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Tagged With "last of us"


Re: RIP Lee Backer

Angela ·
Eevie; I only remember one bio ship. It was lonely as the crew had died a long time ago. Way into Space, beyond our Solar system. We were only allowed on because we had no weapons and another more 'mature' off world species entered before us. They had these weird quadriped animals that could float in space. They felt sad. You entered by anit grav energy portal. That was intense. I was the only one who could interface, which activated the crew, boy did they freak out (snigger). Weirdly we...

Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY

whitelion342 ·
Angela, very interesting idea, found some info; looks like this red and white tie in to the aspect of the Duality of the system, the one is red and Merovingian and the other is white as far as I know represents all spectrum together, you know like all light coming together in one place as one white point of light. I'm thinking that the Tribes as bloodlines as you mentioned has to do with types of DNA factors in our blood that make us super soldiers in the first place, don't want to say super...

Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY

whitelion342 ·
VERY INTERESTING!! Thanks for this Info ! So here goes, something that is worrying me at the moment, I know that we are protected by Great Spirit/Uncreated Creator, but there is something that we are going to go through soon, been trying to get us all united in capabilities so that we can stand ready for this, A New Shift in Time using our DNA in FREQUENCIES, not the same as before, to create some sort of stargate out of our energies, using state of the art freeware such as Hydra and...

Re: Targeted Individuals

Angela ·
How about; they black bag my laptop, break the casing around my screen in two places, to put in an Operation Tempest (I think that is what it is called). It is tech that beams to a satellite that the user is on the laptop and the satellite starts microwaving you. (It was on a Youtube video.) No it was called something else and the video has been removed. This talks about Tempest where they can see what you are writing on your PC screen. But the...

Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"

Angela ·
Hi there IMAEA, I have listened to Peter the insider. Basically I don't trust him but that's my gut instinct and I can't ignore it. Also somethings he said I know are false, he credits some events to his ACIO and I know someone else did them. I am into herbal remedies and I would say Mint Tea is one of the worse teas to drink for people who are like us, on this website. It can increase anxiety and make you more nervous. In Bartram's Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine under Peppermint, the...

Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"

eevie ·
dragons are one of my favorite multidimensionals We have seen some shit no one would ever believe and that is what makes it difficult for us to share our truth. you too, thanks

Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"

Angela ·
IMAEA I think that if anyone who is a presenter/researcher nowadays that isn't dead, is either very programmed or in on it. I always thought that any Supersoldiers or MILABS that were waking up, would obviously go to these presenters and tell their stories and boom, they are reprogrammed, where the program was weakest. I think a lot of the presenters get targeted too, to keep them low energy. I found and removed my metal implants by visualise/focus/intent and prayer, but I was finding I was...

Re: Heads up. Trouble coming. Raven warning.

eevie ·
blackbirds and ravens are always around me. They follow me when i'm driving my truck thru town. One landed between me and a store door the other day. Wouldn't move. Had its back to me until i spoke. we talked for a moment or 2. Always get warnings. but warnings are not for us to prepare for the shit to they are our forewarnings to stop the shit before it happens. Ancient warriors all over the world are prepping and on standby. WE are taking the astral. It is where everything...

Re: Heads up. Trouble coming. Raven warning.

whitelion342 ·
Share your stuff ! who threatened you?? say the name on this public forum and this will expose them. Ravens are messengers and crows are judgment, the poem of Edgar Allan Poe states, "The Raven is a messenger. It is similar to how we decide to interpret it, We need to be above this, bullies back down when you expose them and humiliate them. Humiliation/Shame is connected to the ego, which in turn is connected to a low or weak self esteem. Related Poem Content Details By Edgar Allan Poe Once...

Re: Heads up. Trouble coming. Raven warning.

Angela ·
I have more intel, I only saw it today but I think this is it. I saw this video; GLOBAL WARNING/RECORD TEMP. PLUNGE BY DEC.3 The problem is stated in this video, that people in US cities could be seriously impacted if the electricity grid goes down. Lets hope it doesn't. People need to get a secure and safe form of heat and light now, and a way of cooking your food and making hot drinks. Many US cities have baned fireplaces. I have these...

Re: deprogramming

forcevspower ·
if u like to try out my data base let me no i us codes On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 12:44 AM, Super Soldier Forum < > wrote:

Re: Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle

CosmicDancer ·
It seems like Everyone N Everything in Existence is infected , gmoed , white washed , hijacked , disinfranschised , duped | plagiarized , dubbed , mocked , h*t*d , bullied n abused , mind controled , slaved in attempts to disfigure , destroy n disfunct , exploit Us and the World too ! Targeted or by Proxy n as bystanders . By default too because so much spewage of . Its looking like its getting to the point where , You know the bartender isnt the same Bartender tending Bar anymore as before...

Re: humans with et alien origins

CosmicDancer ·
We ALL Stemmed from The same Beautiful Beginning And Space of Cosmic Natural Expression as Human perspective And Form ! As Nebuli too . In Gods Image .. He , An actual Being The Sun ~ The Son ... Created Us with Natural Form And Biological Engineering - with ALL Due Respect And Love to Creation ItSelf , Natural Procreation , Respectively ! He Created The Animal Kingdom too .. based on Natural Affinity Synergy , Disposition n of Archetype n totem too . The Cosmic Landscape, Everything ! Many...

Re: humans with et alien origins

CosmicDancer ·
This is Not Prison Planet Or TroLL Planet . This is Planet Earth - Gods n The Mothers Planet with The FatherHeaven - Providence of ALL Universe . Love Planet ! Love Element goes Hand n Hand with Respect Element . Love doesnt exist without Respect in Natural Law . Love Elements = Nature , Comfort , Beauty , FREEDOM , Creativity , Truth , Beautiful Life ... The Highest Apex of Love RuLes is PEACE ! Humans do Not have the capacity to make Lay Lines , which are Natural Guidelines . The Matrix is...

Re: Wilderness therapy programs

Nate YPX Grey ·
another survivor of sage walk wilderness school has chosen to end his life recently. There are not many of us left, so this saddens me. click below to see end video click below to see videos about sage walk and being transported

Re: It's getting nasty!

CosmicDancer ·
The micro chips, can lie dormant and somewhat undetectable. We must conquer mind control and sex control. Even geomancy with them, we have to 'separate the weeds' from Our (Humanity's) Harvest! We are not their Harvest to enslave and beat up to all Infinity! Micro dimensional 'hidden' prison hells, must be conquered with ALL techs. Please have Mercy for Grace and all Grace's. It's all falls apart anyway that TOTALLY INSANE way, if allowed! Don't feed the evil wolf, even ego mind score it's...

Re: It's getting nasty!

eevie ·
we are doing our nite work and in narcoleptic oobs in the awake hours. Gets nuts lol but yeah we are all over this...and more. If you are having probs wiht lucidity, memories of ops, etc.....set your intent before going to sleep...even for naps. Helps keep us away from milab too. For some reason we are still alive...with the things we both have said online we should not be here still. lol I get asked a lot why i'm allowed to talk. I honestly do not know.....just like why the Maitre can't or...

Re: It's getting nasty!

CosmicDancer ·
Yes, we have to streamline whatever pain (their virus) they're giving our Humanity. Bypassed back straight to them in their mental body without the ones holding them up feeling the pain. I keep on chanting "fain Pain Program", to the Universe. FFP, Everything that they did as far as pain, verbatim, karma back to them. They chose to gamble with karma and more horrendous assault, instead of doing the right thing You can feel 1st dimensional pain (worst than 3d pain, via technology in your...

Re: Melanin and Sacred Stones

Erol Asya ·
jibreezy, Hope you listen to our Molecule Man and Ghost Rider Nate helped us record especially Part 2 on Melanin. You will come to appreciate it the details when I get into the topic.

Re: RIP Michael Hemmingson

Nate YPX Grey ·
Michael Hemmingson is no longer with us. Michael was the host of two shows every week, Story Time with Michael Hemmingson, and The Art of Dreaming on Revolution Radio on for nearly the whole time the station was on the air. Its been alleged he was former white hat but not confirmed as such officially anyway. Revolution Radio’s owner, staff and hosts offer their deepest sympathies to his daughter Rommina and his family. His body was discovered dead 2-3 days (Jan 2014) ago in...

Re: Welcome to Super Soldier Forum

Nate YPX Grey ·
Re: Welcome to Super Soldier Forum

Re: september 11th, what happened?

Nate YPX Grey ·
On september 11th, the world changed for the worst. Terror struck the United States September 11 was one of the saddest days in history. As everyone knows September 11, 2001 was the day that shook the world. It didn’t only affect the US but everyone around the world. The people in those buildings were not only Americans but people of every nationality. I don’t think that one person knew exactly how to react or think. This tragedy is something that should have never happened from the start.

Re: september 11th, what happened?

Nate YPX Grey ·
Re: september 11th, what happened?

Re: september 11th, what happened?

Nate YPX Grey ·
how did you meet him? can you tell us more about him? and the projects he was involved in

Re: september 11th, what happened?

Angela ·
As I was trying to comment on this my bloody laptop was turned off. Grrr. As I am a bit of a science geek I read something most people would have not seen a few years after 9/11, that will make some sense of what actually happened I think. A science website reported that the Earth’s magnetotail had exhibited a huge hole in it and that the hole had been back tracked to Nth USA. The only way we could sustain damage like that is from a force outside of the Earth’s atmosphere. I believe a large...

Re: RIP Max Spiers

Nate YPX Grey ·
Click on the link below to read more about max death British conspiracy theorist, 39, is found dead on a sofa in Poland just days after texting his mother to say: 'If anything happens to me, investigate' Max Spiers, 39, originally from Canterbury, was found dead in Poland He had gone to the country to talk about conspiracy theories and UFOs Medics ruled he died from natural causes despite no post-mortem His mother thinks he may have made...

Re: RIP Max Spiers

Nate YPX Grey ·
I read a rumor that BBC is going to work with Miles Johnson to create a documentary about Max Spiers. I am happy to say that Miles Johnson is here on this thread with us talking about Max!

Re: RIP Max Spiers

Stormm ·
I know for myself and a number of other "supersoldiers" via MKULTRA, MKDELTA and elsewhere, that the number of attacks on our lives has increased manifold the last couple months. I was even attacked by my doctor through my pharmacy, and then hit and run by a minivan just outside of that pharmacy last Tuesday. The shit's been getting real on us all for a while now. If you've been involved in any of these projects... get EXTRA paranoid and watch your SIX!

Re: RIP Max Spiers

kjscoops ·
Yes absolutely very accurate. Its the end game so theyre gonna pull out everything they got left. Theyre going down. these are the last efforts to stop us.

Re: RIP Max Spiers

Stormm ·
Yeah, this was the first time in almost 30 years that they tried creaming me with a large motor vehicle. It was painful for a few days, but no bones broken. But it's been a rough ride on a number of fronts here. I was kind of figuring that soon they'd have their hands way too full to bother messing with any of us anymore. But they do seem to be pulling out the stops. I had almost 9 months of relative peace... then WHAM... the last six months I've seen more dirty shit pulled on me than I have...

Re: RIP Max Spiers

eevie ·
Nate, they have harassed you to keep you quiet. They cannot stop memories returning, but they can intimidate you to scare you. Many times the choppers and shit we one else can see them. Like the vehicles that drove by for an hour or so...either black or white....ALL of them. Were they really there? idk but they can make us see shit whether it's there or not. Don't test it. lol

Re: RIP Max Spiers

Stormm ·
There are agents who *love* to put out as much misinformation as they possibly can... Especially in OUR realm. With ALL the professional "mind fucking" they do, it is in THEIR best interests to have us constantly questioning ourselves as to what is real and what is not. I've even had my doctors pulling that shit about what they said and did, and then claimed they didn't. So... I make it a point to carry a small digital recorder in y pocket, and turn it on before EVERY appointment, and EVEN...

Re: RIP Max Spiers

Erol Asya ·
I deeply believe that Max had to fake his death and abandon all contacts. The Clone in his place was submitted. I think Max has been moved up the ranks. He will be underground (No pun intended) for deeper Nazi Projects. The Max we knew just like Michael Prince, it could come to question just how many Max clones were always living out his mainstream life and how they could have been changed out without anyone noticing. Max clones has had many sightings and the technology exists from the Clone...

Re: RIP Max Spiers

eevie ·
yeah it was a very strange time in my life...i was beginnign to remember milab, etc and he was there for me...walked me thru it. didn't hold my hand. lol He was tuff on us. but he helpled.

Re: Michael Aquino's Mind War

eevie ·
I have to ask...why is Aquino seeming to side with humanity at this time when he clearly has always been against us. My milab sis and i have had many encounters with him over the years for various things...she more than i tho. A man who has you abducted for rituals i cannot trust. Everything is so deliberately confused now. Hello intuition. lol

Re: Michael Aquino's Mind War

Nate YPX Grey ·
so tell us what you know about him. I have heard a lot of rumors

Re: Michael Aquino's Mind War

Marywriter1 ·
There is no question that Aquino has his Satanic fingers everywhere and that these things are real. From DARPA's website: "With that understanding, the US military supports a host of research projects designed to optimize or enhance the warfighter, including (DARPA 2010b, unless otherwise noted): Accelerated Learning: Best practices in learning through neuroscience and statistical modeling and analysis. Crystalline Cellulose Conversion to Glucose (C3G): To enable humans to eat grass and...

Re: I'm sorry~

CosmicDancer ·
I don't know who removed this reply (attachment) to this post/thread/? from yesterday? Anyway, hopefully attached below. Thanx Good Techies and Communications and ALL Support!!!! Also, "beam me up Scotty", The Prophet Eye~ Bad Brains. Obviously, no posers N.A.! (Need Apply), Na, Nay!!!!!!! Ever! The answer is goodbye. You all should have gotten a room with each other by now already. * Again (ref to a removed thread l bases), I'll ask here now, where are the Real 'Tomatoes'? (Devo~ Smart...

Re: Important thread with my replies on Bases Project with Manda Kathleen's post (about 17 replies) today 5/31/17

whitelion342 ·
Unbelievable!..Cosmic how did the censorship happen? what were you busy with? but not surprising is that the haarp frequencies also assist in the bandwidth of the brain, aka using our telekinetic powers to stuff us around! Internet of mind assimilation, this censorship coming from the AI influence, also had a few vids and articles dissapear as if i never wrote them... Heads up, work on being grounded...

Re: Q&A with the Coach: disabilities, UFO’s, Ameridote

CosmicDancer ·
These pics I took when we traveled through Texas, US, while driving (me as a passenger) back to California this April. I thought it looked like an intentional 'cloud mask' for disguising spacecraft. I've seen similar pics of before online. I was feeling maybe for a cigar shape one for some reason?? Even though it could cover/mask a disc or triangle shaped one easily There were about three. The clouds were defined more than usual, looking other than Natures' own making. I dunno, I thought it...

Re: Regarding Corey Feldman

CosmicDancer ·
........I think you are refering to Corey Feldman. Very complicated to say in one statement. I believe C.F. is part of a Pre-Earth elemental Soul Lineage and/or Line. A victim and most likely a victimizer by default and/or a circumstancial unfair'survival game'. Himself against Himself (HimSelves). Which is insanely evil! mk ultra. The same thugs that we're gang stalking him (and me too), and everyone and everything literally. - trying to bravely and/or psyoping(??) Them Out. He like many...

Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.

Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.

Re: Regarding Corey Feldman

CosmicDancer ·
Hi CELTICSHAMAN365MHZ, thanks for the blog suggestion. I vaguely remember seeing this blog a few years back. II wasn't able to get to the entries though to see. As far as things happening the way they are, its totally unacceptable. People falling thru the cracks of an unfair set-up. It's really hit and miss, duck duck goose, hunger games and bad listing, now by 'A.I'. too ?? Synthetic Intelligence, Mind Control and it's falling apart with all these mad sciences and scientists. Its not...

Re: Deadpool 2 Introducing CABLE

CelticShaman365mhz ·
LOL! I think all us lads did the fake tattoo stuff at some stage and i fooled quite a few of my friends with such. Glad you didn't get the leather pants lad, lol ! I have a friend who is selling their comic collection at present, some are well over 20yrs old, i don't think any are less than that. If anyone is interested let me know and i'll give you contact details. In the mean time stick to wearing denims, lol! Peace.

Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.

CosmicDancer ·
Time is an actual Person/Being/an Elemental, he is one of the very first males'/man. He and we have been beyond extremely compromised. Personally and circumstancially. He has many 3d bodies. Many were/are framented because of those evil situation/s. That one, he was in his very first 'look', blond and started out pre-Earth, cosmically as German bloodline. English/UK/British Isles**, Norway, Sweden.... Basically every bloodline, if you think of him as one of the very first male/Man. He...

Re: How DID a violent fantasist end up marrying a billionaire's daughter? James casbolt

CosmicDancer ·
James Casbolt/Michael Prince, I believe him to be part of one of the very first ancient pre-earth cosmic elemental nature male/ and/or man Soul Lineage and/or Line. With affects of severe compromise from evil incarnate (bapht'/baphomet), and now many others infected. Initially an extension from off his mind (as his beginning self/Time) as a "node" in outerspace, by default, evils' self-start. He, I believe is Time/Time Satan' (one of the Satan's). Max Spiers of the same Lineage, prob calling...

Re: I Was A Psychic Super Soldier

DianeLuke4:18Ministry ·
wow, cody, I am diane, I used to talk to you on nates chatroom remember? maybe he invite you on our other chat, or can send message here, what is your fb page? my fb page is diane lukemin, you could do priv messenger & talk to me. I help you cody,

Re: My DNA Results

Breezy ·
Wow Eevie, they really really give you a hard time, you go though so much! To tell you the true I think that many of us where made scientifically! Once i saw that my grandma was a Rhodes, I had to get the test for sure! All is starting to make since now! I wish she was still living so we can talk about this! So when i have these dragon and angelic manifestations, i can trace it back to somewhere concrete Nate I believe what Barbra Bush said about you and the clone solderers! We all seem to...

Re: My DNA Results

eevie ·
A most precious friend of mine who is also milab, we discovered thru the genetics i mentioned before...she and i carry much the same dna. Makes us sisters. We can call crowley grandpa. Makes me want to vomit. I think many,many have been created. I have 4 children and only 1 of them got my dna. ha How is that possible without interference. lol Seriously! I wish you could talk with your grandmother, too. same here for mine. They knew things, things that really matter. They held their secrets.

Re: My DNA Results

Breezy ·
Wow, its good to hear other speak on these issues! I can feel some of your pain as im reading this! Yea, that is some sick ass shit that these demons are doing to us, I hope on Christ myself, we need some hope! I say that out of love and nothing else Eevie, but back to the milabs! I'v never heard of this until recently. See this is exactly why i said i wish NaNa was here! I would ask her if she remembered me telling her that i believed myself (soul) to be traveling to different places at...