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Tagged With "Arkheim Ra"


Re: RIP Lee Backer

eevie ·
I have no idea who i am in the comics. I've seen myself, name included in some games. I've not kept up with comics in ages and i love them. They were like family when i was growing up. My dad was really into comics. I never knew if he innerstood why or not coz he wouldn't discuss anything milab.....he was milab and air force. I've seen his clones in DUMBs. I would love to know who i am. geeze i've been in the dark for fucking ever memory wise. Ra sounds like he needs a nanny. lol damn Is Dr.

Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.

Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.

Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.

CosmicDancer ·
Informative but there are some questions. I don't discount "A.I" (I refer to as Alpha Intelligence., S.I. I refer to Synthetic Intel., or Programed, Mind Control/M.C). S.P/Self Program and I.I/"I" Intelligence. I find myself referring to now a days. I wanted to re-post from my fb timeline about this today here on SSF. but the tech was disfunct. Ra, is supposedly Mars. Same olde boring ' story' is actually History not in Vain or Pain. If you were an elder and/or old soul you would have...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
To Black Widow and LongTimeMilab. Hi, been wanting to reply and also want to confirm and validate some things, with an *, if you or anyone else knows? *Is Draco from Archangel Gabriels' Soul Lineage, Nordic?? Me too, I'm Christian. I want to buy so many crystals, gems and stones but I keep thinking it's not Christian. It says in scripture, not to use stones and that evil spirits can dwell in them. But I also believe that they can be medicinal and healing. Have you read anything bad about...

Re: Michael J Spinler

Nate YPX Grey ·
Welcome to YPX News this is your host Nate Grey. This show will be featuring a story about a MK Ultra named Michael Spinler. Michael Spinler became a Delta at age 17 A Delta is a sergeant while an Alpha is a basic troop. and an Omega is a guard an alpha is a more robotic alter from than the delta alter form, alphas are often used to guard government officials and illuminati leaders. According to Michael Spinler recruits are started out and most are killed at age 5 He is one of the few that...

Repost of my comment on Tere Joyce's recent video on Micheal Aquino Pt . 1

CosmicDancer ·
Hi , I think my comment is more Appropriate on SSF . A lot of references on the video (1:17:42 Minutes long ) to Esoterics and the fall-out . : In Absolution We Are Free+💗💙💥😊🌌)))))))))))))) " Hi Tere , I believe Michael A. (I'm too scared to even spell His full name out because of Max Spiers ....... ) . Is a very Old One from the Beginning when it was very much in Nature as One Cloth ' ( kinda sort of , so to speak , The Individuals Element And Expression was Definite And Separate from...

ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

whitelion342 ·
We are in shit...unless we sort things out...Just recently found some material with regards to researching the wingmakers and the lyricus groups , and bells went off somewhat, please share or shed light, Listen to this : this link shows the introduction to the arm or connection to the wingmakers, and leads to the ACIO What I feel is that ACIO is part of something bigger could...

Re: Defense Minister Paul Hellyer tells RT "Aliens Visiting Earth for Thousands of Years" Jaw Dropping!

Stormm ·
Time travelers are responsible for what we know as the Mandela Effect. It IS a factual happening, and it appears someone is effecting even more changes that way to our timeline here. There is truly some cause for concern, but far more capable people than just US are working on that end of things. Right now, the prime focus is to wake up humanity to understand that they have already been long enslaved as a race. We have allies and actually stellar ancestors that want to see this stopped. It's...

Re: Music video: science, cymatics, and vibration

Eclipse ·
@Saoirse thanks. The link brought me to a gaelic song. Just so happens that my parent sang a irish language song before bed when i was little. not sure if you know too ra loo ra loo ral. That was around the time of astral milab programming. The link is to a good song though. Here is one in return

We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.

Ylona/Elsa ·
For NEW FRIENDS OR THE YET UNINFORMED! >>> Think with your heart, we're ALL connected by CHI energy here, please help me manifest AI to zero %, then we're free! Ascended masters incarnated her once, to explain this has been enough, and many of them are ordinary people. They are called the "Paradise SUNS" we're ALL sunlight, which is sentient and CODING which is character programming of AI. Since AI uses soul so SOLAR energy slides and slides of coding so AI programming slides to...

Re: Arkheim Ra Wood talks about Montauk and ᴅᴜᴍʙs

Eclipse ·
im eclipse. thanks for the video.

Arkheim Ra Wood talks about Montauk and ᴅᴜᴍʙs

MajestiXKinetiXProphetiX ·

Re: Arkheim Ra Wood talks about Montauk and ᴅᴜᴍʙs

Nate YPX Grey ·
welcome to the forum

Interview with Arkheim Ra

Nate YPX Grey · Arkheim Ra talks about his book "Time and Space Unlimited." Tells his life story about different timelines and the Mantauk project, Michael Aquino and SRA, how music talks about future timelines like the song "the sound of silence" and alien encounters and abductions and his experiences on other planets.
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MK-Ultra & Clandestine Projects with Nate YPX Grey

Nate YPX Grey ·
This is Episode 1 of MK-Ultra & Clandestine Projects with Nate YPX Grey Nate Interviews Arkheim Ra for the 2nd time and discusses his amulet, different timelines, Alexander Paramonov, Michael Aquino, Egyptian Theology, Music Industry, and more!