Tagged With "Ultra Clandestine Projects with Nate"
Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY
Hello Global Agenda, do you know anything about white dragon, white bear, white wolf, white horse, white lion and white snake ,white griffin,etc, they represent countries where certain super soldiers or agents live...? Also something with project Hydra and project Pegasus?
Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY
Angela, very interesting idea, found some info; looks like this red and white tie in to the aspect of the Duality of the system, the one is red and Merovingian and the other is white as far as I know represents all spectrum together, you know like all light coming together in one place as one white point of light. I'm thinking that the Tribes as bloodlines as you mentioned has to do with types of DNA factors in our blood that make us super soldiers in the first place, don't want to say super...
Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"
lol thanks WhiteLion. Appreciated. wow you got a giant frog. I got a giant butterfly after project talent found me and stuck me in a trip chair, then disney...i was a little girl playing in my backyard. A huge shadow suddenly fell on me. I looked up expecting a cloud. no...giant monarch butterfly..bigger then me....bigger than any kite.....it was huge. I screamed, not because it was big but the energy from it was horrid. I ran into the house looking for help from mom who was/is mind...
Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"
IMAEA I think that if anyone who is a presenter/researcher nowadays that isn't dead, is either very programmed or in on it. I always thought that any Supersoldiers or MILABS that were waking up, would obviously go to these presenters and tell their stories and boom, they are reprogrammed, where the program was weakest. I think a lot of the presenters get targeted too, to keep them low energy. I found and removed my metal implants by visualise/focus/intent and prayer, but I was finding I was...
Re: Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle
@eevie yes seems like orginizations like the jesuits are not our friends. Just so you know i may say the word friend as a friendly term. Especially for groups who may get judged or do wrong doing. When i dont really mean friend. You will know when i say friends or friend and mean it. Well for example i would say super soldier projects may have started with our german scientist friends from project paperclip. In that case i said friend because that nationality is usually judged when thats not...
Re: Melanin and Sacred Stones
jibreezy, Hope you listen to our Molecule Man and Ghost Rider Nate helped us record especially Part 2 on Melanin. You will come to appreciate it the details when I get into the topic.
Re: James Rink
I wish "they" would leave James alone. They have targeted him the same as they have Michael Prince. And, some of them are on the list as well as being the executors of the list. Fucked up shit, dude. James is good people. Like you, Nate.
Re: Ben Murphy "Kila Solai"
http://www.gofundme.com/c7bzcc Ben Murphy has helped bring the "Project Camelot Heather Material" into the public light. His bravery has opened the minds of many people. He has survived numerous assassination attempts on his life and now a preexisting health condition may result in his death. He was diagnosed with a laceration in his aorta which if not treated immediately may grow into a tear and his eventual death. Without health insurance and unable to hold a job he is financially...
Re: Ben Murphy "Kila Solai"
So this is Ben. =) He has a most beautiful smile. Thank you, Nate.
Re: Ben Murphy "Kila Solai"
I wish there was some way to keep posted on his condition. Thank you, Nate. And, James.
Re: september 11th, what happened?
Nate, these are 2 good documentary films loaded w/ information. Check them out if you’ve never seen them ... 2013 NEW Loose Change 3rd Edition! MUST SEE! 9/11 Truth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsRm8M-qOjQ 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tTMMNTisBM
Re: september 11th, what happened?
I wish i could remember more, Nate. My memories are punched with holes. He has a machine in his room that enhances psychic abilities, including astral projection. They used it on me many times. Many years ago i had a dream/oob of movign to central america to help a general. That was all i knew. Next thing i know i am introduced to him online and he procured a passport for me in just an hour. I flew there with 30 some odd dollars in my pocket. The natural food deal they publicize is real to a...
Re: september 11th, what happened?
ahhh i wasn't aware of this, Nate. Thank you. Yes, that fits perfectly. She did everything she could to get rid of me. lol She is also a world reknowned psychiatrist. Makes me shudder to think of what she has done to minds.
Re: Military's 'Iron Man' Suit May Be Ready to Test This Summer
Nate Grey I think I heard spinler taking about this with Stormm February 27 at 9:20pm · Like · 1 Michael J Spinler something like this. but it was more like a body suit with patches on it. February 27 at 10:18pm · Like Michael J Spinler this is the low tech shit i was talking about before. knock off send to general forces. February 27 at 10:19pm · Like Michael J Spinler the suit i use i could not only block a punch given by a man in one of these. i could crush it around him like a tin can.
Re: RIP Max Spiers
Max's remains arrived in the UK a week ago and the results of a very detailed autopsy remain to made. In view of the speculation and information vacuum I have asked his mother to make a statement of some kind, which she says will do this weekend (July 31st) My role was initially to make contact with a family member 2 weeks ago after I received several text messages and calls from Warsaw reporting his death. Miles Johnston <END>
Re: RIP Max Spiers
Stormm i'm going thru the same. CPS took my grandbabies and won't give them back. Said i have mental problems.....without an evaluation.....smacks of milab. Work rogue every chance i get....they don't like it. Thanks Nate....we have to become our intuition to get thru this. Like Stormm said...they will move on and when they do.....wabbit season!
Re: RIP Max Spiers
Nate, they have harassed you to keep you quiet. They cannot stop memories returning, but they can intimidate you to scare you. Many times the choppers and shit we see...no one else can see them. Like the vehicles that drove by for an hour or so...either black or white....ALL of them. Were they really there? idk but they can make us see shit whether it's there or not. Don't test it. lol
Re: RIP Max Spiers
This was sent to me. May be of interest to some. http://www.truewhitehat.com/th...piers-death-reports/
Re: James Rink Banned From Facebook
broken link Nate or some type of reroute stunt that went no where lol
Re: fantastic 4
Nate that's interesting you got to really meet them. However I thought you compared Namor as being based of you.
Re: fantastic 4
Some of my DNA comes from his race, he is half human and half something else, he has little wings on his feet i don't have. I just breath water the way he does when I am drowned. Most of his race are blue, but he has human skin tones because he is half human. X-Man: Nate Grey is based off of me, in the comics i am not depicted as having the ability to survive under water, at leas not yet. The only reason i know this is because I was waterboarded when i was 18 in my pool, and i adapted to...
Re: fantastic 4
my first costume was made when i was a small child, they depicted me as an adolescent for some reason. they also depicted spiderman as white when he is black. in the comics it says i am related to scott summers and jean grey, they don't talk about me being related to namor, but since i was 18 at least they know I am. The picture of me in the leather jacket was my new costume, and they gave me a tattoo that i don't actually have and a white spot on my head because i requested it. when i was a...
Re: Important thread with my replies on Bases Project with Manda Kathleen's post (about 17 replies) today 5/31/17
another thing...Nate is being hit really hard right now. This is not his doing. He would never censor you.
Re: Important thread with my replies on Bases Project with Manda Kathleen's post (about 17 replies) today 5/31/17
Nate would never censor you....he is not like that. He is one of the few humans i trust.
Re: How DID a violent fantasist end up marrying a billionaire's daughter? James casbolt
Thank you for that Nate. A fantasist indeed and very dangerous towards women. I wonder did he ever fuck with another man in any such manner !? Some how i doubt this. Was Max Spiers another of the same ilk? He did talk about Casbolt somewhat.So on that note, are we surrounded by these fantasists, or what ?? Peace Nate.
Re: How DID a violent fantasist end up marrying a billionaire's daughter? James casbolt
Nate, I do recall a statement saying that Casbolt was replaced alright. I was curious to know if Max worked with him in the past or not. If not, how would he be able to make a comment like such !? I know memories are very sketchy to say the least with MK’s but I can’t recall hearing Max giving legitimacy to Casbolt’s claims of being an MK soldier of sorts. I am not naieve to not think it’s quite possible of course and i can’t take a news paper article as 100% fact either I’m a curious son of...
Re: How DID a violent fantasist end up marrying a billionaire's daughter? James casbolt
You see Nate, this is where the confusion comes into play here imo. Did Max verify what Casbolt stated about being shot in the head or does his memory not serve him on this occasion or what!? Making the statement does not verify such but merely adds to the drama and is unsubstantiated by all accounts! How is it that Max felt a need to legitimise Casbolt while at the same time, deal with his own dramatic shite at the time. This is where I can’t connect the dots ! I found Max to be a very...
Re: Q&A with the Coach: disabilities, UFO’s, Ameridote
Hi Nate. Yeah, i've seen this craft hovering over my house and before i could get my phone to take a photo it was gone. I have seen mega activity at times here in Northern Ireland mostly orb activity. The dogs on farms for miles went nuts for hours. Also when the chemtrailing is heavy and HAARP is belting out i do believe i have seen craft hidden behind cloud formations. I have seen the very same in vids on YT etc so i know i'm not a nut job for sure. Take care Nate.
Re: Deadpool 2 Introducing CABLE
@Nate YPX Grey I wonder if there is a real cable. Cable was ok as a character but im more fermiliar with bishop as far as future marvel characters. I was surprised the cable character had telekinesis. Cool basic power to have in real life. Perhaps one of the most common. I actually thought one time that flying is telekinesis of the self. Better to ask a flying humanoid if i meet one .
Re: Deadpool 2 Introducing CABLE
@Nate YPX Grey ah so you are indeed related like how i saw when i looked up cable. Interesting. Well im from the mental dimention of the average public. The public just thinks its interesting that beings with comic characters even exsist. Im still kind of the same mindset. You are of course not required to share and in general i understand some characters are not nice in real life. I wonder if some with "evil" characters are actually nice .
Re: Deadpool 2 Introducing CABLE
Hey Nate , you gonna get that 90s haircut and jacket or do you already possess such, lol !?
Re: How DID a violent fantasist end up marrying a billionaire's daughter? James casbolt
They charged him with blackmail? Seriously? That girl made too many mistakes, for one someone like her shouldn't need the internet for a guy and when he asked for the photos she should of told him to use his imagination, she trusted him that much? Did she ever consider even if he was a good guy what if his phone got stolen? This whole story is full of crimes, first a step up from blackmail, when it's the kind that is demanding money that is extortion and then posting those images without her...
Re: How DID a violent fantasist end up marrying a billionaire's daughter? James casbolt
James Casbolt/Michael Prince, I believe him to be part of one of the very first ancient pre-earth cosmic elemental nature male/ and/or man Soul Lineage and/or Line. With affects of severe compromise from evil incarnate (bapht'/baphomet), and now many others infected. Initially an extension from off his mind (as his beginning self/Time) as a "node" in outerspace, by default, evils' self-start. He, I believe is Time/Time Satan' (one of the Satan's). Max Spiers of the same Lineage, prob calling...
Re: How DID a violent fantasist end up marrying a billionaire's daughter? James casbolt
......you know what, I just tried to re-edit my censors on the last above post. As I was ready to update the post with corrections, I tried to copy and paste, as usual and they killed switch the interface, gone! Never happen before like that. Usually it recovered somehow. So, I give up! I can't and will not keep up with that f*git sh*t! Im not chasing the f.g.! Every edit is a misleading total opposite of what I'm trying to relay. In this instance specifically the last paragraph above.I have...
Re: I Was A Psychic Super Soldier
can you send link of that on chat, I want to download that interview with you nate
Re: My DNA Results
Nate, that does not surprise me one bit, sweetie. I don't know how i was put together, just told what it was done with. I missed that somehow. definitely i will read bg. Thanks.
Re: My DNA Results
Wow Eevie, they really really give you a hard time, you go though so much! To tell you the true I think that many of us where made scientifically! Once i saw that my grandma was a Rhodes, I had to get the test for sure! All is starting to make since now! I wish she was still living so we can talk about this! So when i have these dragon and angelic manifestations, i can trace it back to somewhere concrete Nate I believe what Barbra Bush said about you and the clone solderers! We all seem to...
Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)
This is another article by frank zero should've just went to sleep like a good American This is the one that’s gonna make me tons of friends. I’m having a crisis trying to understand what we are even doing anymore...but I’m not here to bitch. I want you to tell me why I’m wrong and where we should go next. Get angry, come up with some awesome new plan, or way to organize what we’ve been trying to do. (Please don’t waste your time telling me I’m mean,or critical, or don’t know what I’m...
Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)
This is Something You Need to Know - by a man who may be seeking attention, hopefully help, and to be struck down by Odin for his transgressions against this field, individuals of all kinds, and seemingly most of all himself, and who still may for some reason hold the keys to some of the truths we have been seeking for decades: (edit and commentary by Frank Zero) (Frank Zero's comments in ( ) brackets I don't really have time to debate, but am always open to it. As a disclaimer I have been...
Yep, the fuckers are using chemical warfare on their people. This goes beyond treason. Where are the prosecutors, the judges, the ones who know and have the power to stop this....Even given it's an alien agenda. It's time to make a stand. Thank you so much for sharing this, Nate.
Re: are pigs a cross between humans/hogs?
And, those who eat pork are immune to a particular infestation of archons as opposed to those who don't eat pork. It is called an infestation as it takes over the mind, takes away all care for those outside their beliefs. This gets very deep, Nate. But it's all true. Sadly.
Re: are pigs a cross between humans/hogs?
I cannot say publicly, Nate. I'm sorry. It caused me undue trouble the one time that i did. I will share with you privately if you wish. Thank you.
Re: targeted individuals protection
Something that actually works!! Thank you, Nate. This will make a huge difference for many people i know.
Re: john stormm jedi finger flick
Interesting you posted this Nate. The video is from 1 ½ yrs ago & I just watched it yesterday. We'll just call this a "Stormm Surge"! lol John seems to be an excellent and natural teacher no matter what he's sharing. Bless you John!
Re: max spiers
Nice interview. I love Miles. He gets better all the time, doesn't he. lol Thanks for the Link, Nate.
Re: real mermaid footage
Awww, Nate. True, but i love you already, sweetie. Thank you for sharing that with me. My friend and i are there with you. Only, this is fucked up, they made us terrified of drowning. When not in alter anyway.