Knowledge

Rise ·
Very good I'm afraid I'm trapped in a 3d drama at the moment... My programming hindered me to get to a person which I knew and loved in many lifetimes before. I waited for her my whole life. She doesn't recognizes me as I do. And thinks I have fucked up, but it was not my fault... Well, time will tell.

Re: Bored So Here's Free Knowledge

eevie ·
I'm in and out....i have family members in custody of CPS. Major 3d. i"m fighting to get them out of their system and it's been a nitemare. I was told i have mental problems...without an evaluation and that there is domestic abuse...without evidence or charges. All fabricated bullshit. I can yank the bitch from her body while she sleeps and hide her where no one can find her. But, i want out of here and want to rescue the children as well...they are ages 4 and 1. The little girl was molested...

Re: Israeli soldier beaten by Justin Bieber

Nate YPX Grey ·
Is Justin Beiber a hybrid possibly reptillian? Watching fox news and noticed his eyes do something weird so I filmed it with my phone and slowed down on the dvr. Wtf? Any explanation? I'm sure it's just a glitch but it's creepy looking anyway. Here's the link to the segment where I noticed it. You can see it happen here so it's not from my camera.

The 1987 war

Angela ·
1987 War There was a partial solar eclipse at the end of the Shemitah year of 2015, on 13 September. The last time this happened was in 1987. And before that; 1931. Really bad things happen in these years globally. 30 days after the eclipse on 23 September1987, Black Monday occurred. And in October 1987 the infamous Hurricane struck Great Britain . But the worse event was on the 23 May 1987 when the spaceships appeared and released the weapon that turned all that heard it, to dust. I had the...

Codex of the Matrix from a Timeline Perspective

Ghost Rider ·
Timeline - A specific vibration that attunes to specific ideas within a universe, and the resulting effects on the world around it. Can have multiple timelines within a universe, and can have timelines in different universes. Negative Timeline - A timeline where the general consensus is that the principles cause oppression, destruction, stress, and/or unbearable/unlivable environments as a whole from the perspective of the one walking with in it. Usually deep in the matrix meaning you are...

Bored So Here's Free Knowledge

Ghost Rider ·
I'm bored and contemplating existence. I've realized that quantum reality is connected through probability fields yes. But how does that matter? The question is answerable, yet complicated at times. Knowing how quantum reality does virtually no good in predicting the future unless you're a genius. It can however help determine where you are in the universe. However, it can be used to slip into or out of a reality field as I have mentioned before in timeline traveling. But can you use such...

Simplifying the Matrix and Your Potential to Grow

Ghost Rider ·
Ever hear of a god, or a main character in a story? What if I told you there is little difference between the two? What if I told you that acquiring at least some form of power in the matrix is as simple as visualizing an archetype and becoming one with it? Well, for the most part it is. Some people on earth meet the requirements for becoming assimilated with the attributes of certain gods. Everyone else can become a lesser god. Pagans tend to mess this one up monumentally though. Worshiping...

Past Reflections & Hollywood Unraveling?

Misses LDR ·
Hollywood is unraveling. So far the sexual assaults are coming out and Harvey Weinstein was taken down. I reflected back on Britney's alters and her glitch in her Diane Sawyer interview "Weird" seemed to be the trigger word. Then she displayed alternate persona's during her break down. There was Britney/British Girl/Diva/Weepy Girl and British Girl was the most out of place persona. Never was an explanation for that random accent and just recently I realized how odd it is that she displays...

Everything is programmed

JamesMacleod ·
You are a programmed outcome We are a created species on a created planet, this is something that most people do not understand. What this means is we as a species are advanced technology and planet Earth is advanced technology as well. Planet Earth is programmed to fly exactly where it is flying now and our planet has always been programmed to do this. The moon is programmed to fly exactly where it is now and the Sun is programmed to fly exactly where it is flying now. Every star and planet...

The Banks

CosmicDancer ·
This wouldn't post here last night: Oh, what a lovely whole day dealing with banks, etc. Trying to purchase on my PayPal business card (card holder since 2015), the vendor only accepting PayPal or cash. Defaulted to my $600 overdrafted protected bank account, with a monthly direct deposit from SSI. Got an ok from my bank (branch manager). Having to get permission for a regular bank transaction, after consistenly in good standing, paying my usual one time monthly overdraft charge, the $33 fee...

Re: James Casbolt Death Threat in Jail July 22 2017

CosmicDancer ·
Hi Nate, Another post, wont post. Dead field with select forum. Please post: Title: "Precursor to buying with or without the "mark" (in the Bible)" Oh, what a lovely whole day dealing with banks, etc. Trying to purchase on my PayPal business card (card holder since 2015), the vendor only accepting PayPal or cash. Defaulted to my $600 overdrafted protected bank account, with a monthly direct deposit from SSI. Got an ok from my bank (branch manager). Having to get permission for a regular bank...

Re: Simplifying the Matrix and Your Potential to Grow

Rise ·
This resonates greatly with my own research so far. Thanks!

Re: Simplifying the Matrix and Your Potential to Grow

eevie ·
Interesting....going to work on that. Thank you. Has to be similar to taking on attributes of an ancient former self.

Re: Simplifying the Matrix and Your Potential to Grow

Eclipse ·
thanks for this. maybe its another tool i can use. i had a hunch that abilities can be manifested. in my case im a possible energy vampire that uses the environment. so if i practice enough then something like this might work by intent. im more of a astral milab and last night i dreamed that i turned into a mutant at will after i almost fell off a bridge. i gained some strength and agility by intent alone. so it boosts my personal faith that one can develop things. it would be cool to be the...

Re: Simplifying the Matrix and Your Potential to Grow

CosmicDancer ·
You know somehow I Am reading this And I have to say Im feeling and seeing like Im in an Aquarium and The Sucker Fish ( like maybe an energy vamp vacuum ' ) that is usually on the glass , cleaning the algae off .. is what Im hoping with Purpose Yous are coming frome . And Not of cray ehp machine dark mindz with crazy Powers - That of Principle Elements and Centric Axis of ALL Universe And Creation of The Earth And Cosmic Yang ~ Yin Yin ~ Yang .. with Humanity Platform Plateau Plateaus +🤍...

Re: Simplifying the Matrix and Your Potential to Grow

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer u have a way of putting things friend. Im not from this timeline. I was the run of the mill hooman that searched for truth through faith. Anyway i can see how you think we are on speed. Sometimes comprehending everything makes me feel like im on acid. Like the kinds of beings their are, government tech, what projects really did, Etc. I just know there is life outside the physical. So taking form of a entity is a sort of magic. Anyway take care.

The matrix trilogy : does your strength or speed have to do with muscles?

Eclipse ·
are you sure your muscles have to do with strength or speed?

Re: Simplifying the Matrix and Your Potential to Grow

Eclipse ·
@Ghost Rider greetings mr ghost rider. i was thinking more on what you mentioned as far as becoming a archatype with a mask method. i would continue the subject in a new post if i had a firm grasp on the mask subject but i currently do not. anyway i seem to have a theme to my profile. which is my possible invovlvement with umbrella corp like in resident evil. anyway.... i will ponder this subject more. recently i wished i had the abilities of project alice from umbrella. who is the hero in...

are we in the matrix? Comment your odd visual expiriences/anomalies pointing to the matrix

Eclipse ·
posting about the matrix seems over due. I usually dont talk about it to respect others opinion. Anyway have you noticed you find what you look for when your just living life? Like you see a car you drive or the car you want. there is other odd stuff like animals or moving things frozen in place. Even stuff like birds and planes. On top of that there is visual coincidences you see in the same place. Like three grey haired men wearing roughly the same shirt and pattern. Well I sort of found a...

there is no spoon matrix movie clip

Eclipse ·
there is no spoon

dua lipa physical music video

Eclipse ·
this is actually for my personal research. so please excuse me. i will just say i might be a being trying to remember who i really am. not because of projects. simply because of being a hybrid being for a lack of a better term. here is the link. the video is actually kinda cool.

it was a odd day. Super soldier topic and possibly results from shifting.

Eclipse ·
So today i saw a apature laboratories sticker on a car. they might exist in the reality I'm on. Infact i never seen a car sticker like that and I'm currently in the area that they are based in as far as the game half life. 2. Today I found my good lady friend is following the actor who played the winter soldier marvel movies. when I was younger I thought I could be OK with getting married to her if i had to choose who to marry. So this find threw me for a loop. Of course she could think the...

reality shifts and time slips: the cut on my finger, credit card glitch, and a dobbelganger

Eclipse ·
so today I will talk about reality shifts or something that seems like it. 1. I cut off the tip of my thumb twice when I was younger. I was learning the professional kitchen at the time. the other day I seen a cut on the tip of my thumb and a part of my tip missing. I was just thought it will heal. the next day it was gone! when I look at the scar now it seems different. now its just a small patch that does not have thumb print lines. reality shifts? 2 so I have a old secured credit card.

reality is screwy: I finally have new lotto numbers.

Eclipse ·
Hello. I don't talk about reality much. Yet I guess I will post this. I guess you can win the lotto If you work with the subconcious. everyone has thier own opinion on it. Well I must of thought of the lottory a little. Simply because the lotto numbers came to me. I honestly don't want auto play. You can get numbers anywhere. They could mean something to you, liscense plates, social media posts. Etc. Well i took down the number again today and was playing with it. Then a feeling clicked and...