Tagged With "time and space"
Re: RIP Lee Backer
Eevie; I only remember one bio ship. It was lonely as the crew had died a long time ago. Way into Space, beyond our Solar system. We were only allowed on because we had no weapons and another more 'mature' off world species entered before us. They had these weird quadriped animals that could float in space. They felt sad. You entered by anit grav energy portal. That was intense. I was the only one who could interface, which activated the crew, boy did they freak out (snigger). Weirdly we...
Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY
Timelines have already been changed by the Uncreated creator using the 4 Royal stars. They are quasars and were used to change our timeline. This is what the Mayans call the Time of No Time. They calculated it would last 25 yrs. It started in 1987 before the Harmonic Convergence in August of that year. So 25 years would have ended in 2012. I got a vivid dream in January 2012 that many spaceships had time travelled (Operation Pegasus ability) back to 1987, (23 May I found out later) and they...
Re: humans with et alien origins
We ALL Stemmed from The same Beautiful Beginning And Space of Cosmic Natural Expression as Human perspective And Form ! As Nebuli too . In Gods Image .. He , An actual Being The Sun ~ The Son ... Created Us with Natural Form And Biological Engineering - with ALL Due Respect And Love to Creation ItSelf , Natural Procreation , Respectively ! He Created The Animal Kingdom too .. based on Natural Affinity Synergy , Disposition n of Archetype n totem too . The Cosmic Landscape, Everything ! Many...
Re: humans with et alien origins
This is Not Prison Planet Or TroLL Planet . This is Planet Earth - Gods n The Mothers Planet with The FatherHeaven - Providence of ALL Universe . Love Planet ! Love Element goes Hand n Hand with Respect Element . Love doesnt exist without Respect in Natural Law . Love Elements = Nature , Comfort , Beauty , FREEDOM , Creativity , Truth , Beautiful Life ... The Highest Apex of Love RuLes is PEACE ! Humans do Not have the capacity to make Lay Lines , which are Natural Guidelines . The Matrix is...
Re: humans with et alien origins
Hey jezo' YES Goodbye ForeverInfinity Forevermore In And With ALL Macrios ALL Micrios And In Microscopi ~ ALL Moments of Space And Spaces In ALL Creation ~ In My Name n ALL Gods Expression , In Jesus , ChristLords , Only Our AlllMightyFather , HoLy Spirits+* , And ALL Creations Names ! [ Even if they are Not their Perfect Divine Selfs anymore ] I know who are Blamed ! - No GMOED with Yous EVER in ALL Nows Back Off in Every which way And then some - NO GMO'ED Ever ! Organic is already...
Re: It's getting nasty!
I am a private citizen, I don't have many official "followers" at all. I play it like I'm a normal regular nobody person as a poster. And I'm really like that as a down to Earth type of person, from Los Angeles, not 'plastic'. But the content of my information is volatile, extreme truth to the best of my ability to relay. Of course this has to be documented, confirmed and validated! When barely anyone is engaged in my posts. I've been censored and edited too. I'm pretty careful about...
Re: It's getting nasty!
*****This keeps on being removed Posted 7/2/2017: Eevie, bogus set-ups are systemic 'fires' that deviates from the core 'fire'. Some are "chasing the I'd" (J7), spinning their wheels, playin 'mortal kombat'. It prompts a vicious cycle, being stuck in rut. We must be organized and systematic for Humanity's (ALL Creation with Natures' Existence and 'mindless' Creation), in the One Time Beginning). Freedom! Yes I agree, watch over each other. I imagine an individual lasso of each, connecting...
Re: EMF, EMR's, Mind Control Tech and "zapping"
Cool site! I would have to really be in a space to read all her stuff. She seems very intensive, esoteric and creative! Usually when I read the esoteric I really can't be distracted, as lm typically mercurial all over the place. I want to read her writings. The short amount that I did, seem very interesting spiritual* high knowledge. ~The Evolution of Belief Paradigms. Also there is special Military information too. ❤
Re: Important thread with my replies on Bases Project with Manda Kathleen's post (about 17 replies) today 5/31/17
I deleted my posts and comments to withdraw my energy from this place. Since I began posting here I have had three heart attack incidents and lots of other bullshit happening; and about one or three comments actually responding in a supportive way to my posts....without tryiing to link me in to Karistus winged ones (sorry Eevie; love YOU but you are so linked into them that I have to say, no, no further acccess to me; I don't do those winged fuckheads but wish you well through space and time...
Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.
Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.
Re: Regarding Corey Feldman
Hi CELTICSHAMAN365MHZ, thanks for the blog suggestion. I vaguely remember seeing this blog a few years back. II wasn't able to get to the entries though to see. As far as things happening the way they are, its totally unacceptable. People falling thru the cracks of an unfair set-up. It's really hit and miss, duck duck goose, hunger games and bad listing, now by 'A.I'. too ?? Synthetic Intelligence, Mind Control and it's falling apart with all these mad sciences and scientists. Its not...
Re: Regarding Corey Feldman
Last night, I just watched a video that Coey Feldman put out recently. I wanted to post it here. His own account of the his stabbing that recently occurred. He shows hospital paperwork on the short video, stating how to care for his injury. procedures and tests given. So he must of had some injury for the hospital to treat him. He said they measured his wound with a device. He said he gave a video to TMZ. I didn't see this on TMZ. He said it takes up to 6 months for AIDS to show up in a...
Re: How DID a violent fantasist end up marrying a billionaire's daughter? James casbolt
James Casbolt/Michael Prince, I believe him to be part of one of the very first ancient pre-earth cosmic elemental nature male/ and/or man Soul Lineage and/or Line. With affects of severe compromise from evil incarnate (bapht'/baphomet), and now many others infected. Initially an extension from off his mind (as his beginning self/Time) as a "node" in outerspace, by default, evils' self-start. He, I believe is Time/Time Satan' (one of the Satan's). Max Spiers of the same Lineage, prob calling...
Re: How DID a violent fantasist end up marrying a billionaire's daughter? James casbolt
......you know what, I just tried to re-edit my censors on the last above post. As I was ready to update the post with corrections, I tried to copy and paste, as usual and they killed switch the interface, gone! Never happen before like that. Usually it recovered somehow. So, I give up! I can't and will not keep up with that f*git sh*t! Im not chasing the f.g.! Every edit is a misleading total opposite of what I'm trying to relay. In this instance specifically the last paragraph above.I have...
Re: I Was A Psychic Super Soldier
wow, cody, I am diane, I used to talk to you on nates chatroom remember? maybe he invite you on our other chat, or can send message here, what is your fb page? my fb page is diane lukemin, you could do priv messenger & talk to me. I help you cody,
Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)
This is another article by frank zero should've just went to sleep like a good American This is the one that’s gonna make me tons of friends. I’m having a crisis trying to understand what we are even doing anymore...but I’m not here to bitch. I want you to tell me why I’m wrong and where we should go next. Get angry, come up with some awesome new plan, or way to organize what we’ve been trying to do. (Please don’t waste your time telling me I’m mean,or critical, or don’t know what I’m...
Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)
This is Something You Need to Know - by a man who may be seeking attention, hopefully help, and to be struck down by Odin for his transgressions against this field, individuals of all kinds, and seemingly most of all himself, and who still may for some reason hold the keys to some of the truths we have been seeking for decades: (edit and commentary by Frank Zero) (Frank Zero's comments in ( ) brackets I don't really have time to debate, but am always open to it. As a disclaimer I have been...
Re: Space Plane Lands
I always feel threatened looking at this frankenstein. In the 80s our piloted space planes reminded me of the ones on Buck Rogers. I remember the news was on at my parents, they showed one tiny clip of a space plane. It was the real deal and it never showed again. but, i knew space planes, US anyway, and was excited to see footage of it accidentally released. I will get back with you on the other post. lol
Re: Forewarning it's looking like its about to Collapse Right Now !
Hi You Guys , really crazy last night And I am prompted to put out there the Problem with Technology (ies) on my Body (ies) too . On Me , they had Guided , Program Engineers of Electrical Peeps ?\ Children Extremely Dangerous Technology with Nikola Tesla ,that was put on me a few Years ago, to be able to Puppeteer me . I saw this in MindsEye n Felt it in 3d. Aside from ALL the other Texh Techniques on Me . Now , they have Tech on me that's like a Binary (ies\ they started to do other pin...
Re: Are dreams ( or rather nightmares) trying to regain lost memories?
Yeah I kinda do that , what Eevie. does . I think of it in Word/Mind- Form N Formula now because I have to streamline as I'm stressed n under duress . So how I do it is like : Im thinking n feeling , ' This isnt what Living is about ! its obviously evil N I OBJECT N ReJect - Eject Evil rule/use it for Intel (even covert n overt e " ) . However try not sweat the small stuff N Resected out of MySelf (wanting And Stating my own reality perimeters/ para/Moment of Space(s) Continuum Momentum ~ At...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
I have dreams where i defy gravity, like I am in space or something. I have dreams where i am experimented on. I have dreams were i am falling through the sky and its really scary cause i am going to hit the ground or the water.
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
Update: hello everyone. Last night i had a odd dream i should record on here. In a dream i worked for george w. bush . if you dont know that was the secound bush president of my country. In the dream space i was a willing pilot if i had clearence to do so. when i told george bush i cant eat meat he got very angry like its a requitement to eat meat if this worker was supplied with it. He even asked why. While in dream time i was curious if he was a non earth entity in hiding. Its a curious...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
I gotta share this. Funniest milab incident. 20+ years ago I had an "accident" at work which resulted in a broken back. I should have been impaled but milab bones saved my life. Black magic was used against me to make me fall. I'm a carpenter by trade. The fall killed my teeth. Cracked all the roots. So I wound up with dentures and still hoping for implants. Fast forward to a few years ago. I came to one nite when I was being returned to my couch where I slept with my back to the wall. 2...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
@eevie do you know also know anything about the ssp programs the et races formed from given humans space travel and establishing colonies and bases off planet and i heard humans are being used for slave tradeing up there and et races useing human dna for various purposes.
Re: Failed Attempt of Abduction...
hmm... i hear e.t. needs to gain permission to enter your space. its via counsel laws. i can possibly look up my source. protecting your space is worth a shot. i have done space clearing before. im not sure how i would be able to talk if its a alien contact via lucid dream. i just remember the universal greeting. i guess it goes designation, species, rank, and location of origin. mine is eclipse/mysterio for designation ( i would use my english earth name) , human for species, i choose...
Re: Alien Races "The Council of Five"
Nate, That's tricky because there's information they do not want in the open. I gotta be vague to a degree because a lot is at stake here and the safety of everyone is at hand. This is why the Illuminati the ones that show off are really low end power players. Think of a group like SHIELD from Marvel but the technology is far more advanced and please know they are really out there. Think of The WATCHERS from Marvel combined with this concept also but more of them living on our Earth,...
Re: Codex of the Matrix from a Timeline Perspective
Great post. This comes close to my perception of "time". Every stream of consciuosness or time is basically one strong Intention. These Intentions gain what we percieve as linear time by interacting with each other through human beings which manifest these different ruling intentions, knowingly or unknowingly. In Gnosticism the ruling demiurge thrives on chaos and distruction so it makes sense that we start there. Then we finally begin to spiral out, but can get drawn back in anytime. I can...
Re: Codex of the Matrix from a Timeline Perspective
Timeline 6 is rules by black hole entities known as vampires. They learn from people who provide such services. There's not much to it other than that. Each timeline is a method of learning for the shaman who can navigate it. Each timeline has an energy to master. Once outside the matrix, it's about innovation. But timeline 6 is where you start to learn to turn the archon system and 12 aeon prison on it's head and make it work for you. It's usually up to you to find a service provider as...
Re: Codex of the Matrix from a Timeline Perspective
How do you integrade physical and non physical realities in this model?
Re: Melanin and Sacred Stones
Hey Erol, its good to hear from you man! Yea melanin is also a conductor, semiconductor and superconductor of electromagnetic light, frequencies, heat, ect. i use this info with my foot fetish practices of course. I think its a way that i can use my highly melanated body to benefit the lighter skin goddess types that i encounter, even though we all have melanin. I am doing my own version of the original Lotus Feet ritual, mixing the divine feminine and masculine with melanin and crystals. If...
Re: Bored So Here's Free Knowledge
No, I left the he and I left the matrix in October of 2015. I personally made it to where nobody can leave again until we assess the situation as well as we can. When we left I was dealing with major MIB activity and things like that. Then when I got out I found out removing the doors to the matrix was the best course of action. There are things out here that try to throw you back in. Needles to say I figured out a way to destroy them as they have little to no defense for...
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
Black Widow, wow, 'they' or you, referred to it as "cyntex'(??). I know it's personal, but who is your Most High God? You can privately message me if you want. I don't know about you All, but didn't it feel like a massive 'bomb' blew up in this time/space continuum, about two days ago? It feels like there was a major 'battle' and somehow, it was cleaned up or cleared (??). It feels 'whitewashed'?? Is it just me feeling this? This is the second morning, it feeling, 'whitewashed'. Please let...
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
Pindar does horcrux type stuff. hes in many people at one time. theres a white dragon, a black dragon, and a red dragon as far as the ancient black draco arts go. its taking a piece of someones soul after binding urself to them. so when u die u can still live on vicariously thru them. Im a born again Christian now and what they do with this is speak deliverance prayers against this practice and breaking generational curses hanging on ur and ur bloodline and stron gholds. the satanic...
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
......What I heard, is that Lucifer (Cosmos/Cosmo....Etc) who was also "partly" Yahweh, with the god Time. Lucifer/Yahweh was also Zeus, with Hera (baphomet). They were using the Mother's beauty (her Soul Body). To make baphomet look like a woman. The Mother was "Venus" at the time, and they also used Her in Aphrodite/baphomets mental body). It's confusing how they have so many bodies at once and still seem to be the same mentality/person. Not all programs. I was told it's because of time...
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
Cosmicdancer....it's complicated....i go where i'm needed...i have no regular routine or places of going unless it's to a Karistus DUMB. interdimensional war is raging.....the battles exhausting.....not like fighting in 3d. Karistus taught me what it's all about and how to defeat the enemies there. I was getting my ass handed to me every nite before that. lol The war is also here in 3d....up over our heads....in space....i've seen ships fall to earth...one was american..fell in 3 huge...
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
Eevie, bogus set-ups are systemic 'fires' that deviates from the core 'fire'. Some are "chasing the I'd" (J7), spinning their wheels, playin 'mortal kombat'. It prompts a vicious cycle, being stuck in rut. We must be organized and systematic for Humanity's (ALL Creation with Natures' Existence and 'mindless' Creation), in the One Time Beginning). Freedom! Yes I agree, watch over each other. I imagine an individual lasso of each, connecting themselves together in one whole unit for a mission.
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
coming back beat to hell every morning....falliing out in teh day...narcoleptic oobs have increased. We are in constant battle....trying to hold space for others while they awaken to truth. And, in battle for the best timelines possible. You cannot gain freedom with love....it requires war/battle/sacrifice. Anyone who denies us/warriors is a fool. Anyone who thinks they are above us is a fool...there is rarely greater sacrifice than fighting for hte freedom of humanity. I got enough of hte...
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
Yes, the Mother's body being used by lucifer, baphomet and others consciously. Supposedly, stuck in all women bodies (and other prisons of hell) because of evil design. Not necessary, and not from natural procreation. Not God, the Original Creators' way. Not promoting self actualization and cultivation of a soul, with the respect, freedom, time and space to be a Self art. It actually stole the divinity of all She was put in. The ones that wanted it, I call f*g bags. Promoting evil agenda by...
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
Eevie, I don't think that Earth matter is totally human giant bones. In the Bible it says that Adam was made out of Earth/clay, not Adam was and started out as Earth/clay. Mars/Adam was born a cosmic universal being, magical intangible to like a 'space dust' Logo, that took form. The fore 'Father's' (Cosmo/lucifer/Krishna...etc.) element is/was Metal for protecting. His element in the very One Time Beginning, was tangible magical cosmic floating pre metal, like space dust, like a Bronze hue.
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
Very aware of all elements, values and factors, instantaneously in all situations and moment(s) of space(s), as a hypersensitive (Empathe/Empathy), in hyperdrive, to the very best of my ability. Based on consistency of trend of each variable of each exchange regarding: a person, place or thing, as a continuum. I know there is also a compromise factor(s) (evil), which should not be there in the equation in the first place! ***Reedited from my yesterday's post, after another decided to edit my...
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
Try to maintain normalcy but not apathy. Especially, to ones in very bad situations. Dont turn the other way, try to help in the safest way. Unity, Community, Communications. Beware of traps! Hold on to your natural self. Wait for Divine Intervention. Not a phoney with a Godly, Cosmic or Human beings, etc..... look. Them holding them up (involuntarily) for an 'intelligent' look to trick you. A lot of them glowing, in an unsual way too. ****Most of them in a girl or woman look. Don't be a...
Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.
the heart is the biggest stargate. and emotions carry us quicker into realms than any other bioelectric change in our being. mastering our emotional body is a huge step in our eveolutionary path. On Saturday, November 15, 2014 10:01 PM, Super Soldier Forum < alerts@ubbforum.com > wrote: Reply By eevie: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program...== To reply by email, write above this line. == Hello, black widow files: We're sending you this notification because you are either...
Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.
It seems to me someone that is an admitted "Mind Control" subject of the "Government" and "Targeted Individual" would be most placed to suddenly "Channel ET's/ET Technology (AI)" and spread Disinformation... To say they never stated they telepathically (Channelled) "ET Technology" or "AI" in their own blogs is just disingenuous (The information is all over Avalon, Pasted prior to being "Edited" on their Blog, Its all over both those locations). It doesn't matter how long one has been "Doing...
Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.
I haven't logged in for a while. I thought I would give some new information and updates while I dropped in. New web site: http://SphereBeingAlliance.com I have been going pretty fast and furious and getting little sleep, please pardon typo's as I am not going to be heavily editing this post. http://spherebeingalliance.com...ance-conference.html Hello, I have been going pretty fast and furious and getting little sleep, please pardon typo's as I am not going to be heavily editing this post. I...
Re: James Casbolt MI6 - Buried Alive
How can anything be totally authentic or truly real if there is so much extreme duality in the mix. Basically, evil is a lie, put that in the formula, the equation = some evil 'gmo' lie in there. Unacceptable. Genuine is where it's at, as a elemental value(s), in the formula, that = Truth (Love), that is the Whole Truth. Not a half truth used as a device for evil manipulation. Absolution (Respect~Love) can't be waivered by time. Otherwise if those two absolute values are not the truth, we...
Targeted individuals and how it works.
Today i will make a short story long. Though we all are followed for different reasons we are all followed by similar people. This is because of the worlds lack of understanding of just how connected everything truly is. Its a small world afterall. And afterall. But see. I have never seen the world quite like you i would assume. By age 6 i was a warrior of terra. By age 8 i was an illuminated priest. And at age 17 i was taken by the therian brotherhood as an illuminati tracker. Trained...
The 1987 war
1987 War There was a partial solar eclipse at the end of the Shemitah year of 2015, on 13 September. The last time this happened was in 1987. And before that; 1931. Really bad things happen in these years globally. 30 days after the eclipse on 23 September1987, Black Monday occurred. And in October 1987 the infamous Hurricane struck Great Britain . But the worse event was on the 23 May 1987 when the spaceships appeared and released the weapon that turned all that heard it, to dust. I had the...
Codex of the Matrix from a Timeline Perspective
Timeline - A specific vibration that attunes to specific ideas within a universe, and the resulting effects on the world around it. Can have multiple timelines within a universe, and can have timelines in different universes. Negative Timeline - A timeline where the general consensus is that the principles cause oppression, destruction, stress, and/or unbearable/unlivable environments as a whole from the perspective of the one walking with in it. Usually deep in the matrix meaning you are...