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Tagged With "infinity stones"


Re: Wilderness therapy programs

Nate YPX Grey ·
new interview i did with Amber Stone about mountain homes youth ranch

Re: september 11th, what happened?

eevie ·
they also have a weapon that turns living flesh into stone. look around teh world google earth....human giants every where...they are the mountains and rock formations. all minerals, gems, metals are from their bodies....most were looking up hwen they were turned to stone...some are mistaken for carvings. Russia says this weapon was used on them recently....turned some soldiers to stone.

Re: september 11th, what happened?

CosmicDancer ·
Yes, was it you that made this general comment and I replied posted regarding, Mars as "The Sleeping Giant", in Kauai (If I remembered correctly)? I saw there, the "King" about 150 ft long form, laying onside the mountain. Heard telepathically, several years later, it's Mars. I requested 'turning into stone' tech, as a fail safe. Suggested by the mythology 'tales' of Medusa (baphomet/uma) in 2010, in the message forum of Global Voice 2010/"Drake". Read about the tech in a Russian article,...

Re: Regarding Corey Feldman

CosmicDancer ·
........I think you are refering to Corey Feldman. Very complicated to say in one statement. I believe C.F. is part of a Pre-Earth elemental Soul Lineage and/or Line. A victim and most likely a victimizer by default and/or a circumstancial unfair'survival game'. Himself against Himself (HimSelves). Which is insanely evil! mk ultra. The same thugs that we're gang stalking him (and me too), and everyone and everything literally. - trying to bravely and/or psyoping(??) Them Out. He like many...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey if annanaki are human and angel hybrids that explains the storys a little. I just know the term annanaki and nephalim gets confused when talking about giants . im thinking giants in general are a form of human in general. There is native american giant legends. I guess in my area they had giants with skin said to be like stone cuz it was durable. Not sure of the variations of angel appearence. however the nordic blond humans and tall blond e.t. (pleaidian) remind me of angels...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

eevie ·
Nate, the skin of stone refers to the real giants. They were flesh and blood before turning to stone. Some were miles tall. They are our real parents and they are the mountains and huge rocks strewn about in odd places. Tested.......human DNA. I can provide pics if you wish. Their blood is amazing.......this is all the gems, stones we seem valuable. Even gold. In truth, geology is biology turned to stone. How? Idk. But our world is made of once living giants. It has been proven with DNA...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

black widow files ·
Pindar does horcrux type stuff. hes in many people at one time. theres a white dragon, a black dragon, and a red dragon as far as the ancient black draco arts go. its taking a piece of someones soul after binding urself to them. so when u die u can still live on vicariously thru them. Im a born again Christian now and what they do with this is speak deliverance prayers against this practice and breaking generational curses hanging on ur and ur bloodline and stron gholds. the satanic...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

eevie ·
COSMICDANCER.......we are a roundhouse of everything in all the forms there are. lol I volunteered for this crazy shit. Never again. This is what i do....i go where the evil is. Never have i seen or experienced what i have here in this reality. Hands tied, blind, deaf and dumb when we have no memories in this hell. I dn't consider the earth the same as i once did. I have examined to a small degree various rock formations around the world. Huge mountains to sudden outcrops of rocks in a...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
.....when was this turning into stone tech start happening? I requested it in December 2012 (online on Global Voice 2012/Drake and telepathically) as a fail safe. I was thinking about medusa having the capability, supposedly myth.

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

GreyRaven ·
Here's a CIA file about "aliens" turning Russian troops into stone... If that's a bit of an off putting link then this is just a newspaper..

Re: Any Ideas?

whitelion342 ·
also some copper or some brass will help and even the very most basic tigers eye stone, very common to find, its the intention behind it, its like the car can be fancy or not, its the nut behind the wheel that makes the difference.. You may want to work on placing yourself n a geodesic dome set up of potential protection. hope this help somehow

Fetish Archives

Breezy ·
Introduction In the words of R. Sutherland Rattray in his book Ashanti Proverbs: The Primitive Ethics of Savage People (1917), “But there is one term the indiscriminate use of which, I believe, has done infinite harm, the word ‘fetish.’ Contrary to the modern notion of the word fetish, it has not always been associated with repugnant and scandalous connections with human sexuality. Like every other conceivable word known to man, the word fetish started out with its own unique etymology so...

Melanin and Sacred Stones

Breezy ·
Log in or Sign up July Friday 1st Assata Portal Discussions FAQ Calendar Community Forum Actions Quick Links Donate RBGTube The RBG Store RBG Blogs Gallery What's Hood? Sundiata Arcade Assata's Network Afrikan News Advanced Search Forum It's Time To Get Organized! Afrikan Wholistic Health Melanin Wellness Part I: Melanin and Sacred Metals and Stones 11 Uhuru! If this is your first visit, be sure to check out frequently asked questions by clicking this link FAQ You must register before you...

A Witch's View of History (Cultural Anthropology)

Nate YPX Grey ·
A Witch's View of History (Cultural Anthropology) May 18, 2011 at 6:09pm For over 4000 years before the birth of Christ, witches and druids, described as: "two horns of the same bull" by the historians of the day, were the established infrastructure of Celtic society even from the Bronze Age. It was more than just a primitive religion to a howling bunch of blue eyed, spear chuckers. It was also our science of astronomy as studied at Stone Henge, and understanding the resources in the Earth...

James Casbolt MI6 - Buried Alive

Nate YPX Grey ·
James Casbolt is also known as "Michael Prince" The PDF of the book is available below.  I have included the 1st pharagraph  "My name is James Michael Casbolt. The following is my life and testimony. I was born in London in 1976. I...

Ufo Abductee African Shaman Credo Mutwa.

chris ·
Credo Mutwa A short biography and bibliography of this KwaZulu-Natal author Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa (1921 - ) was born in Natal. His father was a former Catholic catechist from the Embo district near Inanda. His mother was the descendant of a long line of Zulu medicine-men and custodians of tribal lore and customs. His parents parted shortly after Vusamazulu's birth, because his mother refused to convert to Christianity. Mutwa was educated by his maternal grandfather, a medicine-man, and...

Re: Infinity Gems

Eclipse ·
interesting. i noticed that if one has the gift of developing powers the infinity stones in marvel might be a guide line to ideas. like perhaps think of the time stone and have time and space powers. it would def be awesome to teleport , make portals, super physical speed in all ways, and control time in all ways. control of time to me is stuff like making a clock freeze, making your physical surroundings stop, time travel, etc. anyway the time stone and time powers seemed to be less likely...

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

Eclipse ·
Hi. I'm eclipse. 😀 those dreams seem to be pretty involved. Also not like usual dreams I hear of. you mentioned some tech that might exsist. A med bed is the biggest thing. also yeah they can use cubes or maybe even spheres. in a way I feel crystal like stone can even hold information like a compact disc. They can most likely conduct energy to. Especially a metal spheres.i personally think you should be open about your experiences because they are most likey not coincidence. remember how In...

Re: Who was in the Mars and Maldek wars?

Iceberg ·
The Face on Mars is a Mega Temple. The artifacts were shards and fragments, mostly. Probably the most interesting item I had the chance to examine was a carved stone pipe with what I believe were Atlantean inscriptions. We think an ancient Martian soldier (probably a human transplanted from ancient Earth) carved it to smoke some sort of local herb, and then discarded it when he was close to getting caught by a superior officer. There were pieces of metal with characteristics similar to the...

Re: Who was in the Mars and Maldek wars?

EngineNeared ·
not sure but i have these dreams all the time that are all to real. This one sorta fits something like your topic as its an ancient dream. Im always an engineer at a time and place and this time. I was building a specialized fire shaping mega flute. the pit was dug 3'x3' lined with shaped helical fluted vanes of polished stone. These vanes were placed around the sides of the pit the bottom was slab lined. the a stone chute was built to feed wood. as an ember bed was well built when you...

Re: Is MK Ultra Still Going On?

Eclipse ·
great video. yes mk ultra will go on in some kind of way. it is the corner stone for everything from super soldiers to celebrities. what are the tactics? as a lot of us know its things like drugs, electro shock, and even verbal subliminal spoken or recorded. if they dont have old school project then they might have technology that tells you that you where in mk ultra. im speaking of a new generation as far as technology. most of the people know of are definitely older now. the 70s and 80s...

milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
hi. i should probably put this post in the members only section but i have the power of a pen name. hehe. however i went from brother off the street to possible future interviewee person on a laid back show. yes now i understand how not many want to step forward. anyway im eclipse as you know. if you dont know about me im currently looking into being a astral and multi dimensional milab. some projects i may be involved with is project surrogate, milab/mk ultra, and umbrella corp. my odd...

remembering abilities: possible time distortions and anomalies

Eclipse ·
hi. so i did say i will keep the forum posted on things like abilities. well i started keeping track of one and i will try to keep this post digestible. im starting to keep track of time distortions which might be a invite to train for cronokinesis if i can figure it out. a big factor is believing in your ability. whatever it is. it can happen because one time i was waking up and i believed that i could fly until i fully woke up. one thing about time is that you need to be aware of the...

infinity gems: my dream and there is more then you think in marvel universe.

Eclipse ·
hi. so i will first address the elephant in the room. perhaps the infinity gems exist. however in my currently thinking they may not in this earth reality but there is odd objects that i know of. there is even the scp franchise that has odd objects. well anyway this post is less literal but its something to think about. i will post the link to marvel after this. in my dream i took 2 infinity stones out of several to get along in a reality that i was new in. i decided to take a yellow one and...

The one knife I will always own. The Gerber strong arm.

Eclipse ·
So... the Gerber strong arm is actually the knife I will always own. Maybe it's not the preferred knife but it will be in my collection. However it's a hard to destroy budget knife. Plus its easy to find at the store. You can even use a pocket sharpener if you never used a stone or strop. Just make sure its the official one. I guess the edge retention could be better but that's it. Joe x stressed tested it on YouTube twice and it did pretty well. I guess that's it for now. Thanks for reading.