Originally Posted by GoodETxSG:
Originally Posted by bluemetal:
Originally Posted by eevie:
damn that ominiverse peep is a royal pain in the ass and has no care for learning anything. Just wants to argue and show what he, she does not know.
Reminds me of a lot of atheists who are hung up on their mental intellect. ha Left brained dumbasses. 
If you are referring to the guy who uses the forum handle Omniverse and has his own blog about ET and black ops manipulation and technology, I have to chime in here. He is a good soul. He is sincere and makes good music. Music uses your right brain, tunes you into deeper parts of your soul. So you are incorrect to use associative terms like "Left brained dumbasses."
I happened to have caught this "Omniverse" in several lies... They would say "I channel ET Technology and AI's on their Blog, I would quote it and they would call me a liar and say they do not do that... They argued and called me names and stalked me on the Forum and on Skype and Email... It was Beyond crazy... I They followed me through thread to thread trying to bait me into debates. When I copied and pasted their own words from their blog onto the Forum they got very pissed and then went and edited their Blog and then came back and attacked me. The Moderators had to tell them to back off or be banned... When I left Avalon he celebrated in open Forum like he had won the Olympics... then sent me emails saying AI's will always win over Human Intellect... "Say What???" Yea, very class act and Right Brain thinker...
I see CG is slandering me on multiple sites... Can't help but respond here...
1. You never quoted anything from my blog about me channeling my information. On my blog just like my response to you I said that I had channeled my own memories in the past, and channeled music as well so I was familiar with that technology. You took that a step further as per your own desires and said I channeled my information... If you actually paid attention you would realize I am quite critical of channeling information... The relevant thread to these accusations by CG is here: http://projectavalon.net/forum...-Transhumanism/page3
2. I never stalked you. I posted in two(2) of your threads. The fact of the matter is you were posting in nearly every ET related thread I created detracting thoughts. So if anyone was stalking someone via posting here it was you.
I had GoodETxSG on skype for some time before we had a falling out. However I never stalked him, and pretty sure I only sent him one message ever saying something like "Hi". I ended up removing him after he was disrespectful. His perception is quite deluded.
3. He never caught me in any lies, that is a lie itself. I kept asking him to quote me when he would accuse me of things. He never did. The thread is here related to that for your own witnessing: http://projectavalon.net/forum...-Transhumanism/page3
4. I sent him no emails. Either someone was impersonating me to him, or he is making it up. I however did receive this email which I believe came from GoodETxSG:
Reason I think it was GoodETxSG is nobody else on the entire internet(that i have seen)) has tried to say ET AI is ONLY bad. Notice how the whiskey tango bullshit spells out "KILLyourself". Either it was GoodETxSG or someone close to him.
I They followed me through thread to thread trying to bait me into debates.
I posted in 2 of your threads a very limited number of times. It wasn't to bait anyone into debates, but to voice my skepticism of your tall tales. Which you obviously had a triggered reaction to, and your perception of such is severely disorted.
When I copied and pasted their own words from their blog onto the Forum they got very pissed and then went and edited their Blog and then came back and attacked me.
You copy pasted an article from my blog stating I channeled my own memories, which was what I was saying all along. Not channeled my information which is what you were saying. And if you look at the technological channeling article I made no such edit. Clearly you are making that up. I am beginning to see the signs of a pathological liar here............
The Moderators had to tell them to back off or be banned...
Also untrue. I was never threatened to be banned. I was asked to leave your thread because they wanted more MILABS to come forward, and if anyone was questioning the validity of your information it may impede that process.
When I left Avalon he celebrated in open Forum like he had won the Olympics...
Your perception is quite faulty there CG. I posted i had doubts of your information, and will be happy to see avalon back to what it was before you blew up there. Hardly celebrating...
then sent me emails saying AI's will always win over Human Intellect... "Say What???" Yea, very class act and Right Brain thinker...
I sent you no emails whatsoever. Either you are making that up, or someone impersonated me.
The reason why CG hates me so much is because I was one of the only on Avalon to question his tall tales. For example CG posted with authority on ET subjects, yet got most of his information allegedly from ETs who would meet with the US government in bunkers. My point was no benevolent ETs would be found in bunkers with the US government and CG's ET information is faulty. I think that pissed him off. As you will see(unless he reacts to this post), anyone questioning his information becomes an enemy to him.
I estimate CG is a mind control asset being used to slander people in the alternative community and spread ET related disinformation.
He claims I am "infected" with 'sentient sovereign world destroying alien AI'. He clearly has no clue about mind control or Extraterrestrial AI. This much was clear to me.
As for me being left***** brained, think again. I make music, digital art, and write many creative ideas. My brain is balanced... I use firm logic, and am very creative. I found music production helped balance my brain a lot, and I have been doing it since 2006.