Tagged With "black widow"
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
Black Widow, wow, 'they' or you, referred to it as "cyntex'(??). I know it's personal, but who is your Most High God? You can privately message me if you want. I don't know about you All, but didn't it feel like a massive 'bomb' blew up in this time/space continuum, about two days ago? It feels like there was a major 'battle' and somehow, it was cleaned up or cleared (??). It feels 'whitewashed'?? Is it just me feeling this? This is the second morning, it feeling, 'whitewashed'. Please let...
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
Black Widow, sorry to have sounded apathetic to your 'cyntex' experience. The word, I heard telepathically. Not only, you/or part of your soul family, you can be within one, you/a fragment of you/or your soul marker feeling/energy profile. This can also be used to deceive people. You and/or your doppelganger or clone??.........That has to stop! In All Macro/Micro Times and Spaces. Unacceptable. We should be seperating extreme duality. Good from evil. Freewill. Anyway, Black Widow, what are...
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
To Black Widow and LongTimeMilab. Hi, been wanting to reply and also want to confirm and validate some things, with an *, if you or anyone else knows? *Is Draco from Archangel Gabriels' Soul Lineage, Nordic?? Me too, I'm Christian. I want to buy so many crystals, gems and stones but I keep thinking it's not Christian. It says in scripture, not to use stones and that evil spirits can dwell in them. But I also believe that they can be medicinal and healing. Have you read anything bad about...
Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.
the heart is the biggest stargate. and emotions carry us quicker into realms than any other bioelectric change in our being. mastering our emotional body is a huge step in our eveolutionary path. On Saturday, November 15, 2014 10:01 PM, Super Soldier Forum < alerts@ubbforum.com > wrote: Reply By eevie: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program...== To reply by email, write above this line. == Hello, black widow files: We're sending you this notification because you are either...
Russian Black Widow Assassins
This is a clip from marvel agent carter. it is about the black widow programs. John Stormm told me they are more dangerous than the spooks that follow us around ...
4 Warning dreams. (Dream of Max Spiers?) & Astral rules you need to learn.
Four warning dreams and Astral rules you need to learn. I hate writing titles, too wishy washy and no one reads it, too sensationalist and you get slammed. I hope this helps someone, as I had stopped telling anyone my dreams (outside of my family) and just sorted out them out myself, even the warning ones. But these seem to need to be shared. I have had four strange dreams recently in July, one turned out to be a precog. dream, so I am also sharing the other three, to see if we can do...
Awakening/black goo rolls royce trailer
This is the car trailer that assisted in some of my personal awakening. See if it happens in your case. Life can be hidden in plain site . if you feel you see some images that represent black goo or all seeing eye then your not alone on the issue. https://youtu.be/bDhpUBlxvLc
black goo music video
some images in this video may be gray area to some users. so if it bothers you please turn it off. enjoy this interesting mix of music and art. https://youtu.be/ySfvZCJBzj8
The Max Spiers Murder
Super Soldier Max Spiers was murdered on July 16th, 2016 while in Poland doing an interview series with YouTube Channel PorozmawiajmyTV. Max was found with no vital signs lying on a couch at the residence he was staying at during his visit to Poland. Spiers, aside from being a Super Soldier was also a government and New World Order Whistle Blower. A few days before his untimely death he sent his mother (Vanessa Bates 63, an English Teacher) a text message saying: “If anything happens to me,...
Re: 4 Warning dreams. (Dream of Max Spiers?) & Astral rules you need to learn.
People are dreaming of Max the last few days. I have to wonder what is going on. I was making great progress in integrating my alters until they implanted me with a memory sieve i call it. When i awaken i can physically see and feel my memories going down a drain. And still with the electro shock memory erasure. I need these brain implants disabled. I'm told a natural magnet might do the trick. I was abducted into the astral by black ops agents. They had taken me there to kill me. As they...
Re: 4 Warning dreams. (Dream of Max Spiers?) & Astral rules you need to learn.
Sorry Eevie I didn't realise you had replied to this thread, even though I have it permanently tabbed. I and my family have just moved again in 9 months, so life is a bit hectic. I got told in a dream, we would be moving to a Safe house-not safer but it is a specially made house in Iceland. Basically we now live in a geode as it covered in quartz and obsidian. We three have noticed we aren't picking up stray thoughts anymore-the world is a lot quieter in our heads. In the last month, I have...
Re: The Max Spiers Murder
Am sure Max was murdered. There is a lot more to this story with bits leaking out here and there. His Mother got his phone and Laptop back from Monica. She sent the phone back without the sim originally and the laptop had been wiped. The handset coincidently was also damaged after max dropped it in the bath. Max wanted an investigation. It needs to start with Monica.
Re: The Max Spiers Murder
Hi Jackal, I made another video on Max and I am working on a new one now with recently received information. Here is the link to my Documentary. The Murder of Max Spiers: The War of the Roses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?...rArt8kh-Y&t=110s I talk about several of these questions in the video. Peace.
Re: The Max Spiers Murder
I have already watched it .congrats on your work. I Knew both these guys. My story is a little different. Casbolt used me as a source for some of his book. But my reality only matches up to about 10% of what James says and about 30% of Max.
Re: The Max Spiers Murder
Hello Global Agenda, we have talked before on Youtube as AriesJedi. I remember Miles saying to Sarah Adams that Max was to be ransomed-I think they were going to kill him on that exact date of July 16th, to wipe his conciousness memory and reincarnate/soul loop him again. So not ransomed, energy harvest. Miles then goes on to say that a higher dimensional interfered, well it was more like rescued-only the Ruler of Hades/Hel could do this btw. The Sons of Lucifer call him Osirus (code 14...
Re: The Max Spiers Murder
Hi Angela, What you are saying here is totally credible and believable to me. I commented somewhere that I believed it was A.I. that released the media on Max's death and that is why it all went viral because the Satanic Controlled media wanted it to go viral. Great point as well on the evil doers using A.I to phish out the true ruler. There is a Spiritual War going on here and Max was a Casualty of war and hopefully is in a much happier place. Peace and God Bless you. Talk soon.
Boy in jail singing/reciting the koran. Said to be moving.
Hello. Its important to have faith during hard times. One reason why i have this topic on this forum. also this is my post to support equality with all ethnic groups . just since this is the time of movements like black lives matter. Hearing the koran is said to be moving so take a listen no matter what background you have. Be open minded to different cultures. here is the boy singing koran in jail video. https://youtu.be/blKTHJy7C4k
It will happen by january 2021?
hello. I remember how i had a dream of someone in power saying get rid of him before christmas. I thought they meant me . well then i found this. a vaccine plus 5 g radiation. What do they have in common? Perhaps artificial intelligence. i been mentioning a.i. a bunch lately and this is why. possible a.i. tech in the new covid vaccine plus a.i. running on 5 g waves in view of the public more then usual. how would they get ai in vaccine? well things like nano tech and black goo. Right now i...
Was the black death released again? Smells like umbrella
Hello friends. Seems like china is a disease and possible nano a.i. testing ground. This time i ran into a video talking about a modern black death. You heard it here first. This new plaque ontop of covid is Possible thinking involving umbrella. Especially if it mutates. Not saying it will get out of control but in covid world it might. Here is the link. https://youtu.be/VABRbCYEfHc
Black goo by sarah rachel adams
Hi. One of the more interesting interviews i seen. also the black goo videos that are kept up on youtube dont really say much. So decided to post this. This person happens to be on the spiritual side . so i will say this is the world according to this person . just as a simple disclaimer https://youtu.be/ohx7bSeD5bQ
Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?
Hello. This is a confession that i have covid symptoms. Is it a hoax? Well peter the insider said its project rainbow moon light by umbrella. its a cross of nano tech and pathogens. Kind of makes sense with what i know. A.i. and humans is a odd thought. Also if i was physically in the secret space program there is a change i have black goo. Which i hear is kind of like living artificial intelligence. Interesting. Ever since sept 29 2020 i have been having dreams of pharma shots. Three of...
Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?
Note: i heard that masks are not the silver bullet and i agree. Especially with a potential bio weapon. i did all the basic things that society recommends. anyway i got home and while i was thinking how i can stay in for a month i hear there was carona virus in red states or the ones who would vote for trump. Including mine. i wonder if carona was released at the debate. Simply because the debate in ohio was in a red state. It was brought to you by cleveland clinic of all things.
Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?
@Eclipse I am sorry I know that that condition sucks, get well soon
Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?
I think I got it early on, they thought it was the flu, but i tested negative for the flu so they didnt know what it was
Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?
@eevie i found this from the last time we said hi. i should give it back hehe. * pulls out this 🤗 . dont be a stranger to the site sis!
Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?
@eevie thanks for the reply. Even though it might just be a drop in. Saying the later cuz i havnt seen you. 🤔 anyway thanks. I will check it out. Im into all natural medicines to a reasonable point. Two times for you? Well im sorry about that. I have a feeling alot of super soldiers are catching odd bugs at this time and i hope they all pull through ok no matter their age. Thanks again
Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?
Eclipse, Sorry been going thru some shit.... Transformations too. Been playing hermit. 😊
Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?
@Nate YPX Grey thanks for the thoughts. I was questioning things like a flue, diabetes, and even a old infection not fully healed. Covid is the best explanation if im not being messed with. Hopefully whoever catches this mysterious thing is immune to it and resistant to similar disease or virus. I did have a ssp thought. Which is i wonder if a clone can take a serum and the physical body gets the symptoms atleast. i still dont trust anyone trying to give pharma shots in stealth. Like... High...
Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?
Get the 1250 mg of elderberry gel caps. It's concentrated and kicks viruses out of your cells. It has quinine and zinc...and many other qualities. It works. Been there and going thru it again. I was well in 2 days last time. My son has covid and he's on elderberry as of today. Sorry you got this nasty shit. 💗💕💗
Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?
@eevie I hope he gets better. I asked a healer about elderberry and she told me not to take it. I think i got it early on when they thought it was the flu, but i tested negative for flu and had all the symptoms
Re: Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?
@eevie yeah i noticed alot of us are going threw it in our own personal case and own personal way. i understand being a hermit. Plus i dont think my parents get how i rather work online. side note: my blood fathers name is james. thats odd. Anyway if some of the changes are related to your milab case, then maybe the community wants to hear about it one day. In my case i didnt see changes yet but its like something wants me upgraded. even if its just more of a cyborg. Like dream pharma shots...
dream log: leaking black goo
hello. well i have a interesting log today. when i dream time i sometimes feel im a mimic\copy cat of super powers. thats if i use them as offense or as a tool. i been flying around and mimicking powers in dreams since i was a kid. nothing unusual for me. well in this last dream i was using a few different powers. then i was using solid darkness and shadow as a tool and weapon. like a black lantern but without having a ring and thinking about death which i think is what feeds their powers. i...
Re: dream log: leaking black goo
@eevie oh hi! i heard you say that dreams are more real then we think. so any thoughts for us?
Re: Is MK Ultra Still Going On?
actually i have thinking about programming in marvel. mostly winter soldier and black widow/red rooms projects. plus the super soldier serum like captain america. anyway in the black widow they seem to talk about neuro toxins that make you loose free will. or a chemical mind control slave. picture what a neuro toxin could do if it is hooked up to computers and makes a mindless being of almost any species. anyway thanks.
Re: captain america and peggy - let her go music video
Black widow and captain america version https://youtu.be/xlNtMeIHXdY
milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots
hi. i should probably put this post in the members only section but i have the power of a pen name. hehe. however i went from brother off the street to possible future interviewee person on a laid back show. yes now i understand how not many want to step forward. anyway im eclipse as you know. if you dont know about me im currently looking into being a astral and multi dimensional milab. some projects i may be involved with is project surrogate, milab/mk ultra, and umbrella corp. my odd...
Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots
do you have a wound from being stabbed?
Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots
@Nate YPX Grey i heard of mysterious marks but i dont have any. Seems like being stabbed on the astral Australian land was just a clone loosing his life. I wonder if marks can be disguised as natural. like i have a hole from a in grown hair. The thing is its near my tail bone when the dr said it can happen anywhere. when i checked myself right now i noticed i still have my birth mark. Its a large freckle on the back of my left leg.
Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots
@Nate YPX Grey since this is kind of a discussion post as well would you like to share a moment where you remembered your project? i heard of the hospital room accident with different kinds of classified beings like mutants. so you can tell us a little about that if you wish.
Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots
Yeah I went to a hospital where there were they put people with government clearances and mutants on the same floor together, it was a strange experience. I met a guy who was fired from NASA this was when NASA was de-funded and fired a lot of people, i met a veteran from Department of Naval Intelligence and storm was there working as a nurse or some sort of staff strangely enough, she had white lines in her black hair it was very bazzar, thats how i could tell her apart from the other old...
Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots
@Nate YPX Grey cool story bro. I personally rather have powers of storm instead of namor. At least i would always have a cool breeze while walking in summer.
Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots
well I have a suppressed memory of being drowned and surviving, perhaps that is what the guy was talking about. I am pretty sure he was a men in black. I don't feel comfortable going into the details of the memory though, I remember being flashed and hypnotized afterwards to make me forget about it, they did a pretty good job distorting my memories and making them unreliable.
Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots
your fine bro. glad to hear your still with us. so then they have a device that can mess with memories. hmm. yes you could have a mix of things going on. like how Deadpool in the wolverine movie had different kind of genetics from various people. i did not care for how that character wound up to be more of a special made up version of the guy from mortal kombat. anyway some beings are drawn to water. im more drawn to air like powers as a theme. like flying and lighting. i will throw in...
Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots
I know , if I remember I wouldnt be able to motion Upwards n Forward most of the time , if the Circumstances required . Im definitely , a s.c.a.r.e.d.y. c.a.t. . However , have natural Affinity with going on hikes ' .. and mortal athlectics n Arts before .. I would have Loved to been able to Travel extensively . Its obvious the extremities as counterintuitive.. I dont know Truly in that regard now . Too much , I want to do an extensive Post - Thread on whats occurring in Los Angeles right...
Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots
@CosmicDancer thanks for reply. would you like to share a time when you remembered about your project? it can be from dreams , waking life, ect. you said you where told you where a scientist for a project ? are you able to tell us about at time you remembered about that?
Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots
Hi everyone. Not sure if you believe in synchronicity but i seen a new mexico licence plate when i live far away from there. Its just another case where life is telling me im a version of milab but that was odd after my latest posts.
Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots
Funny , how I just got this post 2 Years later , And now able to answer It ? Project ?? I never mentioned A " Project " in regards to any High Scale baseline topic that would be matching this forums Context , other than High scale mundane Projects ", ... Oh You mean like the diy kit Water Filter Kit I posted about in 2022 ? and 911 Emergency Heater diy kits I mentioned ' ? ... Or The Stargate I have been mentioning Years prior since You arrived on SSF ? ALso , I had to mention about 3 x s...
Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots
@CosmicDancer interesting that you just noticed this. i honestly seem to be a different person in the past. even from the one who joined the forum. that situation is hard to explain. still the same soul pushing the keyboard buttons. well by project i just meant super soldier project or i guess you can use the word faction in some cases. i also asked if you remember anything about it. didnt you say your a monarch scientist in a way? i think i was asking about that. i assume you mean monarch...
Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots
@CosmicDancer page 2. i do think other things are interesting to. like you mentioned a stargate project. wondering if one of my clones was involved around a stargate seems to be an affirmative answer by intuition. well we both might have been with monarch solutions so maybe that somehow effected how long you got the reply notification from this post. just guessing because that is interesting. yeah i would like to hear about your backround, projects/factions, and memories whenever.