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Tagged With "monarch solutions corporation"


Cathy O'Brien (Conspiracy Theorist) Project Monarch

Nate YPX Grey ·
does anyone know anything about this woman? Cathleen Ann O'Brien (born December 4, 1957, Muskegon, Michigan ) [1] is an American who claims she is a victim of a mind control government project named Project Monarch , which she said was part of the CIA's Project MKULTRA for behavioral engineering of humans (mind control). [2] [3] [4] [5] [1] O'Brien made these assertions in Trance Formation of America (1995) and Access Denied: For Reasons of National Security (2004) which she co-authored with...

Re: Cathy O'Brien (Conspiracy Theorist) Project Monarch

whitelion342 ·
Nate YPX Grey , very interesting article on Cathy O Brien, I do know of her, as it was during my researching on MK ultra info , also found some very important stuff from a guy called Fritz Springmeier, excellent reading I also had a dream that she somehow was running for presidency , but I feel it had something to do with Hillary Clinton. Perhaps its timeline related

Re: Cathy O'Brien (Conspiracy Theorist) Project Monarch

Imaea ·
Hey Nate, well I know a woman ( not personally, although I have spoken to her online a few times) named Fiona Barnett. Fiona speaks out very loudly about elite pedophile rings in Australia and has been through MK Ultra and going through the court systems here to try and expose MK Ultra and elite pedophile rings in Australia. She is very switched on. She has a documentary called Candy Girl What is very unique about her is that she seems to have...

Re: Cathy O'Brien (Conspiracy Theorist) Project Monarch

whitelion342 ·
Isn't it so disturbing that these handlers have so much arrogance t even still continue with their crap ! Good on Fiona !, very little if any info around in South Africa, myself and a few friends trying to bring this country into an awareness, to see that the same type of this disgusting control still takes place but under an older magical structure of primitive values.

Re: Cathy O'Brien (Conspiracy Theorist) Project Monarch

Odinsynne ·
I astumbled on this today not sure if thier relavant also you might wanna look at this as well

Re: Cathy O'Brien (Conspiracy Theorist) Project Monarch

Imaea ·
Yes, very disturbing indeed WhiteLion! Here in Australia there is also hardly any information on MK Ultra as well. So yes, definitely good on Fiona! She is one of only a very few people speaking up about it in the public eye. She is more so in the public eye than anyone else from what I can tell so far. I would speak up about it if I could remember anything! Just on that note of not being able to really remember anything and only having dreams and a psychic friend reveal certain stuff. I've...

Re: Cathy O'Brien (Conspiracy Theorist) Project Monarch

Imaea ·
Hi again Nate... I forgot I wanted to ask you something. Are you the Nate that is mentioned in James Rink's book called Lone Wolf? I'm just curious Don't have to reply to that.

Re: Cathy O'Brien (Conspiracy Theorist) Project Monarch

Nate YPX Grey ·
as far as I know I am not in the book. I think the book was created before I did my interview with him.

Re: Cathy O'Brien (Conspiracy Theorist) Project Monarch

Imaea ·
Thanks for your reply

Re: Cathy O'Brien (Conspiracy Theorist) Project Monarch

mikhail224 ·
Steven. Hughes.

celebrity alter egos. mk ultra/monarch programming ?

Eclipse ·
hello. ever since i was in the community i heard of ultras having alters. a kind of disassociation. they also try to program alters to be triggered and the alters are even brain washed to the point of control. just what i seen. i cant remember my case but im looking out for my own alters. shattering the personality seems to be a general thing in mk ultra. in the case of celebrities alter personalities might be a major trade mark of mk monarch since i hear monarch subjects are used for...

Re: celebrity alter egos. mk ultra/monarch programming ?

Nate YPX Grey ·
thats interesting your probably right

Re: celebrity alter egos. mk ultra/monarch programming ?

Saoirse ·
To add a fitting video where @Stormm explains Reflections of an MK Ultra Survivor.

Re: celebrity alter egos. mk ultra/monarch programming ?

Eclipse ·
@Saoirse great video. I will add that i can tell mk ultra tried a bunch of stuff. Governments even gave soldiers drugs at times. Which one can look up on youtube. i think i heard stormm mention a project superman. It seems like i should look out for it in meditations. interesting thing is i was never a huge fan of superman, hulk , or iron man but i heard those project names in the community. I was even called superman once in a blue moon but hulk was the coolest out of all of them as a kid.

Re: celebrity alter egos. mk ultra/monarch programming ?

Stormm ·
Project Superman was a later version of the original MKULTRA scenarios at Bldg.400, where I was processed as such from the program's beginning years in the USA. I went renegade in Spring of 1978. By the 1980s, the labs at Bldg.400 started working on their Project Superman. In MOST of the 150+ projects under the MKULTRA umbrella, they cross-used "best practices" among themselves to try and refine what they were most focused upon getting. Rockefeller Eugenics Group contributed the most heavily...

Re: celebrity alter egos. mk ultra/monarch programming ?

Stormm ·
Foxing, or psyching an opponent is done in a myriad of ways: Make & Break Rhythm- Striking in a pattern and breaking it to foil an opponent that blocks moves well. (i.e.- Strike high, low, high, low, high, high: The opponent automatically tries to block the next anticipated strike low, that actually comes in for a totally unblocked head shot.) Hidden Hand Techniques- One hand, arm or any object is presented close to the opponent's face, while the hand, foot or weapon that you actually...

Re: celebrity alter egos. mk ultra/monarch programming ?

Eclipse ·
@Stormm thanks again. actually i might be the kind of person who went through programming they had in the early eighties. i have touched on how i was with family services and i suspect i was possibly with a program that processed children. such as ibis. something like building 400 might be a possibility but i have no memories of new york. yet my irish American grand father was born in new york and moved to ohio who has a known hospital system. im sure your familiar with how they track...

Re: celebrity alter egos. mk ultra/monarch programming ?

Nate YPX Grey ·
For some reason "they" (the deep state people that control people like us" dont let me self destruct. I beleive this is because they like to take my DNA and modify it to create more effective specimens with less defects. I was designed in the late 80s, I imagine genetic engineering has improved a lot since then. I have not experienced the bone hardening but I can relate to Ultras in that I have been hypnotized and abused.

Re: celebrity alter egos. mk ultra/monarch programming ?

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey im a soul thats pretty outside the box. so im surprised im not messed with more. i might be observed from afar or messed with in dreams. im not watched as far as self termination program either. thats pretty much it and im still here. just saying incase it means anything to you. the closest thing i have to gifted individuals is timeline and vibration shift. also i will switch timelines if i terminate myself. which means coming back to my situation. yet i dont call myself a...

Re: celebrity alter egos. mk ultra/monarch programming ?

Eclipse ·
@Stormm interesting. thanks. i think i saw some of your examples when i dabbled in martial arts. im guessing your point is be the unexpected. as for anything being a weapon... i heard a story which ends up being a guy defending himself with a shopping cart. it happened to be the closest thing he had. that story made a good point. i guess even a blade of grass can be a weapon in desperation. im still different in a open when i think about tactics. like im ok with fighting in the dark. also i...

monarch solutions whistle blower on super talk

Eclipse ·
many of us seem to have been affected by monarch solutions. this is interesting enough to post it. even with watching just half way through. take a look.

remembering abilities: possible time distortions and anomalies

Eclipse ·
hi. so i did say i will keep the forum posted on things like abilities. well i started keeping track of one and i will try to keep this post digestible. im starting to keep track of time distortions which might be a invite to train for cronokinesis if i can figure it out. a big factor is believing in your ability. whatever it is. it can happen because one time i was waking up and i believed that i could fly until i fully woke up. one thing about time is that you need to be aware of the...

known super soldier powers list in general.

Eclipse ·
this is more of a fun post. i have noticed abilities in the multidimensional super soldier community. so here is a list of powers and where they come from. 1. telepathy of course. this is more of a natural power. this has been used to sense what will be used against you in battle and even finding others when attempting to do a assassination. 2. telekinesis. self explanatory and it was a weapon that was always with you. this seems to be a more common power they bring out. however that does...

last of us music mix by suicide sheep.

Eclipse ·
a tribute to the last of us and the real people who its based on. people can always contact me if they remember a mk ultra / super soldier called chris bryant. no longer my name and the record was sealed. the link:

new faction dreams: dream about monarch solutions corp.

Eclipse ·
hello. so i have had at least one complete dream about monarch solutions. my confidence with monarch involvement is increasing. as i write this i would say monarch is the one i would blame if i had a case in this life. i am indeed a survivor of the foster care system after all. so what was the dream? well i dreamed a man had a donut like machine. it was to create things like black holes or similar. yes like cern but different. like they may be going into phase 2. the second part is this man...

Re: new faction dreams: dream about monarch solutions corp.

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer I always atleast sort of follow what you put. Thanks for sharing. 🙂 p.s. I see you mentioned the word pixies. I understand but I hear pixies may show up to protect if you mention corporations to much. like how someone was talking about groups and they had "something in their eye". It was someone else's opinion so I didn't even note who the story was about.

Re: new faction dreams: dream about monarch solutions corp.

CosmicDancer ·
What do You mean by Corporate , Organized H Crimes *f the same in Quantum D , Jez. , S sss , EHP Sra H Pain Anti : People & Peeps , Humanity MachinE ? If thats what You mean by that , they arent of Nature or Secular WorLd , Civilization , Cosmos 💖 🤍 🩷 I didnt realize this was Your blog section , oops. 🤍

Re: new faction dreams: dream about monarch solutions corp.

CosmicDancer ·
Hi Eclipse , that song from the Pixies , This Monkey is Going To Heaven ( from 1989 ) . I just posted , I beleive was a Disclosure in song tell format. Was telling about , " There is a Hole in the Sky " about Apocalyptic circumstances. Something about that song , when trying to listen to It in the first London hotel stay with My FamiLy ( 2016 ) . I actually ended up in Hospitalization Incarceration because trying to charge My phone to listen to It. " .... " In a foreign Country , England...

Re: new faction dreams: dream about monarch solutions corp.

CosmicDancer ·
Thanks , this spawned a whole other thing I have to do Beyond Belief extensive Reveal about , ketu , L , s , the d stemming off the Max Spiers Incident decades prior in amnesia not knowing about them ', on the latest post thread I did , Its Definitely A Duezz Y ! 💖

Re: new faction dreams: dream about monarch solutions corp.

Eclipse ·
Note related to the post: I had a minor bloody nose as an adult the night after the post. In that case I might have struck a cord within myself or with the corp it's about. 2. Also fireflies was a suggestion on my phone. Which reminded me of the zombie game the last of us. That kind of goes into murg or monarch umbrella refugee group. I can't explain how they are related. at the same time murg is on the acio-official website.

Re: new faction dreams: dream about monarch solutions corp.

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer it's OK. I appreciate the reply. I guess some corporations are on steroids. As in to much power. Complete with private troops. Also I guess some corporations and groups are multi dimensional. Monarch solutions corporation happens to be both.

Re: new faction dreams: dream about monarch solutions corp.

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer all comments are welcomed. My posts were just placed in this section to keep it organized for nate and the community.

Re: new faction dreams: dream about monarch solutions corp.

CosmicDancer ·
Your post here came as an email , Not knowing It was Your Blog Itz A' L' one group Affort in divied down factions , therfore - The Same. Anti , Antis , AnTied InKarmaed. Neutralized , Eradicated! The Basics of Life , To Be , Its Not a question. Word Is Poetics = Poetry : ) ALLLL Due Cares ( Action(s) speake' louder than Word ) Mental Bod' pre destined workjobbed' as mental cases [ The d , s , jz. Not of : FamiLy , Humanity , ALLLL FamiLy , Flesh , SouL , BLood, Breathe , WorLd , SecuLar ,...

the odd scratch on my forehead.

Eclipse ·
so its most likely nothing but i had a odd scratch on my forehead. its about a inch on my upper forehead. on the right side and it touches my hairline. its actually horizontal and i wear a hat to work. so i had to record this since its the oddist scratch i have had. i would post a pic but this is mostly for my records and im not sure if its fresh enough to see. well thats it. thank you for reading.

the car died less the a week from a tornado. I had spiritual protection. maybe powers to.

Eclipse ·
so recently like 4 tornados went through my state. one in the greater area that I reside. right before that I had car trouble and had the car towed. a few days later they had a tornado. the thing was I was going to work on the highway and a tornado just missed me when I was in a uber. as in just north. it also just missed my work and home. when I was waiting for the car to be fixed the alarm clock broke so I could not reset the alarm. there is a corporation called monarch of course which...