Tagged With "space time"
Re: RIP Lee Backer
That would explain Lee to the nth degree. So i was arguing with Hulk the whole time. That's funny shit. lol I love the bioships. Do you remember where this one was found? and i'm not the mother of the anti christ. yeah i hear you, Angela lol i get the same about shit.
Re: RIP Lee Backer
Eevie; I only remember one bio ship. It was lonely as the crew had died a long time ago. Way into Space, beyond our Solar system. We were only allowed on because we had no weapons and another more 'mature' off world species entered before us. They had these weird quadriped animals that could float in space. They felt sad. You entered by anit grav energy portal. That was intense. I was the only one who could interface, which activated the crew, boy did they freak out (snigger). Weirdly we...
Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY
Angela, very interesting idea, found some info; looks like this red and white tie in to the aspect of the Duality of the system, the one is red and Merovingian and the other is white as far as I know represents all spectrum together, you know like all light coming together in one place as one white point of light. I'm thinking that the Tribes as bloodlines as you mentioned has to do with types of DNA factors in our blood that make us super soldiers in the first place, don't want to say super...
Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY
Timelines have already been changed by the Uncreated creator using the 4 Royal stars. They are quasars and were used to change our timeline. This is what the Mayans call the Time of No Time. They calculated it would last 25 yrs. It started in 1987 before the Harmonic Convergence in August of that year. So 25 years would have ended in 2012. I got a vivid dream in January 2012 that many spaceships had time travelled (Operation Pegasus ability) back to 1987, (23 May I found out later) and they...
Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY
VERY INTERESTING!! Thanks for this Info ! So here goes, something that is worrying me at the moment, I know that we are protected by Great Spirit/Uncreated Creator, but there is something that we are going to go through soon, been trying to get us all united in capabilities so that we can stand ready for this, A New Shift in Time using our DNA in FREQUENCIES, not the same as before, to create some sort of stargate out of our energies, using state of the art freeware such as Hydra and...
Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY
HI Whitelion342 I don't know if Hydra and Pegasus are in the hands of the evil ones or not. My intel tends to be global or universe based lately. Only some intel is for my local area. The Earth becoming an alter- could this be the same as there are many layers to the Earth, as she lives in all the dimensions at the same time?? I think this is the Pearl of great price? As a Pearl is made up of many layers. Currently mankind is in 3D and we are supposed to be going 4D soon. I am really not...
Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY
Hello Angela, The Hydra and Pegasus info was simply relayed to me by some spirit , I agree with you that the earth seem to be going through some " alteration" at best its also as you said layers like an onion, saw during many astral projections that she is truly like an orb of creation, using time as pockets for portals to be formulated, along with leylines. Don't worry about the jargon, have the same issue myself in terms of simply just putting info out there so it at least make sense,...
Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"
I think that Peter means to do well , but I am also finding it hard to listen to the dude, I keep getting images from underground base activities and after James's interview with him, I had some insight in sleep state to see what the deal was about, like I said, he means to do well, I found that he is like a universal receiver for all types of energy. Peter the Universal Radio broadcaster...no filters, and not all the info is current or relevant to this current timelines, he seems to also...
Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"
IMAEA- I have tried to listen to Peter on James' interview with him. I am very psychic- and got a feeling from him that made me very nervous and I couldn't finish listening to the interview. It was almost like he triggered me in a way that increased my anxiety. As for the tea- I'm going to have to agree with everyone- I wouldn't drink it. It's like that saying don't drink the Kool- aide. Lol! Besides I like to be in control of myself. I would be weary of anything that "rents" out your astral...
Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"
Actually I think they were doing this 'checking up' on me recently. I have gotten a bad vibe about this Peter and I do not ignore this gut feeling ever, so they can't check on me that way. I made a mention on this forum I had had a program removed to help me remember more. As I am having problems remembering. On the 29 November this year, my Facebook page was hacked and I 'apparently' joined a load of Russian Facebook groups. It was hacked whilst I was asleep in the morning and my hubby...
Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"
IMAEA I think that if anyone who is a presenter/researcher nowadays that isn't dead, is either very programmed or in on it. I always thought that any Supersoldiers or MILABS that were waking up, would obviously go to these presenters and tell their stories and boom, they are reprogrammed, where the program was weakest. I think a lot of the presenters get targeted too, to keep them low energy. I found and removed my metal implants by visualise/focus/intent and prayer, but I was finding I was...
Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"
I have to agree with Angela. I think James Rink means well, but I think it just a way to find the MILABS to then reprogram what is weak or worse. I did not get a good feeling about Peter- nor the tea. I try to vet what I can before I do or use anything but I must say that it is from experiencing this for a while. It will all come in time, especially the more you learn and the more you find little nuggets along the way, you'll be able to piece pieces together. Now I know why I have this...
Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"
Stellar. I was only allowed to see this memory as I had just started using the last of those shapes/astral bodies. I have seen me, as a wolf and as an Angelic female warrior many times before. But the last one was the Green Dragon shape. I have read that dragons are Seraphim, one of the highest of the Angel realms. The first time was when I woke up from a dream where I had been fighting a man in a lab, he was trying to steal my last baby (they have stolen about 15 before). So now I am in...
Re: Heads up. Trouble coming. Raven warning.
I have had my ass handed to me every time i hit the astral strongholds lately. It takes more than one. We are exponential when we are together as one.
Re: Heads up. Trouble coming. Raven warning.
the ravens and blackbirds are calling you to the battle....we know not when....but be prepared. Any weaknesses within self and that is their weapon against you. This is a battle of wills...of knowing self, of having faith in self. They take your will thru your weaknesses. Forgive yourself for all failings and own them before going into interdimensional battle/warfare. This is the war we came back to earth for. This is it. We cannot fail as we did last time.
Re: Heads up. Trouble coming. Raven warning.
Angela- i feel the same as the others... I'm ready to fuck someone's worldup. We need to unite as one ... a force like no other... I feel stronger just knowing you all. For the longest time I felt I was on my own. I didn't understand my life, other than it sucked and I was always in tormented pain. Since joining this forum, I don't feel like that. A raven came to me while I was at the beach. I was told to prepare. The veil is thinning and we need to prepare for what comes next. Love &...
Re: Heads up. Trouble coming. Raven warning.
I have more intel, I only saw it today but I think this is it. I saw this video; GLOBAL WARNING/RECORD TEMP. PLUNGE BY DEC.3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?...731FXYbA2s_R4n2tmzw3 The problem is stated in this video, that people in US cities could be seriously impacted if the electricity grid goes down. Lets hope it doesn't. People need to get a secure and safe form of heat and light now, and a way of cooking your food and making hot drinks. Many US cities have baned fireplaces. I have these...
Re: Wilderness therapy programs
Hello,MaryElle I just wrote about 1 event that happened to me,but I just read what happened to you...Really scary stuff.The thing is that I was abused as well,by my father and by negative aliens all my life.I dont remember what was happening when they abducted me as a child and later till 2009.From early age I was beaten by drunk idiot,my father+when I went to sleep,almost every night those gray bastards paralyzed me and did scary sh.t to me...I dont know if I wanna know what was...
Re: It's getting nasty!
I am a private citizen, I don't have many official "followers" at all. I play it like I'm a normal regular nobody person as a poster. And I'm really like that as a down to Earth type of person, from Los Angeles, not 'plastic'. But the content of my information is volatile, extreme truth to the best of my ability to relay. Of course this has to be documented, confirmed and validated! When barely anyone is engaged in my posts. I've been censored and edited too. I'm pretty careful about...
Re: It's getting nasty!
Hi J7, I don't know much about the beta/alter states of receiving a download or sharing of Intel. But I do know that the 4th dimension is connected to dreams and that is where Lucifer was playing around with. Lucid dreaming, gesphalt epistmology (sp?). It has to do with time travel too. I don't know truly. My guess would be, if your watching an activating YouTube video, with subliminal beta inducing mechanism (maybe a trigger image, that was anchored on/in you) where it allows what you were...
Re: It's getting nasty!
Adam (Mars) was with lilith (baphomet). Eve, is Mother Nature (Yin/Femal) incarnate then. Adams 2nd wife then. The snake (= 1st Male Nature/Cosmo/s/Lucifer) in the tree was Eve's Husband, unbeknownst to her at the time. Mars(Jesus Christ on the Cross), was Yang by default. At first as natures' fail safe. He became first man of Mankind. It became not good because the Mother had to be with Her 1st estranged Husband, 1st Yang, Spiritually! Magdalena was Mother Nature incarnate then in full body...
Re: It's getting nasty!
*****This keeps on being removed Posted 7/2/2017: Eevie, bogus set-ups are systemic 'fires' that deviates from the core 'fire'. Some are "chasing the I'd" (J7), spinning their wheels, playin 'mortal kombat'. It prompts a vicious cycle, being stuck in rut. We must be organized and systematic for Humanity's (ALL Creation with Natures' Existence and 'mindless' Creation), in the One Time Beginning). Freedom! Yes I agree, watch over each other. I imagine an individual lasso of each, connecting...
Re: RIP Michael Hemmingson
Michael Hemmingson is no longer with us. Michael was the host of two shows every week, Story Time with Michael Hemmingson, and The Art of Dreaming on Revolution Radio on Freedomslips.com for nearly the whole time the station was on the air. Its been alleged he was former white hat but not confirmed as such officially anyway. Revolution Radio’s owner, staff and hosts offer their deepest sympathies to his daughter Rommina and his family. His body was discovered dead 2-3 days (Jan 2014) ago in...
Re: James Rink
Great....appreciate the update. Thanks. My email and internet sites are monitored and i have been getting some strange emails, mostly from europe. Oh hey!! Woke up yesterday morning with a claw mark, scratch on my inner thigh along with too tender to touch top left crown of my head. Last time i couldn't touch it, brush or wash my hair, too damn sore. Then last night driving down the road, my right hand middle finger was suddenly jabbed in the tip. It was painful enough i yelled and jerked my...
Re: Ben Murphy "Kila Solai"
Hi everyone. Ben has suffered another emergency and is headed into surgery shortly. You may be aware that there is a fundraiser site set up for Ben which has been fantastically helpful, but he could use a small amount of funds immediately and can not access the donation funds for several days. PLEASE if you are wanting to help and haven't already, send a small donation to his PayPal acct for the time being as he sorts his affairs over the weekend. PRAYERS PLEASE and THANK YOU!! ~Sandy...
Re: Ben Murphy "Kila Solai"
Originally Posted by SKAY78: *Urgent call please read* <3 Friends of Ben, thanks for your continued support! He is hanging in there like the champ and humble hero that he is! It is imperative and urgent that we find a way to continue a flow of financial support his way. Any small amount you can spare will certainly add up to some direly needed crisis assistance at this time! He is well-deserving of any and all support. The easiest and quickest way to donate is via his PayPal acct to:...
Re: Nordic Aliens
What is a cyborg reptilian? They're different from the normal reptilians??? Aryan genetics were considered more advanced than others by the Nazis, probably because they were connected to Nordic aliens and were biased. I think some of the Nordic 'aliens' are time travelling Nazi Aryan SuperMen trying to tweak their past of their timeline. What is it with white people, do they have more reptilian dna in them, some of them, which makes them more compatible to be reptilian hosts? In mind control...
Re: september 11th, what happened?
I am hearing rumors that china has the remains of the twin towers? do any of you know anything about this subject. It has been a hot topic for a long time and I am sure people are tired to talking about it and hearing about it. I would like to know everyones opinion.
Re: september 11th, what happened?
I wish i could remember more, Nate. My memories are punched with holes. He has a machine in his room that enhances psychic abilities, including astral projection. They used it on me many times. Many years ago i had a dream/oob of movign to central america to help a general. That was all i knew. Next thing i know i am introduced to him online and he procured a passport for me in just an hour. I flew there with 30 some odd dollars in my pocket. The natural food deal they publicize is real to a...
Re: september 11th, what happened?
I am still doing some digging but here is some things i have figured out, 'Silverstain' but a huge insurance policy on his precious buildings the twin towers not long before the attacks. He made a very hefty profit. He was also in the process of being sued by millions for ASBESTOS throughout both towers because of the cheap materials he building them. His pall "Rothskid" moved his company out of the building eerily close to the day of disaster. Building 7 also collapsed this day although no...
Re: september 11th, what happened?
I remembered when that happened. I was dreaming during the time (I don't know if it was just before or just after it happened, in Pacific Time). My husband at the time, that morning was just starting a new job, it was my mom's birthday. And my dream was about me, in an elevator, in a office skyscraper, the elevator doors opened and I can see from the elevator, through the office window, showing another building, like the one I was in. The elevator doors shut, it went up, it opened again and...
Re: Military's 'Iron Man' Suit May Be Ready to Test This Summer
Nate Grey I think I heard spinler taking about this with Stormm February 27 at 9:20pm · Like · 1 Michael J Spinler something like this. but it was more like a body suit with patches on it. February 27 at 10:18pm · Like Michael J Spinler this is the low tech shit i was talking about before. knock off send to general forces. February 27 at 10:19pm · Like Michael J Spinler the suit i use i could not only block a punch given by a man in one of these. i could crush it around him like a tin can.
Re: RIP Max Spiers
well we had 177 visitors at one time today, that is a new forum record for the most visitors at any given time. I am glad y'all have helped get the message out. I hope that we learn more about what happened in the future. We all appear to be targeted right now. I guess this is a reminder to be careful
Re: RIP Max Spiers
Yeah, this was the first time in almost 30 years that they tried creaming me with a large motor vehicle. It was painful for a few days, but no bones broken. But it's been a rough ride on a number of fronts here. I was kind of figuring that soon they'd have their hands way too full to bother messing with any of us anymore. But they do seem to be pulling out the stops. I had almost 9 months of relative peace... then WHAM... the last six months I've seen more dirty shit pulled on me than I have...
Re: RIP Max Spiers
There are agents who *love* to put out as much misinformation as they possibly can... Especially in OUR realm. With ALL the professional "mind fucking" they do, it is in THEIR best interests to have us constantly questioning ourselves as to what is real and what is not. I've even had my doctors pulling that shit about what they said and did, and then claimed they didn't. So... I make it a point to carry a small digital recorder in y pocket, and turn it on before EVERY appointment, and EVEN...
Re: RIP Max Spiers
yeah it was a very strange time in my life...i was beginnign to remember milab, etc and he was there for me...walked me thru it. didn't hold my hand. lol He was tuff on us. but he helpled.
Re: RIP Max Spiers
Just as a personal testimony: When I first started trying to leave the MKULTRA programs that I was involved in, I had tried "faking my death" TWICE. My reasoning was that they would not come looking for me or bother me anymore if they thought I was dead and gone. That ONLY worked for a few months at best before they found me again. I wasn't aware of how much tracking hardware that I had implanted in my body at the time. So, "getting out" that way, is a useless endeavor. Getting further IN...
Re: Michael Aquino's Mind War
I have to ask...why is Aquino seeming to side with humanity at this time when he clearly has always been against us. My milab sis and i have had many encounters with him over the years for various things...she more than i tho. A man who has you abducted for rituals i cannot trust. Everything is so deliberately confused now. Hello intuition. lol
Re: Michael Aquino's Mind War
I don't know even half what my milab sis knows about him. He does 'seem" different as of late. Like he is a soul instead of a bastard. lol But, really i've listened to him talk in recent interviews and it's all about helping humanity. I can't trust him tho. He's very good with word psiops. He puts forth that he is like a father figure and caring, but no. I am wondering if this is really him, or not. Piss them off one time these days and you are nothing but clones.
Re: fantastic 4
I am related to namor and to jean grey. my parents are only 60% my parents, they mixed my parents DNA with mutant DNA to create me. As far as i know the parents that raised me are not mutants and don't know that I am. However my tutors as a child were aware of it. Without the code words i can't use my mutations unless i am in serous trouble, such as drawing, or being handcuffed. I broke out of handcuffs when i was 15 and i still have ligament stretched damage from it. Sue dated Namor at one...
Re: fantastic 4
my first costume was made when i was a small child, they depicted me as an adolescent for some reason. they also depicted spiderman as white when he is black. in the comics it says i am related to scott summers and jean grey, they don't talk about me being related to namor, but since i was 18 at least they know I am. The picture of me in the leather jacket was my new costume, and they gave me a tattoo that i don't actually have and a white spot on my head because i requested it. when i was a...
Re: I'm sorry~
I don't know who removed this reply (attachment) to this post/thread/? from yesterday? Anyway, hopefully attached below. Thanx Good Techies and Communications and ALL Support!!!! Also, "beam me up Scotty", The Prophet Eye~ Bad Brains. Obviously, no posers N.A.! (Need Apply), Na, Nay!!!!!!! Ever! The answer is goodbye. You all should have gotten a room with each other by now already. * Again (ref to a removed thread l bases), I'll ask here now, where are the Real 'Tomatoes'? (Devo~ Smart...
Re: The Banks
shit Cos!! there is nothing they won't do....if they would just stop fucking wiht the children.....the queen was warned to her face and in her face...now the repercussions will begin...this is why they are hitting the west wiht such fucked up weather, quakes and fires. They are out of time.....they got one warning....this is their response.
Re: The Banks
It is time- we must stand vigilant among the evil and work together to clean up this mess and send the f*ckers packing. I'm tired of being nice. I think opening the heart and giving love to all will weaken the evil and assist in bonding the good. There is only one way to know if it's a chameleon/ evil in disguise.
Re: Important thread with my replies on Bases Project with Manda Kathleen's post (about 17 replies) today 5/31/17
GreyRaven, yes I tried everything. Copy and Paste not working. Sometimes you can c&p the whole thread, it wouldn't. It just turned my screen to a 'dead field', no options, several times. It's the usual, especially when trying to communicate publically. Crazy insane tech 'problems' in real time, w non a.i. 'tech play'. On my Word and expression. NOT being egotistical. They should of used my communications as tech 'war rooms' to develop counter tech. By now. But, oh well .....
Re: Important thread with my replies on Bases Project with Manda Kathleen's post (about 17 replies) today 5/31/17
I deleted my posts and comments to withdraw my energy from this place. Since I began posting here I have had three heart attack incidents and lots of other bullshit happening; and about one or three comments actually responding in a supportive way to my posts....without tryiing to link me in to Karistus winged ones (sorry Eevie; love YOU but you are so linked into them that I have to say, no, no further acccess to me; I don't do those winged fuckheads but wish you well through space and time...
Re: Important thread with my replies on Bases Project with Manda Kathleen's post (about 17 replies) today 5/31/17
Oh is the enemy up to his old tricks. He used to do that to me all the time when I was posting on Above Top Secret and GLP. Until I used the light force down the wires and blow up their consoles. And now I bound my computer and mobile from their interference. Just imagine a wire of light around electrical appliances. Myself and my two girls literally saw a black furry blob come out of the TV box that is connected to the internet. There is an A.I. is living inside the Internet and does their...
Re: The Banks
Hi eevie. Hope I find you in good stead "and positive spirits. I was very curious about your statement that the" queen was warned to her face and in her face". Is this the Buckingham bitch or another ?And who exactly warned her? I'd really like to see her grovel and disappear in a heap of excrement ! Just very curious. Peace and love.
Re: The Banks
Yeah, I want to know who is this 'queen' supposedly is. And who is calling this person queen. I ask last week with no reply. The "Queen Bee", is the Mother (Nature, an actual Person/Being), who hasn't been able to establish her colony, Humanity! On her own planet (Earth, the Center Axis of Humanity in the Macro Universe), with her Son/Sun, God the Creator. Her colony is the First, Last and Only~ Humanity (all Creation with Nature Creation/Existence in Divinity, Authentically with Love and...